National Capitalism General

Sorry I didn't respond to the first one. I had to leave for work. I'm free for questions now. I'll also address some arguments from earlier.
National Capitalism:
>Free Market
>Government exists to secure borders and ensure voluntary contracts are upheld.
>Commies, shitskins, jews, and muslims get helicoptered.
>Main religion will be Christianity.
>Immigration is only allowed from Aryans and intelligent whites.
>Nationalism is always put above globalism.
>Citizens have freedom to bear arms.
>Government power is restrained by constitution (eg: government is divided into sub-governments by county, government does not regulate because if enough people want a company to stop doing something they can boycott it and it either changes or just dies, government must protect rights that exist and not limit them)
>All commie countries get recreationally nuked and replaced with Christian Aryan Gigamalls.

Debunking common arguments:
>Christianity is a kike religion
Revelation 3:9 “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."
Kikes openly and vocally hate Christianity, campaigning to replace it with degeneracy.
Today’s kikes are Khazars not Hebrews which Christ descended from. This is common Sup Forums knowledge.

>Capitalism is a kike system
Capitalism was created by Christians and America lived in freedom and prosperity during the Capitalist era. The twisted perversion which is Corporatism that you know today is only a kike perversion of capitalism.

>You can’t put ethnonationalism before Capitalism
Explain America’s Capitalist era, where only whites were allowed to come and stay.

>You can’t have Capitalism without open borders
This is just silly. Capitalism can exist in any contained environment. It might not be as prosperous as globalist Capitalism, but maintaining Nationalism is well worth the trade off.

first for ancom


This is my ideology exactly.

God bless you NatCap poster.

Keep redpilling nu-pol.

Helicopter time

>Explain America’s Capitalist era, where only whites were allowed to come and stay.
Explain how it's

Thanks friend. One day all the normies will see the light. Until then we have to keep showing it to them.

I could get behind NatCap, but it's just another form of "not real capitalism," albeit better than the "not real capitalism" we have now.

We have had jewish corporatism for 6 decades minimum. That's how.

Don't worry. Once we reacreationally nuke all the commies we can make the whole world a natcap Aryan utopia and have full capitalism with no shitskins or jews.

This is acceptable but true corporatism with a degree of dirigisme is superior from a nationalist perspective in almost all cases. The only exception is probably America since it's already highly developed and the economy is already integrated with the state in most relevant sectors.

Keep up the circlejerk of leddit tier fantasies, it ain't gunna happen

>Nationalistic Capitalism
>free market

One day we will have Natcaperica.

>leddit tier
Since when did they support ethnonationalism?

That's the cringiest flag I've ever seen.

It's free within the nation. I was hoping that seemed implied in the name.

And behold the latest jewish attempt to get natsocs to become libertarians through more forced memes and utopian materialist ideologies.

Get behind me, Satan!

Again, acceptable. I would note only that corporatism and dirigisme served France, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore very well. With more economic nationalism and no commies they'd all be doing pretty well. Singapore is a global finance centre so it counts less but it was more internally nationalist to make up for it.

I'm sure natcap would be a good idea for Amerifriends though so have a bump

that's not what free market means ya dingus

What part of jews are banned seemed too hard to grasp?

It's what free market meant for 3 centuries though. Capitalist America had tariffs. Capitalist Britain had tariffs. etc.

You're shilling ancap in the shadow of "ethnonationalism". I can tell you're not an actual ethnonationalist and just conducting a psyop to try and make natsocs libertarian because of shit like
>Main religion will be Christianity.

>we will ban jews eventually! but first you must embrace the free market goyim!

But...capitalism is incompatible with unethical behavior. I don't know how you can call yourself a capitalist AND call for a state that does anything other than STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THE MARKET.

Jews and commies exist. As a capitalist, I compete them into obscurity and powerlessness, or I'm just another thug.

Oh god, fuck off with the forced memes, will you?

Do you have to make the entire flag look like a bumblebee? Can't the red and white stripes stay and you just make the former star field a gold cross over a black field, encircled by gold or white stars?

I'm trying to make the natsocs drop (((socialism))). In fact they can still practice it under this jewless natcaptopia here if they really want it due to the nature of free market. Also I am an ethnonationalist. I wouldn't be showing people this system otherwise.

Wrong, jews get helicoptered immediately.

ancaps will be gassed along with the kikes and commies

Sorry to burst your bubble friend but constitutions will not prevent the inevitable. You're better off with a neocameralist city state private security blockchain aristocracy.

t. Hoppebro.

How is this compared to Capitalist Fascism, Libertarian Fascism, and National Libertarianism?

We need to unite. This system gives us Hitler's vision without the jewish socialism.

Don't forget to have protectionism, except among close allies.

You niggers on the fence need to stop with this libertarianism Fascism nonsense. THERE IS NO SUCH THING.

Read Hoppe or fuck off with this child's play. Make up your mind.


>National capitalism
>free trade
what n a oxymoron

It's very similar to them. Natcap has ethnonationalism, secure borders, and as much economic freedom as possible within borders.

Good idea

Free trade within borders. In the nationalism context free trade =/= globalism.

maximum cringe

The only cringe is you faggots trying to have your cake and eat it too.

Hail to the buck


Gold and silver have the RGB color values of gold and silver, the green and ice blue come from real diamond and emerald

Repost from last thread.

Cuck religion instead of manly esoteric hitlerism or neo-paganism.

What kind of "Christianity?" The Catholicism that fagged out after Vatican II and got filled with kid-raping homos or the Southern Baptists who "condemn racism" or the moronic Mormons who don't allow caffeine? If you had the spirit of medieval Catholicism alive, then MAYBE it'd work. Otherwise, this is failure to launch bullshit that will always undermine the nation.

Make part of the plan appointing an Anti-Pope in St. Louis and we'll talk.

Sounds to me like rebranded Capitalist Fascism, which is perfectly fine because muh ebul fascism.

dumb as shit, i/m posting this on gd for laughs

also youve got 1488 deep in your logo

Still an oxymoron since the last thread, that ain't changing.

I was personally thinking Orthodoxy.

Please provide more than mere assertion.

copy pasted from the last thread

>Either the pursuit of capital is the primary/sole drive of individuals within the socio-economic system (capitalism) or it isn't (not capitalism).

The pursuit of profit as the prime motivation isn't compatible with closed borders or "Nationalism is always put above globalism.".

Thus: oxymoron.

user, one issue:

>Government power is restrained by constitution (eg: government is divided into sub-governments by county, government does not regulate because if enough people want a company to stop doing something they can boycott it and it either changes or just dies, government must protect rights that exist and not limit them)

How does this prevent a Comcast situation, where there's only one choice?

Monetary gains is but one aspect of profit. Well-being is subjective and someone might prefer a greater distance from certain people, even if it meant lower overall living standards, than a closer distance. The real oxymoron is these folks trying to use a collectivist, democratic and notoriously anti-capitalist ideology to supposedly bring about free markets and peace.

The solution is simple. Helicopter globalist degenerates. If that doesn't fit your very specific and convenient definition of capitalism then that's not my problem.

Okay, you actually bring up a good point. Do you think the government should break up monopolies? I would be okay with that.

Orthodoxy -- the religion which was plagued by repeated infighting and which still suffers from all of the underlying weaknesses of Christianity (the various cucked moral philosophies which can be twisted to teach 'help these poor, brown/black people who want to destroy your civilization and kill/rape your people'). The only benefits of Orthodox, over the others, is that the power of the church is also concentrated in the head of state. Oh, and the Orthodox repeatedly got their shit kicked in by Muslims.

A benefit which exists in many other religions.

1965 immigration act.

I don't see any shitskins, just helicopters headed for the ocean.

>Yeah, free market profiteers, everyone! Only if you actually use the free market: you'll be thrown out of the helicopter.

So we're moving from blatant oxymorons to massive logical fallacies and contradictions?

>If that doesn't fit your very specific and convenient definition of capitalism then that's not my problem.

Straight from the oxford dictionary:
>An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit

My "particular definition" is the actual definition.

Either you act economically for profit as the prime motivator (capitalism) or you are a nationalist. The two are mutually exclusive.

You're one of those obsessive labelists aren't you?
If I don't fit the Oxford definition of Capitalism so be it. I put nation before economy and ensure as much economic freedom as possible within those boundaries. It's not complicated.

I like it user, keep pushing this meme. Socialists are faggots. NatCap is the future.

Ideally, if a company somehow reaches 75% or higher market saturation, it should be broken up. Regulations should be in place to prevent collusion/price-fixing. With banking, Glass-Steagall should be in place at minimum. No letting bankers skate off after fucking things up and what have you.

>I put nation before economy

So you believe in a regulated market economy within a single state (which is determined by ethnic background) and degenerates and bottom feeders are physically removed from society?

Well how about that, so do I. And I'm a National Socialist.

>You're one of those obsessive labelists aren't you?

If by "obsessive labelist" I believe that each word has a definition that has to be followed strictly or everything everyone says becomes obscenely vague?

Then yes.

I agree with national socialists on a lot of things. I however disagree with welfare and centralized healthcare for economic reasons, especially if the nation is large and even more so if we plan to colonize, exterminate, and expand.

We need to develop a meme style. I'm thinking maybe replace the brand name in iconic commercials with National Capitalism or something funny like that, that'll stick.