What's the most liberal view you have?

I am anti-immigration but all for LGBT rights.

I don't believe in the death penalty. The State should not have the right to kill a citizen. Niggers can't be citizens.

>inb4 even the most heinous granny hatchet murder?

I don't know if all abortions are wrong. Also weed is pretty good shit desu.

Abortions should be legal and even ecouraged for poor people and minorities.

Also bonus: I have hung around so much white trash i dont think there is a major difference between negros. Not large enough to think the "race" needs to be preserved.

>What's the most liberal view you have?
free markets

Can't find a liberal issue I agree with, sorry.

Health care is a human right

I am a social conservative but a financial liberal. For example, I think trannies in public should get burned alive.

they should seize the weapons from the delinquents to the white man

Sometimes, i question creationism and wonder if evolution is real

Men should have equal abortion rights.

>I want people to pay for my shit while I judge them.

My liberal views are all due to apathy

I dont care if you smoke weed
I dont care if you suck cock
I dont care if you want to abort your baby

UBI is necessary for society to progress, as well as universal healthcare. weed is fine if they tone down the crazy lab shit theyre making, and abortion is fine but should never be encouraged above raising a child, and the government should provide some kind of money to married couples that have children after marriage. this would encourage people to get married.

everything else though is relatively conservative, especially my views on LGBT, immigration and stricter laws on stuff like divorce. it should be much harder to break up a marriage than it is.

As in men have to consent to their child getting aborted?

gay rights and legal weed
i hate trannies and drag queens tho desu

lol. that was severe.

>who gives a shit if gays marry, just don't let them do it in church and don't let them adopt kids

>abortions are fine in some cases

I don't give a shit about LGBT, except for the T when they push it on kids. If they're adults, let them do what they want as long as they don't harm anyone else.

I believe single-payer healthcare is not a bad option for America. Also, I don't care if someone is gay, as long as they're not a flamer.

that can go under natsoc

I support free healthcare but I also want state mandated fitness standards

The Civil Rights Act should be amended to include sexual orientation like Donald Trump suggested in a 2000 interview with Advocate magazine.

In Congress, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.


We should decriminalized, but not completely legalize drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, etc.

It's a waste of jail cells. Save them for the addicts that develop violent tendencies and jail them based on those alone. The rest imprison themselves, at no cost to the state. They rot in their holes and leech off eachother, slowly dying in their own filth. Good for them. They don't deserve a free meal and a warm cell.

But also institute strict drug testing for everything from schooling to welfare, and 100% of employment. There's nothing more disgusting than stoners and crackheads working alongside you and being shit at the most basic jobs because they only get tested if they fuck something up bad enough (so better smoke one blunt instead of two, just to be safe!). I heard liberals actually love ideas that restrict personal freedom so I'm sure they'd get on board with this plan if you spun it as mostly affecting "white" drugs like meth.

I was born to two very poor people, one of them exactly 50% native american and the other pretty asiatic looking for a white guy.

Taller than both my parents at 6'1", IQ 122, it was in the 130s when I was a kid. I'm not great looking and went nearly completely bald before I turned 18 (now look like the generic sorta-white american, ala skinny vin diesel), but I'm a strong swimmer for a lanklet and have been a naturally good marksman with everything from a rifle to a longbow since I was old enough to hold an adult-sized weapon.

They were christians and would have said no to your plan, but that was in more religious times. Point is, poor people and minorities have some decent genes.

I believe in global warming

Probably single payer healthcare. It would most likely suck tremendously but now people can shut the fuck up about this issue. Won't really affect me since I go to a private doctor and actually take care of my health.

In the US, abortion should definitely be legal.

I don't think minorities with an IQ equal to or greater than 110 should be deported or killed.

So what if someone uses weed on weekends? They will still test positive. You want them fired?

I can dig it

I'm for single payer healthcare. I'm a nurse and it's really a tragedy the compromises some make trying to navigate our crap healthcare. Sensible prognosticators put universal healthcare in America about 20 to 30 years away; will be interesting to see how much further the system will deteriorate before that inevitability come to fruition

I support labor unions and am pro-green energy

A fucking leaf

I believe that all forms of state coercion are immoral.


Saw this from Ollie North of all people. Kept me up all night when I heard it. But yeah, a state is an organization of ppl. Stands to reason that this system should be unable to kill a citizen thereof.

>Hey! Look at that inner city hellhole. Man, I guess we could have cops, but that would require state involvement so I guess we'll let this one play out eh brother? Ancap society is setting us free man.

Im not saying our system works but a society should look after its peoples health i think
Im consistently conservitve on everything else though

You're asking for defacto caste system with bad whites at the bottom of the heap

I'd be ok with legalizing weed just because the cost and impact of policing it outweighs the benefits of keeping it illegal IMO. Just about everything else I'm far right on.

I believe that character is more important than skin color.

Yes. Weed makes you uselss as a human being for 4+ hours and has long term cognitive effects that anyone with an internet connection can research. Save yourself now before you're a stinking pile of lost potential and wasted days, please.

It has no place in our society and people who use it should be spared jail and police brutality, but denied any semblance of a good life so long as they have it in their blood, or even their hair if they have been a user in the past.

>take their weed
>issue them a fine
>and then take their job and deny them food stamps
>"come back in a month and we'll take a hair sample. that will prove whether or not you are dedicated to being a better participant in society."

stealth based

I can see that, I just don't want it to be a "right."

If we are willing to and have the ability to help people out, that's great, but people shouldn't feel like they are entitled to other people's generosity.

>the state should not be controlled by corporations
i know this a leftist strawman of us

i'm ok with abortion unde certain circumstances

yeah but thats like too practical to ever happen

Yes. That and the biological father being able signing away all rights of being the guardian; much in the way a woman can currently abort disregarding the father's wishes.

Rolling with the former, for a woman to abort, she must require the consent of the biological father.

A) The unborn child is the product of rape and can be proven by police/court records.
B) The unborn child is threatening the life of the mother, thus jeopardizing the development of the unborn child.
C) The biological father has since passed away between conception and the second trimester.

There are a few non-whites I know who are alright guys and there are whites I know who are just awful.

lethal injection is acceptable if electric chair , hanging or firing squad are unavailable.

I'd agree but too many people abuse free healthcare.
Just look at morbidly obese landwhales. 3 surgeries a year funded by taxpayer money, for what? So they could still die earlier than a normal person would?

The State should provide for the most basic needs, like food and housing for those who can't have it.

>A) The unborn child is the product of rape and can be proven by police/court records.
this would be good if women weren't prone to lying frivolously

Yeah thats pretty much what i meant, shouldnt have said "right"

Net Neutrality

As long as you don't consider niggers human I agree

Unfortunately fat people also ruin the backs of healthcare workers. But who are we kidding most healthcare workers are fat themselves

I don't think all jews are nepotistic.
There are jews pushing for immigration to deteriorate white culture but most of them are just smart people forced into blue-pilled ideals due to being persecuted all throughout history.
Hating the jews for being the top .01% is not much better than SJW hating white people logic.

I don't mind immigration if the people actually contribute to society.

Net neutrality is needed

Abortion should be legalized because it kills off the niggers, genetic fuckups, and future liberals.

All drugs should be legalized, including drugs like krokodil.

Fat people ruin a lot of things and they don't even realize it.
I legitimately think a sugar tax would be the most beneficial thing for my country.

Welcome to radical centrism, enjoy your stay

I am a liberal that hates islam

I agree, but every system is gonna have its parasites. I dont think a small percent of people abusing a system outweighs the majority of people that dont abuse it.

Sauce of this?

is krokodil even real or is it another jenkum internet bogeyman

see: "regression to the mean". This will change your mind entirely. Look--I want to be friends with based black guys in Trump hats too, but their children, user. Their children will be dindus, according to science. Better--these dank niggers need to be the elite of a black society. Gone should be the days of Soros and his ilk co-opting all races to be globalist cucks for the kikes. Smart blacks/browns/whatever need to be the stewards of their own nations. Stop poaching the 3rd world!

come visit the midwest sometime and tell me if your mind changes about that

I'm mostly liberal but I find myself agreeing with a lot of alt-right philosophy.

Should I take the redpill?

I'm in favor of socialized healthcare, environmental protections, generous child grants to increase our birthrates and abortions limited to the first trimester.

Its real, i watched a documentary about it before. I think its synthesized from codein iirc


It is very real.
Incredibly cheap alternative for heroin. Junkies loved it. Until they died, that is.

wouldn't call evolution a "liberal" view

ah codeine, the lamest of all the opiate painkillers

End the drug war.

30s Germans had a loan of...I dunno let's say $80,000 upon the birth of 1st child. With each subsequent child, you had to be $20k less. So, a white woman having 4 children got 80k and didn't have to pay it back.

Want some head?

Abortion but it depends on the race.

LGBT is okay as long as it doesn't go full degenerate; but they are required to donate their sperm so their genes don't dissapear.
Abortion is enforced for poor people and shitskins.
muh weed for MEDICINAL needs

I have no problem whatsoever with civilized niggers, if they'd contribute to society, keep to their own neighborhoods, didn't race-mix, and weren't given special treatment for their phenotype, I'd be completely fine with a Civic Nationalist state. The only problem is that that's too much to ask for in this day and age.

Do you mean fat people? Cause im definitely against that. I think there should be a fat tax.
In canada for example, a pack of cigarettes cost about 13$. The value of the cigarettes is probably 4-5 dollars, but the rest is tax money, so if smokers get cancer they paid the extra taxes to cover their (self induced) cancer

>so their genes don't dissapear
wtf? nature already made them faggots so that their genes don't get spread

meant to


Enjoy the ruination of any system you dare to set up. Africans make Africas. Yes, even the "smart ones." The smartasses need to rule their own countries.

I support public healthcare on a state level (but oppose it on a federal one)

>muh faggot-ism is a genetical trait

Ronaldo wants to have a word with you. Hagar too and also artificial eggs. Maybe xq28 gene. Maybe everybody used to be bi or still is

I'm pro-abortion because it kills niggers

Codeine, paint thinner, red phosphorus from matches, iodine, gasoline and hydrochloric acid, no wonder it rots your limbs off

I'm against all abortion, including for blacks, but if you aren't adopted by age 7 then the military should take you and raise you to be a soldier.

we stormtroopers now

america should have open borders

I support basic rights for everyone, but there needs to be more profiling:

>More of (((them))) need their CEO daddies to be audited

>More chinks and Eugines need to be tested for autism so they don't go full nerf or nothin

>Dindus need to be pulled over more, more consequences based off of racial trends (murder rate with blacks, white trash shit etc.)

You'll have to choose between Nazism and Communism eventually

I believe that there are some scenarios in which the govt should provide healthcare to those who can't afford it.

Or he could go full 1776

I could get behind that. Hell declare most single mothers unfit, and strip them of their kids. After all it is for the "greater good".

My only liberal positions are supporting abortion and opposing the death penalty.