What's your opinion on this man?

What's your opinion on this man?

He's Mike Pence.

But what's his full name?

He supports Israel

I am skeptical as he seems pretty neocon like and typical Glenn beck cuckservative. However he is pretty funny and spawns good humour

Serial child rapist/murderer

In my opinion he's the Vice President of the United States of America



wants to electrify gays. what's not to like!

He's fucking golden OP. A riot.

Kung Lao the pagan Eve enabling fedora afraid of his wife

Mike "like the trap then get the zap" Pence

Mike "solving gay relations with maxwell's equations" Pence

Solid conservative and my favorite governor.

He seems miserable, and his smile is so phony I'm almost convinced its a "fuck you"

it's amazing how he looks like a good guy, like a war veteran who makes BBQ for his family and holds righteous values.
"Follow your dreams, son"

Mike "electrocuing gays for 40 nights and 40 days" Pence

Mike "Taze the rainbow" Pence

Pro politician. Sad for whats going to happen next

idk kinda think hes a cool guy, SHOCKING I know right

>Catholic turned Israeli shill Evangelical

He was probably pretty cool once upon a time

He's fixing to stab trump in the back

It's always comfy before the storm.

he just wants to get drunk and fuck sluts, but he not allowed to because muh values.