On average white men are taller than black men

On average white men are taller than black men

nice b8, and i'm not even a nignog

Yeah okay Tunisia

american niggers arent black. they were specifically bred for certain characteristics, so much so they are a completely different breed than the negroes of africa

It's true though.

>implying nutrition isn't a factor

No,it's because American niggers are well fed , therefore , they reach their full growth potential , while african niggers are just feeding on rice and all kinds of carbs from UN aids , it's a faux débat anyway , height dosen' t matter if your average IQ is 75 anyway ...

>american niggers arent black.
so what are they, white? american education lmao

Pretty much every single American black is 1/5-1/6 white.
And even then whites on average in the US are taller.

>specifically bred

Yeah nah bud it takes more than not even 200 years to make large genetic differences like that.

Dog breeds were developed in less time.

You men characteristics or for specific purpose?

> This


>On average white men are taller than black men

ok , are you white ? if yes, height please

Niggers are not first at anything, not even height.

I'm not even white. Just observant.

Xénophobie and lynching , oh that's arabs,you're right

Then doesn't that apply to people such as the Irish, where we're the product of hundreds of years of English oppression, killing we bog-trotters that were uppity?

First humans, first civilization, first to travel the stars.

Well them little rascals are damn good at running. So they are first over the finish line most of the time.

I hear they reach first place in killing blacks in America also. True or false?

I'm not white nor black, so i can be racist to both , and i'm 6f4 , and yes , it's awesome , i swear , people show respect as soon as i step through the door.

You seem confused... It's fear they show and not respect.

nah , i think it's the education and the suit..

i'm among my countrymen , , no immigrants , no pakis , no syrians ,i'm not getting beat up by niggers on my ancestor's land , our women aren't getting fucked by nigger ,and i'm not even muslim you whale eating nordcuck ... Jews got so wrong snow nigger , go back to your shack Sven.

t. manlet


its turkey, in a nation of mantels its impressive.

I am 1.9m and women get wet easily here and men avoid a fight with me. jokes on eurocucks is that german ones are taller than me but they are mostly gay or effeminate.

6'2 here

Not tall

Taller than average, but not tall enough for girls with a tall sex fetish.

Definitely guilty of buying shoes with more height than usual, I can get to 6'4" with thick soled shoes.

Roasties do look at me more, just a quick glance up and down to assess my sexy, it's weird

Nope, 177cm is german average, check ex-yu countries or scandinavia for tall people. Have a friend that went to germany, literally never saw a taller person his whole time there.

>>" just a quick glance up and down to assess my sexy, it's weird"


True though, same way you do a quick glance at a girl to see what you're working with.

Men do it to every girl, girls do it with more specificity

i know ..., that description though ... still sounds gay , srry user.

Post moar!

Nigger chink? Big difference. Besides, you are the ultimate group of manlets.

Found the nigger.

Berber you niggeroid

I don't even if these tribesmen of new Guinea - what's their race and etc.