Admit it Sup Forums

Admit it Sup Forums
She got more votes, and would have won in a true democracy.
Either give up the "muh democracy" meme, or admit blatant hypocrisy.
You CANNOT choose both


>announcing sage
>not bothering to give a counterargument
this is an 18+ board


Good thing we dont devolve and think mob rule is a good thing. STFU sage your not even worth the 2/100 of a penny your getting paid.

Made this just for you.

What is this other than proof of a blatant sexist system intimidated by a powerful woman?

>She got more votes

Proof that women are not fit leaders, your personal bias however will not allow you to see that, because muh ( whatever pseudoscience u prescribe to ). Stay lost and confused faggot, your bottom of the barrel which is why you will never get it, you weren't meant to get it.

>implying obummer didn't flat out instruct illegals to vote
>implying popular vote matters

Do you not understand how voting works in the US?

We live in a republic. Fuck off.

The reverse would have been proof of a blatant racist system intimidated by a powerful negro!

>better give rural white morons disproportionate representation in the EC, wouldn't want mob rule or anything :-)
If you can't see the BLATANT institutional and violent aggressive silencing and marginalization of POC and bodies of color then I really can't help you
Climb out of your internet echochamber cesspool and join society for a change, it might do you a bit of good

>Sage thinks democracy isn't democracy
>Nobody cares what sage thinks

How much did Soros pay you?

>true democracy
Founders specifically didnt want that ever

Look it up

>"climb out of YOUR echochamber and into MY echochamber because southerners are dumb"

Everybody is laughing at you sweetie

>somebody disagrees on your precious echochamber
>it must be shills!
What is it like to be you?

What's it like not even knowing how our republic works?

If you cant see how a non registered voting system can be exploited then there is no helping you. I mean really, your that fucking dumb

>Black people are discriminated against and silenced
Yet Obama gets elected

>If we played a different game but kept these results she would have won
You're right

Sup Forums is so triggered their only defense is to give meme non-arguments. Nice try, but nobody buys this silly game anymore.

Yet you ignored all mine, just like a weak ass women or a beta cuck choosing to fight other betas. Is this all the game u shills bring, fuck the CIA used to try harder

>half-white president elected
>white men use voting for him as shield against accusations of racism
not how it works

>Doesn't know how jokes work
What is it like to be you?

>Pol/ is so triggered
look in the mirror sweetie

You're not making any arguments. The premise of your post lacks a basic understanding of the republic.

Then you blame it on sexism

Then you blame it on "dumb rednecks"

Novemeber was a while ago dude, get over it. Trump won the game with the rules as written. If you wanted to change the rules of that game you should have tried it after you won 8 years ago. Trump appealed to the most regions. If you want the presidency determined by CA and NY alone you're fucking retarded.

The deflection tactic will not work on someone as intellectually honest as myself, Sup Forums
Nice try though, blumfnazies

t. inbred white cave beast trailer trash

>bored shitposters don't respond to serious answers
Y'all better not be not saging

>I..I..I got BTFO but If..if..if I pretend I didn't everything will be ok......right?

>Black man voted into position where his voice has the most power
>Doesn't show why argument is wrong but implies he did

yes you're so very smart. that's why everybody is laughing at you

Intellectually honest yet doesnt recognize sexual dimorphism. Yea because your really Einstein level here yet doesnt understand Bio 101. No wonder you get paid shit


OH WOW start arguing anyyyy timmmeeeee you shitfucks

We're a republic, not a democracy. But someone like you is probably too stupid to understand the difference.

This brings joy to my heart.

> wa- wha- waaaaaaaaaaaa

Except literally nobody here wants democracy, the libertarians want a republic, the natsocs and fascists want a dictatorship and we traditionalists want a monarchy.


Here's another (((You)))

>Shit they BTFO'd me
>No I definitely wasn't BTFO'd, cause you can't do that on somebody intellectually honest enough to not admit when they are wrong

>America prides itself on democracy for literally centuries
>WAAAHHHH we were only kidding ;) thats ONLY when it benefits us :DDDDD

ITT: we post picture of OP

It's been fucking months, and you've never gotten over how Hillary lost? Pathetic.

He won because you millenial bums thought you were the majority, suffering the system when you are part of the problem. Common working people slave away shoveling your shit, building your houses and you think you are oppressed? Try harder, cunt, you don't have enough callouses on your hands and feet yet.


The bitch lost an election RIGGED in her favor.

She's the biggest loser in political history.

if hillary had won like trump did you would have defended it. youre all liars and hypocrites and thats why i have no respect for you.

We're a republic, so if the majority literally wants to initiate autism, they aren't able to do so. Democracy is shit. It's literally "we have the right to destroy ourselves out of ignorance if we want to"

We're a Constitutional Republic you absolute fucking moron shill. Saged.

>low IQ white retards do shitty manual labor
>bad thing
Keep it up for 600 years and you might begin to put a dent in that reparations bill

>the US is a democracy
When will this meme end

>I pledge allegiance to the flag,
>Of the United States of America,
>And to the REPUBLIC for which it stands...

See, you are too stupid.

t. bitter white cismales

This is now a JQ red pill thread? Bump pls

Now to wait for responses that say you used Jewpedia so your argument can't be right

>literally doesn't know how the government works

Did you really just cite a piece of unabashed nationalistic propaganda shoved down the throats of our youth to justify the end of democracy?

>I have no argument so I'll just insult them
>There is no way they can respond to that

Nice argument. SAGED

Go to your shift super, tell him your deserve to be fired but with a severance. Because, on your way out you found talent more valuable than yourself.

We don't live in a "true democracy" and we don't want to live in a "true democracy" you dumb faggot. The system was designed this way for very specific reasons. It's so very highly populated parts of the country couldn't run rough-shod over the rest of the country. Now go fuck yourself you fat jackass.

We dont live in a democracy you dumb faggot.

>called out for unchecked privilege
>better pretend to have a witty retort!

We're not a democracy. Sage

>I must use random words i don't know to make myself sound smart
>Hurr Durr

Good point, shlomo

>she got 2 million more votes if you include the 11 million illegals who voted illegally

Announcing sage is bannable you stupid ameriCUNT

Complaining that she got more votes even though Trump destroyed her in the electoral college is like saying you won a game of chess because you had more pawns left and checkmate shouldn't count.

15th post of ass pain

>called out for unchecked privilege
>better pretend to have a witty retort!
>Wait, my logic can be used against me

At what point does "you're white and aren't a democrat REEE" become an argument?

You've literally demonstrated in this thread that you don't even know how our government works. I don't have to be "witty" I just have to point out the ridiculousness that you're saying.

I'm actually starting to think this is bait

The problem is that your mind is addled by homosexuality and Jewish Marxist thought. Free yourself of those and you might become a functioning member of society.

This guy thinks they're just random words because he doesn't understand them.
Kinda cute honestly :3


States have right (and weighted vote) in an union.

You are thinking of the federation as if it was just a big state.

In a state, more votes should mean you won, but in the federation, all states get a weighted vote.

I think its fair.

Does pretending people aren't laughing at you make you feel better for losing 7 months in a row?

This isn't fairy land where hypothetical rhetoric somehow justifies or validates your failure. Go home kid.

Source: Alex Jones
He's literally being charged with espionage for taking russian money to shill for your precious strongman
LMAO my ass off

Hillary should stop playing 4D chess with Donald Trump Cause she has not won a single game

He's literally not though.

>insult people after you have no counter arguement
>wonder why the Right Wing won


From the mouth of a man who doesn't even know the words himself so can't compose a real argument

>lmao my ass off


This guy has been so conditioned by Colbert and Oliver that he actually doesn't realize he has no argument.

When did "patriotic Americans" start being ok with working DIRECTLY (this is confirmed, dolts) with Russia and the Kremlin to steal the election from the first WOMAN.
just WOW guys, THINK before posting this dumbass shit

>When did "patriotic Americans" start being ok with working DIRECTLY (this is confirmed, dolts) with Russia and the Kremlin to steal the election from the first WOMAN.
just WOW guys, THINK before posting this dumbass shit

I can only assume now that you realize you've made a fool of yourself and are trying to seem like it was a bait all along.

Ok now you're not even trying anymore

Proof? Source? I dare you.

>makes up source for random comment so that he can have an argument
>Has yet to realise what a joke is

Back to the Russia theory again, after being disproven a multitute of times. I want to ask you democrats, I am a Midwestern American and you keep preaching "Rural Retards vote against their own intrests." What intrests are you speaking of. That does not include more immigrants, taxes, and welfare.

So true.

Still waiting for anything close to an argument, rural racist redneck rightwing retards

Is there a source for this mythological proof

She. Fucking. Won. Period.

Still waiting for you to present an actual basis for a position at all. We're a constitutional republic.