Should we implement a degenerate tax...

Should we implement a degenerate tax? Take an extra 10% of people's income if they meet any one or more of the following:

-Single past age 25
-Work as a blue collar employee
-Are black and live in the ghetto
-Smoke or drink
-Have tattoos
-Own a flat-brimmed hat
-Make less than $12,500 per annum
-Have zero college education or less than one year at community college
-Browse online forums for more than 1 hour per week
-Have divorced parents
-Live in an apartment above the age of 25

So you want to add a tax on everyone from Sup Forums ?

>paying taxes

I just stay NEET how about that?

>tax people who smoke or drink
there is already that you retard its called Cigarette taxes and Alcohol taxes. The taxes are like 50% of the ciggarettes.

White sharia
praise kek

Nice communist state you got there, m8.

>taxing people with no money
Oh user

Until mommy and daddy will kick you out ib tge street and ull become the toy for all tgmhe middleast faggots who coke to germany to avoid being oppressed.

>Should we implement an OP IS A FAG tax? Take an extra 10% of people's income if they meet any one or more of the following:

-Bait threads
-Cuck threads
-Give me a quick rundown on them?
-X are not white
-Leafposters aren't all faggots
-OP literally can not stop sucking dicks

Tax the people most likely to not have any money, you are a smart one.

my parents would never do that, i'm already 33 yo.

Dude just take a cyanide pill

>-Single past age 25
Single people already pay more taxes.
>-Work as a blue collar employee
No. They are required.
>-Are black and live in the ghetto
Blood from a turnip.
>-Smoke or drink
Both of these are already excessively taxed. See "Sin Taxes"
>-Have tattoos
Tattoos are classified as art, and aren't taxed you moron.
>-Own a flat-brimmed hat
*Tips fedora*
>-Make less than $12,500 per annum
>-Have zero college education or less than one year at community college
Yes, lets make college degrees completely worthless and raise tuition rates even higher.
>-Browse online forums for more than 1 hour per week
Internet is already taxed.
>-Have divorced parents
>taxing someone for the actions of others
Did your divorced parents feed you paint chips?
>-Live in an apartment above the age of 25
Seriously, fucking neck yourself you inbred retard.

Basically tax Sup Forums, but not roastie

Nigga GTFO,

Sage this retarded thread

it would be hard considering libtards think spreading around deadly disease to unknowing victims isn't degenerate behavior

At least list actual degenerate things you fucking retard.

things can happen that can make you crawl out of your comfort zone so be careful

why don't we just tax people who own property or don't have insurance ... oh wait...

>1 post with this ID
every time without fail. Sage slide threads.

>Smoking or drinking
>no high school diploma or GED

These are literally the only thing that i could see being in a real "degenerate tax", Notice all your shitty ideas are gone, but the good ones are included

How can anyone enjoy the life of a NEET?
I already had a childhood. I enjoy liberty way more.

I'm a huge supporter of top quality discussion threads such as these.

They're so much better than those bait and slide threads.

Yes, this is definitely an authentic post by a genuine Sup Forumsack, not cancer at all.

Thank you based OP.

>taxes are a punishment

If you're not at least going to lie and claim to be taxing me to provide a service then why should I pay you?

>Work as a blue collar employee
Fuck you. Blue collar employees literally build everything you enjoy. They grow your food, pump the petroleum in your car, weave the clothes on your back, and mine the metals in your computer. Not everyone can work in an office. Somebody has to be there to hang a door or repair a leaky roof.

>Someone is poor
>Taking more of their money is good

Lel, kys out of touch faggot. I hope you die of a heart attack boomer faggot

>-Work as a blue collar employee
>-Have zero college education or less than one year at community college

I'm pretty sure white collar college graduates are more likely to be "degenerates." You don't get indoctrinated with critical theory learning to be an auto mechanic.

Your both an idiot and a cunt. Do you have a vagina by any chance?

Germans have no concept of liberty.

>punish low IQ people, the majority, for having a job
You are dumber than they are

Go back to Moscow you commie piece of shit

>Single past age 25
>Work as a blue collar employee
did that in the past, now will have job supervising physical workers
>Are black and live in the ghetto
>Smoke or drink
>Have tattoos
>Own a flat-brimmed hat
yeah, they are good for summer
>Make less than $12,500 per annum
>Have zero college education or less than one year at community college
I am almost at the end of my college
>Browse online forums for more than 1 hour per week
Sup Forums counts? yhen yes
>Have divorced parents
>Live in an apartment above the age of 25
I live with my parents

TLDR you are stupid cunt OP, I dislike your life

>-Smoke or drink
theres already a tax on alcohol and cigarets.

>Browse online forums for more than 1 hour per week
nice commie policies you got there.