Why is it that Sup Forums is gradually turning more so against National Socialism? I'm not one myself, although I was a few years back, however I still understand the efficiency and purity in it. Why are there so many anti-national socialists? Reddit?
Probably wave of normies on all boards.
Side effect of rising "fame" of Sup Forums..
Sup Forums is becoming more mainstream, more traffic equals more anti natsoc redditors
influx of plebbitors.
Honestly, I don't think Sup Forums has gotten as bad as some say, but it is disappointing to see ~90% of all threads as bait vs maybe ~20% a year ago. Might also be due to the lull in happenings right not. I say this because every time there is an attack, Sup Forums reverts back to it's old mentality for the next week or so.
Intersting theory. I've never thought that through before. Especially in the US we haven't had a happening in months.
Most of the redditor migrants are (((libertarians)))
that's good.
normies come here to troll nazis.
then they can't go back.
the more they come to please their ego, the more they swallow the truth.
>Why is it that Sup Forums is gradually turning more so against National Socialism
This is no new trend. I am glad that people on this board are getting saner.
Fuck all socialists, no matter what kind. Fuck off to /leftypol/ with your Hitler dicksucking and don't forget your tinfoil.
>Socialists calling libertarianism politics for normies
Socialism is literally THE normie ideology.
>lol make healthcare free that would be sweet
>imagine if school was free, wouldn't that be sick?
>Yea single mom Shaquisha should get some money for her 8 niglets I M O, it's only fair
Fuck off
Thanks, sweetie.
Sup Forums has never been a natsoc board. We are sympathetic to the ideals of natsoc, but deep down this board has always been more libertarian.
Natsoc are good for triggering liberals, but little else
>Why is it that Sup Forums is gradually turning more so against National Socialism?
Nice try shlomo, try your shilling somewhere else.
You don't understand the benefits of nationalized infrastructure in homogeneous nation states.
Fuck off leaf
Normalfags. While we have a crisis, there is hope.
I came here during the election (not from plebbit, though), and am now a proud NatSoc.
"we are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system",[14] but he was clear to point out that his interpretation of socialism "has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism," saying that "Marxism is anti-property; true Socialism is not."[15] At a later time, Hitler said: "Socialism! That is an unfortunate word altogether... What does socialism really mean? If people have something to eat and their pleasures, then they have their socialism."[13] The term that Hitler later wished he had used for his political party name was “social revolutionary.”
"I absolutely insist on protecting private property... we must encourage private initiative
"There is no license any more, no private sphere where the individual belongs to himself. That is socialism, not such trivial matters as the possibility of privately owning the means of production. Such things mean nothing if I subject people to a kind of discipline they can't escape...What need have we to socialize banks and factories? We socialize human beings" "the further development of humanity through the promotion of private initiative, in which alone I see the precondition for all real progress."
Because nazi larpers are embarrassing and about on the same level as sjws and leftist cucks.
Sup Forums is a right wing board and socialism is left. I say keep everything about national socialism except for the socialism.
>Why are people not literal Nazis
Gee I wonder?
>This is no new trend. I am glad that people on this board are getting saner.
>Fuck all socialists, no matter what kind. Fuck off to /leftypol/ with your Hitler dicksucking and don't forget your tinfoil.
I'm only a figurative nazi because socialism is garbage.
It's not. You pulled me over.
Sup Forums has always looked down on stormweenies. Nothing new here.
pol is turning more towards NatSoc, there just is a large community of election shills still lurking about as well as a new influx of larping lgbt raiders. Regardless pol is and forever shall be a Christian board first.
bc of normies. Ancap is literally the worst ideology ever.
where are these documents hahaha
Libertarian is a phase you will grow out of.
It's for new college students. That's about it.
Basic Gestalt
>be pol
>need namefags
>cultivate namefags by poaching berniebros and cruzmissiles
>influx of newfag namefags infects pol
>convert newfags to natsoc with babbys first redpill
>cruzmissiles and berniebros now Hitlerinos
>Hitlerinos attacked by (((guess who)))
>resulting scuffles destroys the true enemy and the golem
It's only prophecy if you think it's not possible to plan this kind of thing....^_*
The last natsoc is in captivity, the galaxy is at peace.
>Why is it that Sup Forums is gradually turning more so against National Socialism?
It really isn't, infact that opposite is true. Most libertarians have converted to Natsoc. The Shills that promote it just want everyone to think Sup Forums is falling for the ancap scam.
its not but ok
Stay on those meds. It's keeping you weak.
Natcap ftw!
This right here.
It's hard to take nazism outside the computer.
calm down sweetie
>Central planning
>Why is it that Sup Forums is gradually turning more so against National Socialism?
No it's not you twat.
Ancap is a poisonous cancer and anyone dumb enough to fall for it need the gas.
let them come and be infected by the truth about the jews
>fag flag
>Goldstein Inc. patented logic
checks out
You could have lost some weight in the time it took you to make that.
This is why the Natcap movement started. We need a movement that is purely right wing.
Dialectic thinkers are the actual untermensch. Last year it was xbox v ps4...
how idiot can you be?
natsoc is the Ultra Destrismo
there is nothing on our right,and above only the Heavens.
Stop showing your ignorance.
Talking about natsoc as the marxian socialism proves that the only natsoc policies or philosophy you read are the one you found on Sup Forums threads.
and worst of all you pretend to sound smart while you spit the bullshit
Absolutely Degenerate.
>hurrrrr if you disagree with me you are this website
Fuck off already
Hitler wanted (((universal healthcare)))
Don't be so naive.
Still seems pretty NatSoc to me. Don't forget Hoppe too.
4th one down for me killing the Lizard cunt.
Re-read my post and learn how to form arguments.
LOL. You haven't taken math classes, why post something like that?
Nice job pulling phrases from your freshman seminar class.
Dialectical these days usually refers to college students that regurgitate their seminar ideas the way a cow rechews its cud.
What's with the persecution complex you nazis have ?
Fuck off already. Sup Forums wasn't more nazi back in day. We would have Tom Sowell threads without "BASED BLACK MAN" ironic spamming.
We would actually have based black men threads regularely, and everyone was a Paul fanboy.
You stormfags are becoming more and more numerous because of the reddit influx of impressionable teenagers who become nazis because they want to be edgy.
Kill yourself. You are part of the problem.
I wasn't talking to you
There are more than ever, but equally there are more paid shills than ever.
Yeah, cos we never had libertarians before, right? Sup Forums has always been half libertarian
Curiosity and drawing conclusions from understanding =/= persecution complex. Learn how to read.
>fake jews
There are a lot of fake jews today. 90% of Hollywood are fake Jews. Everyone today can pretend to be a Jew, so we have a lot of fake Jews that should be exposed. Pic related are some of the fake jews.
>Far Right
No it's not, it's not left or right it combines elements from both sides of the equation and transcends them.
Stop falling for the dialectic Jew.
Really reminds one that all variants of this image are equal cancer and why Sarcuck of Goysad loves them
You replied directly to my post.
Redd.t spacing
Pretending to be an old fag
lurk more newfag
Fucking autism.
>All those semetic facial structures and noses.
Sure thing Schlomo.
the memes are real with you
If you practice nepotism, live like a parasite, you are a fake Jew. No one should be afraid to name the fake jew. They must be exposed. For example, Rothschilds are fake Jews.
>Ancaps think universal healthcare is a bad thing.
No way in hell I'll ever support you vile sociopaths. You all need to be gassed.
I don't know, maybe because "national socialism" isn't, and shouldn't be applicable to most countries? Seriously, it is an ideology designed for Germans, and expliclity states that it is a pan-German nationalist movement.
That is why there are so many insecure NEETs LARPing as a "national socialist", because they lack an identity. "National Socialism" could have inspired other fascist mmovements around Europe, but instead it set back WN for over 60 years, because Hitler chose to expand beyond historically German territories and got BTFO'd by the Soviets and Allies.
ITT: you get banned more often on Sup Forums than FUCKING A REDDIT
jesus nigger christ.
yea and what is wrong with that?
in nazi germany you could not been a degenerate.
what is wrong to have a fellow decent patriot helped by the community he serves?
nothing is more RIGHT and CHRISTIAN then this.
Divide et impera someone else shlomo
they need to hate re.ddit and be extremely edgy to fit in. Most of them weren't even here a year ago and like to talk shit and muh nu/pol/.
>hurrrr he formatted his post what a redditor amirite fellow oldfags
shill niggers
> what, you aren't a socialist? hehehe m'tips m'hat then you must be a newfag and a normie!
I love the fag flag. it always triggers dumb retards like you
Jews should never be looked at as a homogeneous group. Naming a fake Jews among them will divide them.
you're a meme dream
Because every natsoc argument is FYTEDAJOOOOOOOOS and that's extremely boring.
If you are seriously for National Socialism, you must be completely retarded, low-life loser without any useful skills, without money, without women, without sexuality, without any goal in life.
I still find Nazis memes funny, but everything related to collectivism is pure cancer.
> common enemy shill meme
> post a "why isn't Sup Forums socialist anymore" thead
> have 10 shills post in it
> le plebbits
> newfags!
> kids who don't know who zelda is hurr hurr
> then, call ANYONE WHO ISN'T A SOCIALIST FUCKING COMMIE: a (((libertarian)))
these fucking shills are all COMMIE KIKE NIGGERS!!
I have never ever been in favor of authoritarianism or strong government. To me the government has always been a necessary evil to be restricted and shrunk to the maximum possible degree. The problems we suffer now primarily stem from the fact that we gave the government way too much power without recognizing that the humans who make up the government are still y'know, fucking humans. Whether the problem causers are Jews or Commies or Faggots, the best way to mitigate the damage they can do is to construct a social order in which government power plays a minimal role, the less government there is the less capacity it has to abuse it's citizens. The more power a government has, the more capacity it has to abuse it's citizens, and if you give your government all the power then you are no longer a citizen and you become a slave.
He wanted more than that
>(((20% taxation)))
>(((bully private production decisions)))
>(((capital controls)))
The list goes on and on.
feeling is mutual
I'm not a National Socialist because I want to be 'edgy.' I want to preserve the white race, and ideologically masturbating over freedom while adherence to such principles destroys us is the antithesis of my goals. We can't insist on moral purity of 'freedom' when our enemies spit on it and abuse it. Maybe once we get an all-white state, we can talk about freedom, but not while we're being inundated with hordes of shitskins.
Seriously. How fucking fat are you?
Everytime a liberal paints a picture of their opposition they use themselves as a base.
Fat fuck.
I can see you now. The facial blemishes just stand out from the thinning stubble on your chin mounds. Your dark stained t-shirt blocks the light from your whale like body that hasn't seen daylight since you came up for air from the mass of Chipotle bags around you. You have grease crumbs around your face. lick those lips fatty . There's some food in the corners of your mouth.
Fascism and NatSoc is objectively just as evil as Zionism. Imposing an over-oppressive order on the world is just as evil as cultivating degenerative chaos. The Nazis created their own "master race" mythos which was only the inverted image of what they found so repulsive about Talmudic Judaism in the first place
One of the messages of Christ is that truth and salvation are the domain of the human individual, not the nation-state. Not realizing this is the failing of Israel, and it was the failing of Nazi Germany as well. The story of Jesus as recorded in the gospels is about what happens when the Spirit of God appears on Earth, and is resisted by the worldly powers of organized religion and the state. Anytime the message of Christ becomes co-opted by religious doctrine or state power, it has already abandoned its roots, since at its core the Jesus story is about how those very powers will stop at nothing to subvert and destroy the Christ. Though of course they can never succeed - to those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the King remains enthroned.
Hitler was an anti-Christ false idol, he was trying to do the right thing by fighting Zionism but he got his methodology all mixed up because he failed to comprehend the value of true Christlikeness.
Look up the quotes of Hitler praising Islam and denigrating Christianity as a "Jewish swindle". His reasoning is very flawed because both Christianity and Islam co-opt Jewish monotheism and the stories of the Torah. The difference is Islam glorifies the power of a worldly nation-state - just like Zionism, just like Nazism - unlike Christianity, which calls out the evils of the elite Jews and which glorifies the human individual in communion with the Spirit.
you should study that dialectic more.
tell me how capitalist was the right before the french revolution when the term was used for the first time.
noone could care less about money or capital.
the Baron de Gauville, explained, "We began to recognize each other: those who were loyal to religion and the king took up positions to the right of the chair so as to avoid the shouts, oaths, and indecencies that enjoyed free rein in the opposing camp."
Also Evola , the most right man i could call,
called himself ultrafascist ,but still preferred the natsoc of germany then the fascists of italy.
I think that the only "National Socialists" should be you and your people.
Any one that is not of Germanic heritage and still supports it is severely deficient in the mind. You would literally be shilling for an ideology that doesn't apply for you.
Nat socials are the biggest proponent of identity politics. I find it cringey enough when those on the far left take pride in being an oppressed nonbinary, trans straight dragonkin, why would it be any less cringey when these far-far left Nat socials talk about their oppressed minority group?
It's really not.
There're just a few very cancerous AnCaps who always spastically sperg out whenever someone mentions NatSoc and proceed to break into autistic screeching full of ad hominems and other non arguments. Might be just (((shills))) hiding behind fake flags though, who knows.
>Case in point
Because Europé is tired of American fake politics like anarcocap and dumbshit like Alex Jones. Big governments are good, liberalism and consumerism is poision on our soul, its pure nihilism.
>Liberty is not workable with people that can barely assent to contracts, e.g. low IQ Blacks, Mestizos, Arabs, etc.
>To expel them or prevent them from coming in requires the use of force, via the state
>To make this palatable requires some form of National identity, with cultural, political, and ethnic components
>Ergo National Socialism
Because you fuckers are lefties still and deserve a helicopter ride
Wow. A German that is too scared to admit what's he's thinking.
Every group should be the master of their own home, you fucking faggot.