Black female nazis

>Black female nazis
>no swastikas found anywhere in the game

Are they just trying to make it blatant now anons?

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It's a video game you fucking autist who gives a fuck

A video game set in historical era, they are blacking out history so why would you say that?

why dont you go suck the jews at EAs cock for their diversity jewce.

Most games are shit nowadays anyway

Grow up and get a real hobby like animes

You know that you can just read a book about WW2 instead of getting your knowledge from a video game right? What kind of dipshit would think call of duty is realistic also?

Let's make historical games about African civil wars and lets mix some whites and asians there.
Hell lets do this as part of our goal to genocide africans with mass immigration while we tell them they deserve this and how they are racists if they refuse.
Fuck off m8

>it's just a video game
>it's just a movie
>it's just a song
All media manipulation matters user

if your here then you know how fucking retarded most of the population is, and how they get their news. They believe all the revised history shoved down their throats, and eventually they'll believe shit like this too if we allow it.

It's marxism leaking into every form of media you fucking piece of dog shit.

>Want a WW1 game
>Add Machine guns tanks submachine guns and Black Germans
>wtg why

I don't play games but was looking for an opinion about whether a game based upon NS Germany would be popular enough to finance through my trust fund. I already have a title based upon one of my favourite books and the gameplay would be based upon it. What say you?

Why don't they go ahead and add trans/cisgender twinks to the SS ranks?

Who is the player character?

Retarded manchildren, please take your CGI threads to .

Imagine the outrage if (((they))) made a game about the Anglo-Zulu War where the Zulus are white and the Anglos are black.

wh-what are they wearing

>its a game who gives a fuck
>its a tv show who gives a fuck
>its a movie who gives a fuck
>its a book who gives a fuck
>it was part of history who gives a fuck

Lol because kids are going to read a fucking history book, nah mate 10yr olds will get their basis of WW2 off of this. Said the same thing about BF1 but fuck it who cares, ride the tiger the worlds gone to shit already.

They look like fucking autistic firemen.

Blacks would just own it and suddenly Empire would become good.

The title would be Aces Of The Reich and you can pick anyone from the book of the same name. All the greats are in it from both SS and Wehrmacht (LW,KM,H).

>it's just a video game
>it's just a movie
>it's just a song
>it's just a book
>it's just a play
>it's just a class
>it's just a tv program
>it's just a commercial
It's just the current culture.

How long until Wikipedia pages and books are altered? Maybe banned books even. They are trying to WE everything. It's tiring.

BF1 kangz "level" was just you playing until you all get overrun by Germans. I played through it all and was wondering where the fuck the kangz were outside stupid character models on MP.

If anything, its an insult to kangz and better off not being in the game at all. Battlefield is also shit for story lines, too much bullshit hoo rah military cynicism and witty retorts.

It's just so everyone playing a game has a playable character they can relate to. Jesus Christ. Go the fuck outside.

We need a day of the EMP where we just destroy electronics and you faggot manchildren will have no idea what to do with yourselves.

And the fact that the German army has a black scout character makes literally no sense at all. Every fucking nation in that game has darkies in it except for Italy.

>We need a day of the EMP where we just destroy electronics and you faggot manchildren will have no idea what to do with yourselves.

That would just mean everyone plays war IRL

Make a game about a Jewish man in Germany during WW2 that shows his trials and tribulations going to death camp after death camp. But make like half the Jews he talks to there be niggers. Also, make the Germans niggers.

Sadly there's nothing we can do about it. The ONLY way to fight against it is by our wallets. Which I know is fat.

Sounds interesting user, how long you thought about it?




So you need trans people lgbt out the ass females of all colors.

even though nazis always were the evil people, i liked their style and weapons more.

and here i am, they have to memory hole WW2 to defeat them.



I'd put in this way. I purchased a small watercolour painted by The Leader when I was a child using my RC confirmation loot. Every person in this book is a superstar with totally unparalleled achievement.

Italians are already dark enough



What was a severely limited palette of colours (6-7?) available and also what is oxidation.

>severely limited palette of colors
WRONG. don't make shit up.

the paint matches modern egyptian skin color perfectly. the black ones (as drawn) were referring to non-egyptians, and the red/brown ones referring to egyptians themselves.

egypt wasn't and isn't black nor white.

both whites and blacks are playing WE WUZ

They only had 6 or 7 colours to work with. Whinge more would be Kang!

>They only had 6 or 7 colours to work with
>what is mixing colors
retard alert!

> Egyptians are so damn black

Sorry but the only crown you'll rightly inherit is from the Burger King. You = taxpayer funded cattle education.

Don't bother arguing with that nigger. They can't be reasoned with.
Only shitskins use the "white people claim they wuz gyptun kangz" fallacy and then proceed with their afrocentrist crap.

can you not read? I'm saying they're not black retard.

Could also be a D&C bagel nosher as well.

>some dutch indie studio releases Rhodesian Commando
>smash hit
>immediate cries of "HOW IS THIS NOT BLATANT RACISM & BIGOTRY???"
>"It's a video game you fucking artist who gives a fuck"

>who gives a fuck
anyone who likes video games and history or just wants a realistic game.

Yeah but the Nilotes you have in that picture aren't descended from the ancient Egyptians. The modern people most closely related to the ancient Egyptians are the "Arab" Egyptians.

>>severely limited palette of colors
>WRONG. don't make shit up.
yet their genetics were white.

If they put in swastikas they wouldn't be able to sell it in Germanistan.

>"Arab" Egyptians.
no such thing. Egyptians are not semitic, not even the modern ones. They just adopter the language.

Not that i support the game in anyway, but if you knew WWII, youd know multiple north african countries and muslim countries were allied with the AXIS powers. Not that there would be any women fighting, so thats still bullshit. but there were some nigger/dune coon nazis

Why so? Guessing Germany has strict "no goose stepping" laws?


Germany doesn't exist...only the territory occupied by the Amerikan military corporation fashioned to do so. NSVerbotsgesetz.

Media doesn't even try to hide their agenda these days. The fuck white people ideology has grown so pervasive that they can just be as clumsy as they want with their post-modernism. If you defend reality, you are a racist at this point. I miss old cod.

Unironically looking forward to it.

Zombies is legit fun as hell, and they seem to have nailed it.

Dont matter several other developers simply sold a normal version in the rest of the world.
While any german oders it from these countries. Just like i did with Wolfenstein.

Dont blame us for US companies putting black female niggers in Wehrmacht uniforms.

Should I still get it for Zombies?

No I was genuinely curious, I've heard that nat socialism is banned in Germany for the most part, and denying the holocaust can get you jail time, is it actually true?

That seems to be it's only redeeming quality, but I guarantee you it'll be ass cancer like the rest of the game.

right on

I can tell you have no children.