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Which server farm so I can delete my accounts

You're a dead man, Hank.

Please thats a weak ass server room bro. No containment for cold aisle/hot aisle. Floor vents sitting right under racks as opposed to in front. Open ceiling showing concrete...showing they dont respect moisture properties and its threat to making static electricity.

Spare me bitch boi. I build, and service data farms and server rooms for mission critical. The fact that you were able to have a phone to snap a photo shows this is just a gay server room with old raised floors. If it was a legit server room with anything important..youd have a clearance badge..an escort and asked for all electronics. All your high end server rooms and shit are protected by SCIF for reeeeeeeeees like you

The image is from google you spazz... A computer genius that can't reverse image search? Highly doubtful.

Why would i need to? I do this shit for a living...google it? You fucking retard..without google youd be even more of a dumb ass


It's a b-roll photo, fag. Christ, the autism.

This guy got cucked and does not even know it.

Never said i was a computer genius. Just cause its a b-roll photo..doesnt mean it isnt a shit ass server room. Not saying i dont understand what the context is. Point in fact is that thays a shit ass server room

If it's a government run "Secure" area, then you probably would have a phone, security on government installations is shit.

Maybe if its a shit tier government contractor. around here in d.c. area..you wouldnt. Especially the "underground" bunker near Dulles..

that's an old google data center you niggers.


engineer here

>that's an old google data center you niggers.
>engineer here
Ok wtf does the given date have to do with anything



thats the date white house user gave for a happening

why is the google pixel so fucking expensive

I work in data centers not google. blame the fucking chinks man.

its some fag just shitposting

>5777 is jewish year for 2017
something big is coming

You a blue collar engineer or a white collar engineer?

it's a mix of both. I make about 90,000.

I'm jelly.


My birthday. Alone again...