Are we doomed?


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Capitalism caused the white democraphic crisis, the Sup Forums utopia will be NAZBOL

Capitalism is a curse and is what lead to all of the white mans problems.

Capatilism = giving bankers and big business all the money

I'd prefer to share the wealth before this country turns into a 3rd world shithole

Millenials and generation Y are generally retards. I'm putting all my hopes on generation Z who polls time after time the most right wing generation after WW2.

Let's just wait for the redditors to show up and start calling anyone left of ayn rand communists
"basic economics guyz!!!"

they will change their minds once they start to pay taxes

(((Millenials))) are fucks that will fall in line. Generation Zyklon will take up the torch.

If I want an economic system, where education is "free" and the market is regulated in order to prevent monopolies, does that make me a socialist?

They probable used surveymonkey for this poll and only asked highschool kids.

I wouldn't mind Germany going Communist.

It would finally shut the damn Commies up and let them see what a shit show it would bring upon the nation.

If they don't want to read history or accept the tragedy of the Soviet Union, let them watch it live in another failed state.

Fuck the Collectivists, our system is fine or at the very least, certainly better than any present alternative.

If they can ignore all the examples in history of communism they can ignore it happening right in front of their faces too.

Ask /lrg/, they have it all figured out already

And who will save all of those poor new brown Germans when the bread runs out?

Generation Zyklon is statistically even more retarded, as evidenced by your fucking post you autistic kid.

>liking capitalism
Fuck materialism in all of its forms, whether capitalism, equity socialism, or communism.

Yeah unfortunately we are going to get communism/socialism when boomers die off.
>Yuri was right.

You mean according to a single fucking poll of British teens? Whereas polls of American teens find that they're basically just libertarian Ron Paul cocksuckers? And you don't even have polls of Finnish teens?

capitalism literally saved Jamestown from dying, in turn ensuring America was to become the place is has. fuck idiots

Yea its official, left can't meme

Capitalism =/= Materialism

Capitalism is a value system... modern day Darwinism

so, flaggot, which generation are you?


exactly. It's like state controlled healthcare here. Everyone openly accepts and recognizes that Veterans' Affairs hospitals are horrible and mismanaged, yet they want socialized medicine for everyone else too. They are delusional.

The half that went to college.

>Holy jew brainwashing batman, these kids actually believe their own freedom is bad

Actual link to the fucking survey:

Not true at all. nonwhites rely on the welfare state to support so many kids. Socialism caused the demographic crisis.

>Fuck materialism in all of its forms

Unless you're advocating for a religious theocracy or anarcho-primitivism your a materialist. Materialism is by definition ideological foundation for ideologies based on material worldview and disregarding the spiritual mumbojumbo.

I'd like to add that this is crucial because how you phrase the question completely changes the answer you get.
Look at slide 4. When asked "Which of the following, if any, do you identify as?", 62% said they did not identify as a patriot.
When the same question was rephrased as "Which of the following, if any, do you support?" only 36% said they don't support patriotism. Same fucking question, 26% change just by slightly rewording. Polling is 100% bullshit.


I hate the term "capitalism" it's so fucking vague and amorphous, and on it's own means basically fucking nothing. Someone saying they're against capitalism could be an antifa commie, or they could be a national socialist, or they could just be a common everyman who doesn't like all the international finance, bank bailouts, free trade that's used to destroy our labor force, mass immigration for cheap labor, and other globalist bullshit.


It only values material wealth. Its literally the result of merchants usurping power from the aristocracy.

Friendly reminder that Millennials will die out in 60 years.

Capitalism force the productive white strata to not have children because it's more productive to import third world labor.

Millenials are lost, we should be putting all our efforts into saving history and teaching it to Gen Z.
This is what the communist attacks, and we need to save it

frank yang isnt a leftist..


RIDF plz go

>alt left

>teaching it to Gen Z.
>20 %

fucking hell this is the biggest crock of shit ever, no one thinks hurr durr the statues look really really white that means that white is best hurrr, when in reality it's the mastery of craft that white men made and white cultures cultivated these men.

What's really insidious about this shit is that you know they're gonna fucking paint the statues black

Fuck capitalism.

why paint the statues black when you can just tear them down and then claim the romans and greeks were black

>Jackie: please fuck my shit up Zhang and Goldstein, I'm just a temprorarily embarrassed millionaire

they'll do that with the ones who are most obviously white, the more ambiguous ones will get blacked

Capitalism is simply an action. Free trade is a good thing, however trade in a society that is built upon lending to Jewish banks is not. Having the power of coinage taken away from us is not something we should have ever tolerated.
No matter what economic system a country adopts, it cannot stand if the underlying basis of their monetary system is in the hands of another people.
Homogeneous white America could have a perfectly functional NatSoc society, just the same we could have a perfectly functional free trade AnCap society. We're civilized, educated, and despite our culture degrading into nothingness most of us still have some remains of a moral compass. We could make any system work so long as it was actually ours.
Capitalism is merely a means to an end. Like any other tool it can be bent by foreign influence, or be preserved through dutiful vigilance.

You're getting the rope, faggot.


I know you're probably trolling, but in what world could you pretend to ignore the EXTREMELY Jewish roots of Communism?

Marx disliked Jews and their in-group favouring

many jews were bolsheviks because they were oppressed and stalked under Nicholas II


Propaganda. Anyone who has read up on Marx and his ideas knows his system is just a form of greater, global control.

Marx was a Jew himself, and wanted the Jewish identity to dissolve so that they could be invisible in society. He didn't dislike Jewish groups disproportionately clawing for power, he didn't like the fact that it was so visible. The greatest irony of all is that Marx himself was the picture of a social parasite. Never having worked, lived on a friend's couch. He was an actual NEET.

The Bolsheviks and everything attached to them aught to be wiped from humanity, including all the rat faced kikes who continue to parrot the propaganda. Jews rightfully deserve the hatred they brought on themselves.
If you were to tally up all the forces working against humanity, about the only thing capable of holding a candle to Jews might be malaria.

Capitalism is a system that overrides everything else if unrestrained. It's the idea that pursuit of capital is the only thing of importance. Capitalism is a system in which those who are the least moral are capable of the greatest feats. It's a system that leads men down a degenerative path.

>stateless and classless society where workers themselves control the means of production
>global capitalism where the anonymous forces of capital informs policy, democracy and all facets of life


i know you are larping but everytime you talk about capitalism you are actually referring to fascism, how can this be made clear, i just don't get it


definition of batshit insane

>millennials are stupid

what else is new

Have to agree. Unfettered capitalism has separated man from his fellow man. Putting the good of your race, your country your ideals secondary to some profit margin is the disgusting by product. Measuring your success by the acquisition of useless material goods is the metric of the Jew and the vapid.

i would say 80% of millennials don't know what capitalism is. and can we find a better name for them? millennials is bordering on too long to type, definitely too annoying.


People grow out of this shit there's a good chance your parents were hippie faggots at once point and aren't now

Marx was a kike and his ancestors were literally Rabbis. His only critique of his fellow jews was that after they abolish money and property, the jews would have to figure out what to do instead of just being money-changers.

>muh polls
Do we really need to discuss how polling is a giant pile of shit again?

/leftypol/ has been trying to push nazbol shit for a while now.

We used to be Gen Y until boomers found a more demeaning name.

commie scum

This is all part of their plan.
(((critical theory))) is meant to destroy us.

dummy. if everyone is educated then no one is educated. no one will be special.

Marx was a brilliant diagnostician of modernity, doubt he would ever have produced such good works if he wasn't supported by his friends. Also, there were countless NEETs in the upper classes back then, why does Marx matter so much?

also, have you ever read his On the Jewish Question? Jews call it antisemitic for a reason.

>Judaism reaches its highest point with the perfection of civil society, but it is only in the Christian world that civil society attains perfection. Only under the dominance of Christianity, which makes all national, natural, moral, and theoretical conditions extrinsic to man, could civil society separate itself completely from the life of the state, sever all the species-ties of man, put egoism and selfish need in the place of these species-ties, and dissolve the human world into a world of atomistic individuals who are inimically opposed to one another.

>We explain the tenacity of the Jew not by his religion, but, on the contrary, by the human basis of his religion – practical need, egoism.

>Since in civil society the real nature of the Jew has been universally realized and secularized, civil society could not convince the Jew of the unreality of his religious nature, which is indeed only the ideal aspect of practical need. Consequently, not only in the Pentateuch and the Talmud, but in present-day society we find the nature of the modern Jew, and not as an abstract nature but as one that is in the highest degree empirical, not merely as a narrowness of the Jew, but as the Jewish narrowness of society.

>Once society has succeeded in abolishing the empirical essence of Judaism – huckstering and its preconditions – the Jew will have become impossible, because his consciousness no longer has an object, because the subjective basis of Judaism, practical need, has been humanized, and because the conflict between man’s individual-sensuous existence and his species-existence has been abolished.

You can get all the education you want on the internet.
Formal schooling past 5th grade is literally a fucking waste of time.

communism is a utopia

heaven on earth

a chicken in every pot

a hoe in every pants


51% of millennial aren't even white
There's a reason the next gen of white kids is more racist , because they're a minority and they see it with their eyes




Communism needs to be global. otherwise they would be threatened by a more powerful capitalist nation (as capitalism promotes innovation). Why would communism need to oppose a capitalist nation? Simply for resources. Even if a communist nation were to strike a deal with a capitalist nation for resources, they would get the raw end of the stick, as capitalist nations would have the upper hand.

You can claim the workers would be in control all you want, but ultimately the government would be all powerful in order to keep the system in check. There would have to be classes of people as well (High ranking government, those in place to secure their power, and the common man). In order for those in high ranking positions to prevent retaliation from those in place to protect them, they would have to receive incentives and benefits to keep them complacent. There is no mobility for the common man, he is locked into his role. With government forcing roles on its people, there will be people doing more work for the same reward, leaving people angry.

Traditional family roles and morality are gone, especially when considering a communist takeover requires the destruction of morals in order to ingrain the idea of a powerful government into the minds of the people.

The most vile sin of communism is the abolition of private property and ultimately religion. Religion when in control of government ultimately becomes a tool for control, it needs to be private in order to remain true to its origin.

Communism is a blight which needs to be burned from the face of the earth

Have you ever actually read a piece or two by Adorno or Walter Benjamin?

Minima Moralia is an excellent, almost reactionary book.

Commodification and global capital is and has been a bigger threat to native european culture than any critical theorist will ever be.

All depends on gen z

if they're as cucked, then yeah we're done.

Gen crY

45% of American Millennials aren't even white. Think about that, faggot. That's the real reason this is happening.

>Yuri Bezmenov

you're using a multicultist capitalist shill for god's sake

a man who was pissed off at the soviets because they wouldn't allow him to marry an indian girl

america is no way a force for good in the world
an insult to all the people who are on the receiving end of either their bombs or their cancerous culture

>You can claim the workers would be in control all you want, but ultimately the government would be all powerful in order to keep the system in check. There would have to be classes of people as well (High ranking government, those in place to secure their power, and the common man).

if you do not profit in some way from your hard work, what motivates you?

the government's boot on your neck.

what the fuck is this nonsense, capitalism is a system where private individuals are allowed to own property, that's it.

>Do you want A- Capitalism, which means that mean people steal money from the poor and nobody can stop it or B- Socialism, everyone gets free shit from some magic money well and everyone is happy?

FUCK OFF! Sup Forums is natsoc.

You are right capitalism + democracy ruined this country.

So? They say on FV, Twitter and co, that capitalism sucks, yet, they buy the Made in China clothes and Made by taiwanese children Cappies.

jynx u owe me a soda


American larping. Theyre getting comfy with the thought about beeing a m-muh Nazi, yet, they don´t know shit and keep the degeneracy-life going.

another thing so retarded about the leftists. they want the end result of society to all being equal. you can't bring some people up, they just aren't capable, motivated, etc. but you can, with enough force, lower the motivations of those who would otherwise excel at whatever they do.

the lowest common denominator

I tend to agree that some form of restriction is necessary to prevent massive monopolies from forming. Though looking at the landscape today we matter of factly do have such massive monopolies. Some six parent companies own virtually all media in the world, all major brand name products, etc. At present we have an absurd amount of regulation, absurd protection afforded to these entities by the state, we couldn't really call this free trade.
Rather than laws forcing people to conform to moral behavior, I believe culture is the necessary element for keeping corruption, decadence, and all forms of depravity at bay.

To a people with no culture, no morality, the law might as well not exist. They'll never faithfully follow it.
To a people with a thriving culture, strong morality, the law also might as well not exist. They would act morally without being told.

The context of what Marx is saying is that he doesn't like overtly Jewish Zionist Jews. He is making a case that these people can't exist in society, and want this concept of Jewishness that they hold to dissolve.
This is exactly what we saw manifest when Bolsheviks butted heads with Zionists. Both groups still entirely kikes, but they were different brands of kike. The Bolshevik Jews want this secular Atheist appearance because its a convenient political tool, it lets them be more crypto in society.
Marx wasn't some idol for whites, he was a Jew who wanted his own Jew people to become even more sneaky and deceptive.

The entire concept of a classless society in itself is so horrendously unnatural that only the perverted mind of a Jew could come up with it.

Fascism isn't capitalism and commie retards have historically made great recruits.



they're gonna change, question is should we let them

Global force for good? American capitalism destroyed half the world and now its coming back to bite americans in the ass.

>only 51%

There is work to do, party comrades.