Stupid question here

Stupid question here.
Was Nazi Germany socialist?

Other urls found in this thread:

>"national socialism"


>inb4 some user digs up that hitler quote about natsoc vs socialism

"communism is bad guys ok?"
- hitler

To some extent. But not Marxist.


Sort of. It's bureaucracy though, was weird.

>Was Nazi Germany socialist?
No it had a different view of the economy, for instance privitization which is not a thing that socialists would do, at the same time they let their people profit more and put their people first.
Its a medium of some sorts between capitalism and a social system like under socialism.

Yes. National Socialist. No, it's not pure Socialism but it's a kind of Socialism. Anyone claiming otherwise doesn't know anything about Nazi Germany.


basically anything that went against the benefit of the state was outlawed. So in the aspect of government controlling how you conduct your business, yes. Anything that was deemed to improve the state was allowed to thrive and given a lot of freedom.

Ever asked yourself who established hollyday for workers as mandatory? - Hitler.
Look up what Gleichschaltung means and what forms it took in reality.

today, if you live in the West, you can call your "form of government" anything that helps you sleep at night We live under global communism, where socialism is used as a financial tool to justify moving money out of a nation' treasury, and into the hands of a few.

NatSoc is to fascism as a banana is to fruit

Nationalism is the antithesis/anathema of Globalism

>inb4 newfag stormweenies try to refute this
This is, and always has been our board 100%, go back to stormfront

yes,the name was on the tin.

these larping nazis just hate jews and love nazi shit because of it.
they're too stupid to realize nazis and commies are clones of each other.

newsflash for you adolf-fags. you don't have to be a nazi to hate jews.

inb4 anyone uses logic

Unequivocally socialist.

there is no such critter as a NatSoc Ashkenazi. start over faggot

>Was Nazi Germany socialist?
You are conflating the two ideas of National Socialism and Marxist Socialism because of a word.

Stop asking stupid questions you already know the answers to.

who is george soros?

in your face biotch


Nationalism ≠ Globalism. stop eating lead paint chips while you are still behind

Hitler actually privaztized a bunch of stuff.

Every time you help out a family member out of moral obligation, when you don't exactly want to, that is national socialism. Is that socialism? Okay, I don't care.


Yes, but only Germans could qualify for social programs.

Absolutely not. Hitler licked german bourgeoisie ass like no tomorrow and banned unions.

Leftists try to meme that it wasn't because of their butthurt over Operation Barbarosa.

NatSoc Germany was basically Nordic socialism, except not cucked.

yes and no

Was Nazi Germany socialist?
The correct answer is yes.

National Socialism best Socialism.
