9/11 Never Forget

In this thread it's the morning of Tuesday September 11th 2001



If you don't remember that day these videos paint the picture very well.

RIP to the 3,000 lives lost that day and those that continue to day from the shitty sickness caused from cancers. Fuck islam

Other urls found in this thread:

septemberclues.info/vicsims/9-11-9 the Vicsim Report.pdf

and Fuck the (((Deep State))) and the lying (((MSM))) Jews as well.

>The CGI Ghost Planes


>767 on 9/11 couldn't have reached such speeds at sealevel without falling apart

>Explanation how they faked the Videos



nevuh fuhget da 6 gorillion jews that died that day

How about the new towers?

fuck mossad

Who has actually reported seeing planes crashing into the towers with their own eyes?

check the webm.

what did normal people witness?

>Trump sceptical about Airplanes doing this Destruction on 9/11

>Non (((CNN))) Eye Witnesses all telling they didn't see any Planes

>trusting (((CNN))) and (((friends))) EVER

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

Are you suggesting that the millions of people who saw it happen were all govt shills?

CGI-posters are shills, don't bite the bait.

Agreed, don't derail my thread damn it!

see Next Question, where are the Victims and how many of them were actually real?

apparently most Victims were "invented".

check the link
septemberclues.info/vicsims/9-11-9 the Vicsim Report.pdf

Go fuck yourself hans, you angry little german. Go watch your wife get fucked by some turk

nice try Shlomo, but the 9/11 CGI starts to age, and it ages badly.

happens to shitty movie CGI all the time.

scared of the truth Rabbi?

Forgot about that.
I will never forget 9/10 though, it was a pretty sick day.
Learned to land a kick flip. nice memory.

I'm particular fond of the Howard Stern coverage. How they infer it's Bin Laden within 5 minutes of the news, how they start saying to bomb the entire Middle-East right after the first tower collapses and how in shock they are at the notion that the entire country could be under attack when the Pentagon is hit. Really a moment in history.

I know mossad pulled it off but the planes and victims were real. US let it happen, multiple military drills where planes were hijacked and flown into buildings.

Nice M8 the final days of the 90s


How do you feel knowing that your President allowed this to happen in order to justify his war in the Middle east and the subsequent new world order?

wrong, you might want to check on the information I posted in this thread.
this information means there is more jews that should hang on the day of the rope.

Mossad was involved, but so was the CIA/NSA niggers, the Deep State jews, the Media Jews.....

Merry 7/11 to you too op

Yes the jews pulled it off. Fuck them, you still gotta have respect and empathy for those families that lost so much. Be a human hans

I am watching your ABC video. I am also old enough to remember this day perfectly. I was at work, watching it unfold as it happened...

sure but never forget who orchestrated this whole bullshit.

I won't many of us Americans do know. Thank you.

It was horrific, that video is hard to watch

Never forget the 3000 gazillion burgers that died,and the 6 bajilion are also in my heart ofc

>upper portion of a 110-storey skyscraper is at sea level

>Fuck Islam
A shekel for a good goy

BASED ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS will prevail Jesus is the answer

I was on the trading floor of a large merchant bank in London. Bloomberg was on the big screen at the end of the room. We watched it unfold. I was heartbroken by watching guys on the floor who were on the phone to other people in NYC suddenly look at their phones as they went dead, and then look up at the Bloomberg screen to see what had caused their phones to go dead.

>air near ground more dense than higher up
>plane can't reach that speed it had on the video at this height

Jeeze dude that's fucking crazy. It literally changed the whole world so much

>Fuck islam
Might've been pointing at the wrong target m8
Might've been the Saudis the Poms are selling guns too right now...Might've been the dancing Jews.

Yep. I saved a lot of Newspapers from 12 SEP. I still have them.
And then we had our own mini 911 in 2005 in London. That was another crazy day as well. I was at work again when that happened (in another location in th city though).
But 911 in NYC, Christ, it was the first time I had seen something like this.

Good point, fast forward towards the end. Dancing israelis there to document the event hmmm



Get on the list.

TRUMP knew Truth on 911





what the fuck

Bump for my misery

>that first video
>18 minutes in
>insurance doesn't cover that



Why don't you guys discuss the foreshadowing of 9-11 in popular media as well as the Jewish religious symbolism invovled with the towers, numbers of the planes, and the number 9-11 itself.

and the fact the Twin Towers were demolished 33 years after they were build.
the Jews surely love their digits and numbers games.
