Bruce Jenner for senate

what do you guys think now that this nigger loving faggot is running for senate in california?

too much of a flip flopper. Can't even keep their gender consistent

This is just more evidence that the time of electoral politics is over.

I would only vote for pic related

Eh. If anything it would probably be an improvement to what they have now.

Or maybe this gentleman.

Perhaps this young man would make a good senator.

Awesome, maybe she cam decimate the DNCs numbers like she did to ESPN after getting an award.

>is 47 captchas neccesary on thks fucking iphone jesus

I'm sure this chap would get my vote.

Of course this fellow would also be in the running.

Why does she (?) have nice boobs that look realistic, is this a grill

How could I not vote for him?


This lad is an obvious leader

>my bepis is confused

please kill me

I'd vote for her. She represents my transbian issues, hates Shillary, and doesn't afraid of guns I'd imagine. Plus if Caitlyn becomes a mainstream politician then we can have a gold mine of me-mes for years to cum. Not to mention her being trans AND conservative will cause lefties to squirm.

Tranny president when?

I think this fine young gent should run for office in Sweden.


Literally killed someone. Will fit right in.

I don't see why this dude can't become a congressman.

║░▒║with this blade
║░▒║i cut those who
║░▒║Caitlyn Jenner

I'm with him!

He needs to be meme'd into office, HARD.

He's a Republican, and fully supports Trump and has said so often. The left would be forced to attack a Tranny, making LGBT piratically eat themselves alive. It'd be hilarious to watch. The SJW's would betray all Male to Female White Trans fags, and cast them out because and say their too privileged as an excuse to go after Bruce Jenner. Think about it. They're already pissing off the gay men out there, picking Islam over them to virtue signal more.

Now having them attack all the fag men trannies? It'd literally be a bunch of ravage fucked up girls left.

This guy needs to be elected too.

This. Seriously. I really don't give fuck if some dude wants to be a chick; I just don't like the community behind it.
This whole situation would be too golden.

(((Feinstein))) vs. Trans Jenner
Who would you support?????

Everything I know is a lie.......

So many good young men available for the elections!

Transgenders are an abomination and they will be cleansed of this world to provide a better genepool for the white children. Hope all trannies kill themselves before reaching 50.

can't forget him


The left would officially explode in 2018. It needs to happen. If we get over 60 seats, we could literally pass laws to gas the kikes and there is nothing the left could do anymore.

And I hear they want to put Clinton in charge of 2018. Ontop of that, the current DNC chairman just did a podcast with all these lefties, and it got a total of like 150 listeners. This is the ultimate nail in the coffin for the DNC.

Caitlyn Jenner NEEDS to run for office. And the greatest phsyops in history needs to happen. The final stand against SJW culture.

They can not redeem themselves after attacking a tranny. Especially in California.

The perfect storm.

>camel toe
Fag. Don't vote for women.
This guy is a much better choice

>in California

Honestly, I'm all for it. Having a degenerate tranny would actually somehow be better than having that gigakike Diane Feinstein.

Caitlyn Jenner won woman of the year. If the left questions if she is a post-op, which she is, and they will say "she's not a real tranny", we can get them to attack the media as well.

The media put her out there as the face of trannies. The media made her "woman" of the year. The media gave her a platform to gear up to run. Get the left to eat the media while they are at it.

Two birds, one stone, and a Republican tranny running for office in California.

it was a joke, you retard!

let california burn

this will accelerate the process.



>nigger loving faggot
>running for senate in california?
I thought it was a prerequisite.