
How involved should the Government be in the countries economic structure?

Infrastructure, the border, and the military, and that is it.


No industry regulation? What about worker safety?

>Implies govs should exist

Wherever a market can be demonstrated to run better via government regulation/control

If one counts medical and educational facilities as infrastructure, I agree. And the bank should be controlled.

But who would build the infrastructure that industry relies on without government?

Irrelevant. I refuse my self to answer such a utilitarian questioning.

You fail to provide a solution to the problem of creating a first world country without government. Try again.

>implying I've tried something

Again, irrelevant. You fail to understand the core of my ideology. Like always.

It should not. Also, your picture is right : we should all throw away our money in the nature, where it belongs, so that we can save the trees by regrowing them.

Also, I will release my pet hamster because animals should not be kept in captivity. But first, I should pay for his gender reassignment surgery. And... oh, wait, how will I do without money since I threw it all away ?

Oh wait, I know, silly me : I'll whore myself out to complete strangers to get JUST the right ammount of money for it. Also, I'll economise some more if I live naked in someone's house, so that I won't have any money to pay for rent.

Damn, I need my crack. Where's m crack ?
Why is my hamster dead in my hands ? Why am I chewing on its head ?

Please Daddy, I'll be good, stop beating me.

What ? Government ? Economics ? I don't know. Just like, make love, not tar.

You fail to make a competent argument for your system of Economics.

Enough to crush ALL monopolies.

Not at all, true free market please

>My picture does not suggest that solution

>I did not say anything about non-human animals

>I don't disagree that prostitution is wrong

>You can do crack if that's economically viable for you

>I'm not hurting you

>Learn economics

>why anarcho-capitalism will never take off
Ever considered that there are other things that are bad other than the initiation of force?

What do you consider to be a monopoly?

You can luck up a definition on your own, McDonaldsTard

What does this mean?

>stupid ancaps, if you like the free market so much go to a failed socialist country

You can assume a monopoly at the lowest level of production. How far do you take the limit?

Please explain how an Anarcho-Capitalist country would have a better outcome than that seen in Somalia.

Your cable companies treating you like shit because you dont have any other choice is a good one of a million examples.

Should the government step in to dismantle the internet companies?

When they extort their customers the government should not show any mercy.

Since it is only natural that competition occurs over time, there is no worry about the level of production. People's greed always weighs enough to make new businesses rise, no matter which significance of production.

>Implying I've said only initiation of force is bad
>Not making a distinction between moral and ethics
>Assuming an ethical system must be based in what is good or bad, and not what is logically consistent.

How does a capitalistic economy work without extortion?

> based on* my bad.

>You fail to understand the core of my ideology

I always wonder if people like you are actually serious or just bored. Why not buy a cabin somewhere in siberia and have your fantasy world?

You've been in one far longer than me, you should know.

A monopoly (or monospony) should be regulated or nationalised when it is able to influence the market price significantly

Whats logically inconsistent about the current role of government?

As much as neccessary and as little as possible

That is a better definition.

Exactly what would that entail?

Nope. I like my life the way it is. Living in Siberia would be living a more peaceful life, for certain. But even the little drops of capitalism I experience in the west can proportionate a far more comfortable life. I'll never stop resisting the robbers that daily assault my life and the community I'm currently in though.

Who is assaulting you?

It's the governments job to protect and prioritize the interests of their people over those of corporations. Usually, the interests are similar in the sense that when your economy is doing well it benefits the people, but corporations do not care about the people, they care about maximizing profits. When corporations act at the expense of the people there is a point at which the government needs to intervene.

Corporations are people though,

Ants are ants as well, but a whole ant colony is more than the sum of individual ants.

This is incorrect. The colony is the sum of it's individuals.

Mathematically yes, functionality wise not, it's called a superorganism - a colony has more capabilities than any single ant could ever have.

Who decides who owns what resources?

I disagree. The combination of organisms limits the potential ability of any one member.

Daily reminder individualism is retarded, nothing great ever came from individualism.

Greatness comes from massive centralization and collectivization.


This is incorrect, for it is the individual which decides the collective.

No, individuals dont mean shit.
Individuals dont even exist in reality, stop forcing your individual cult on other people mr individual.

That obviously doesn't apply to ants tho

Coming back to the starting point, a company, like an ant colony strives for survival. This is achieved by organisation and teamwork, not individual accomplishments. The company, like the ant colony, depends on professionalism and division of labour, but all of it together grants a huge advantage over single organised ventures, as reality shows.

How so?

post scriptum: the divion of labour actually helps the individuals to improve their professional skills by far more than they would be able to do acting on their own, so basically it is not a disadvantage but rather an augmentation to the individuals abilities.

The essence of an ethical system consists in resolving conflict between individuals. In the real world, conflicts can only occur by the usage of phisical goods (your body included).

So, how's this going to be solved? And how CAN it be solved? Well, the titles of property must be distributed somehow, regardless of the solution. You can distribute everything collectively, you can distribute 90 % to someone and 10% to the rest of the world, etc...You can also create a criterion to decide who owns each thing.

But there's also another necessary condition to a consistent ethical system. It must be universal. If we are analysing the individuals in conflict, it must be done with a neutral point of view. So the 90%-10% distribution and other assimetrical are ruled out. We only can only have equal amount distribution, or a criterium-guided distribution.

Equal amount is unpractical. It would require the permission of the rest of the planet for me to even move a finger, since it would be shared collectvely.

We must follow a criterium them. Everyone gets to own 100% of whatever they came with in the planet (bodies) and everything they first modified with his/her effort. The state doesn't follow that. The state creates conflict that is "resolved" by themselves. The goverment assumes it is runned by enlightened beings who can decide whatever is done to our bodies and goods.The goverment is the 90-10% distribution.

You are a slave if you can't own yourself more them other people can own themselves.

Anyway, the justification can be more extended. Rothbard goes into more detail. Hans Hermann Hoppe provides an even better reason with his "Argumentative ethics" which can't be refuted.


Even more important, the comminity takes takes a lot of pressure from the single individual, causing it to have more room and possibilites to extend its abilites further than possible if alone. One can study physics and mathematics and bioligy a lot more when easy when one has not to worry about food or firewood for the winter. q.e.d.

What does "q.e.d" mean?

And you are retarded beyond hope.

It means that I successfully counter proofed your argument, glad you asked.

Do you believe that 1000 individual ants going about their life independently of one another would achieve as much as a colony of 1000 working together for a common goal?

quod erat demonstrandum


fucking KEK.

Haven't even looked through this thread yet, but I see this ancap flag faggot and know that some retarded things must have been discussed

Strength and honor comrade!

bahahahah. I love being right

>has wet dreams with men in uniform
>calls others a faggot
