Men are just as mentally weak as women

Femanon here. I've been lurking for a while now, and I have seen many posts about women and their downfall caused by the cancers known as liberalism and feminism. I agree with most of what is being said. However, it's not just women are are getting brainwashed into these mindless SJW things.

What needs to be talked about just as much, is how men these days, yes including you user, are mentally neutered. You all have a gaze over your eyes because you've been watching porn for years and are on degenerate dating apps. You blame women for your issues finding a mate, when in reality, you have just as many mental issues caused by our toxic culture. Get off of your phones and ask a girl out in real life. Secondly, please admit you have a psychotic violence problem. 99.9% of violent crimes are committed by your kind. Get ahold of yourselves, stop blaming women for your fragile ego problems.

Other urls found in this thread:

What girls?

I don't know any.

>femanon here
100% sure what you posted also applies to (You)

>femanon here

You have two options.

You aren't a woman, they use far more emotion in their wording, and prefer simpler words, with more social shaming.
You're not half bad at faking it though, keep up the good work. You deserve this (you)

Tits and time stamp or GTFO

men get shit on plenty around here.In fact we shit on men way more than women. looks like you are the only one with a fragile ego because all you saw was hate against women.

I've been here for a half year. nice to meet someone else like me. mostly came to get aquainted with my friends sexism, why are you here?

actually theres only one option. we post and you deal with it
>falling for the tits and get the fuck out meme in 2017

you really don't. you shit on minorities or individuals, not men as a group. there is some admission of men's probablems I'll admit, but no widespread attitudes like the ones here about women.

And what are some problems of men? We have well documented knowledge of how and why woman fuck up, but what about guys?

Psychotic violence is like a million times more satisfying than women.

1 post by this ID. TITS or GTFO.


Men get so much hate here it has been simplified to 3 letters. If you are male: KYS

If you are female, just stop being a stupid slut

>not men as a group.

how foolish. when we aren't shitting on women the only thing left to shit on are men because there are only 2 genders. so i would say more then half of the time we are shitting on men because for the most part women are insignificant so there is not relevance in shitting on women all day long.

men's shortcomings are well documented here and the fact that you would shift that on minorities proves that you are too left for this place.

no, you really don't. you have cherry picked documented knowledge. as for me providing evidence, I hate redpill bullshit. if you want evidence you're better off reading studies and they don't come cheap.
heres just one journal. but let me go off on an aside here and explain where I am coming from.
Pol is absolutely full of stupid behavior. post after post insists we are inferior and need to be controlled, all along side history denial, assertions of greed over wanting the same thing they enjoy, (how dare anyone achieve what you get to have), complete misunderstanding of evolution and gender, climate science, and even things like political systems or what house wives actually did. Hell, many people who bragged about having a high IQ wouldnt even explain what different IQ scores they have, as though theyre either lying or too stupid to understand IQ is an aggregation of several different scores. even the redpills refuse to acknowledge the scientific counter arguements for female intelligence, your beliefs are more important than the truth.

They are rarely able to handle their own hypocracy, are unwilling and even delusional half the time when it comes to how damaging their policies on women would be for us, regardless of how it helps them as a whole. and show a general lack of willingness to confront the consiquences of their ideals and prejudices, some even chosing to state women are somehow equal because they have some kind of untouchable emotional IQ.

These aren't the actions of my superior, and I've only known one man not under the thrall of them. hes a close friend and he is sexist. If men where my betters I would expect far different behavior than I see. Instead i see only more men hating that women have something they want, and their only solution is enslave us so we give them everything, and maybe lie to ourselves about us being happy with it.


>we are shitting on a man or some men
this is what you are doing
for it to be equal this is what it would have to be
>shit on all men as a group.

theres no album for men's shortcomings as a whole here
just women.

>putting forward slashes on post links
jesus christ i need breakfast

stop replying to these threads fucking newfags. sage

Post tits or GTFO.

>Femanon here
(You) are here for (You)s.

>1 post by ID
Most def not a fem.

You mean muslims?

Thanks for the crazy rant and all, but it had nothing to do with what I said, so I don't really understand the point.
Anyway. As for cherry picked examples... after thousands and thousands of examples, of the same and similar things happening again and again, don't you think there might be some correlation? I'm not even one of the faggots that hates woman, But you can't deny that a significant portion of woman, are provably, horrible people. I am asking for similar evidence of this, in men. Of course, men are not exempt from people horrible people, but I have seen far far less evidence if it, than I have women. I am not going to find evidence for you, the burden of proof lies with the accuser. you telling me to find it for you, just means you have none to find.

Well who woul have guessed. Sage.

>femanon here

(Can someone start a thread for me with the following it won't let me from my tablet for some reason)

So I've been lurking for a while now (about 6 months) and I feel confident that I am redpilled and understand all the fundamentals that I need to, they already aligned with my traditional values anyway, but there is one thing I don't understand.

You talk of the coming race war, day of the rope etc, and you also talk about securing a future for white children, but why is talk all you do? I along with many of my friends have traditional values and want white husbands, but what overrides that is a desire to back the winning side. We are hardwired to look for strength and security in a mate. I want a fighter, someone who will fight for our race and our CHILDREN but I don't ever see it. Black men look like the fighters and if a race war is coming it looks like they will win, especially if all you guys do is talk and meme.

Why don't you realise that we're all waiting for you to make the difference? Make us feel safe and secure in a white future, that you can fight and win the damn race war, instead of looking like fucking cowards.

You're losing us to them because you won't fight for us.

50 something married father of three here. I lurk for insight into this other world. I'm well read and very insightful. All in all I have to say, wow Sup Forums you guys are really getting your arse handed to you here.

>I'm a girl, validate me!!!
Gr8 b8 m8

"As a mother..."

Your title or status carries no weight here, why even bother emitting you are a woman? If you believe what you say is true then there would be no reason for it.

Cmon man, you come from a long line of proud shitposters, you can do better than that bro,Make your ancestors proud.

>99.9% of crime committed by my kind

How'd you know I was black op?

Women have put themselves into a position in which we as men need to compete with them now. We can't fight for them if we have to actually fight them in order to make our claim in this world.

Wtf happened to pol? Tits or gtfo

So you're going on your impressions then? That's the whole point. You can't claim matters of fact on the basis of impressions. All you can do is give opinions. Sometimes called hand waving. It's intellectual dishonesty.

The truth is they're on to something.

Men can do everything perfectly and most women will still think 'he's pretty good but I can do better'

See now that's better, you almost made me think you weren't a shitposter. unfortunately, you already screwed it up with your horrid first post.

>theres no album for men's shortcomings as a whole here
there is an album for men's shortcomings. its called history. The only reason that we had to compile one for women on this site is because society teaches us the exact opposite of the true nature of women.

in every facet of life and education the savagery ,barbarism, and ignorance of man is highlighted. We already know the dark side of man is egotistical, cruel, controlling, imperialistic and any other negative word that can be thought of. Women are rightfully taught this since childhood to help protect them against savage men that could kill them in an instant.

little boys, however, are taught a fairy tale about women since birth so we try to expose the true nature of women here. Not to be bitter and say "fuck women" but to see things as they are, level the playing field, and hopefully if you are a real man you accept all of the fucked up things women do and still love them by forgiving their shitty ways. Just as women forgive our many flaws and still love us.

I will never post my body parts online. You will just have to digi-trust that I am a red pilled female. A good looking one, too.
If you posted a basic math problem and asked me to solve it, you will see that in fact I am a female. Deal with it.

You are not a "femanon", idiot.

Whether or not OP is larping, this is mostly truth. Men have been fucking destroyed by modernity. The only problem thing is, OP, the neutered mindfucked boys are NOT the violent ones, generally, if they fixed themselves and became Men again the culture would be more accepting of violence, not less.
its easy to say shit like "Men need to be less violent", I can just as easily say "Women need to be less attracted to violence". Neither is going to happen. Somehow overtly patriarchal places like Victorian Britain managed to basically eliminate crime though.

/pol is an echo chamber genius, that dumb broad may as well be talking to her reflection in the mirror. For a 50 something lurker your not too bright. You have no power here in the abyss.

I meant them both. First person authentic. But it is pretty late here. Work that one out. Then you'll be beyond pilled.

>Femanon here
Tits or GTFO

Men are honestly the fucking worst especially under 35 men these faggots will cause the death of Western civilization and the white race and then blame it on women (who will still get incorporated into Islam while men get killed off)

I didn't even bother reading your post.
You're probably overweight,

You wouldn't have to fight us if you fought for us. It's male jews pushing most of the feminist cancer. All you gotta do is start the war and fight for us instead of being cucks, it's really not that hard to understand.

And yet you replied. My guess is you aren't lost in the abyss either.

>Secondly, please admit you have a psychotic violence problem. 99.9% of violent crimes are committed by your kind

No, you're think of black people.

Tits or GTFO

Oh wow another woman with no insight, bullshit data, and coming in swinging with insults because she assumes she's correct from the beginning with no discussion.

What a stimulating discussion this will be.

Here, allow me to retort. Kill yourself.

>Y-yeah women have problems which make them unattractive but it is your fault and your ego is to blame

Flawless thinking lady.


Stabbing with probability. You're probably undereducated.

Honestly this is some fucked up shit. Men and woman are supposed to worked together, supposed to be a team. But now woman are actively fighting against men, and in doing so, ruining their lives.

honestly no need for me to prove it. This is what I mean when I say you don't fucking listen. I find your redpill bullshit contemptable. Thousands of examples are meaningless. science is the only thing that matters to me, not your acrued anecdotes. if that shit worked christian science would be real. they have more than thousands of their own examples of prayer healing working. don't you think there MUST be SOME kind of correlation?

The point of all that shit i said is that it shows the kind of evidence you value and how you react to it shows you're no better than the people you criticize at making logical decisions.

I will wait for the science to prove things one way or the other, and I would recommend anyone interested in the real answers would read up on those studies instead of redpilled info graphs for their facts on women. the only thing science proves right now is that its a very interesting field that is still emerging that no one here gives a fuck about other than how they can use bits and pieces of it to prop up their ideologies

no one posts on pol to change minds, thats just the lie I tell myself to get (you)s, just like all of you.

Women belong in kitchens not on the internet.

Could've been better

We shit on male KEKS endlessly.
Stop whining cunt and unless you are in the kitchen shitposting while the food is warming up for your 3+ white babies you are just as useless as the rest of the white thots

What is psychological projection, OP?

men are weak beta faggots who play with toys well into their 20's and live with their parents they don't fight they don't want to struggle and they are filled with autism and only voice controversial opinions on the internet 80% of men are fucking useless and can be killed off with little consequence the draft needs to be re-enstated and porn and video games should be banned

the burden of PROOF, lies with the ACCUSER.
YES. you do need to prove it.

Men are domesticated nowadays, this is true.

>we shit on male :adjectives:
are you illiterate or just dumb.
you have to shit on MEN for it to be equal
not lefty men, not black men, not kekistan losers (does anyone even care? nobody fell for leftypols retarded ploy to give us ideology flags to divide pol, everything is the same as it was before), not chads and not christfags or pagans. men

Just men.

yep it's true of some women. some of those are probably getting even for something that a man or men did to them. Not a good solution. The mistake misogynists and misandrists make is generalising. That's it right there.

Its not that we are lost in the abyss old man, we are the abyss. Her post remains meaningless here for everyone but herself.

Roastie btfo

>"Men are just as mentally weak as women"
>"the cancers known as liberalism and feminism. I agree with most of what is being said."

lmao at how unironically no memes fragile the male ego is

it is literally a massive struggle to find a modern man who so much as has a job because you are all arrested development little boys

inb4 LMAO U R LE SLUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a virgin at age 26 because it is literally not possible to find an available functioning adult man

>I want an answer!
>No that appropiate answer is incorrect because I say so


indeed, and you haven't proved it, you've just cherry picked.
I've said it before, I'll say it again. this is the third time you've ignored it and that will be a big lie.

You don't grasp for every worthless shred of evidence to prove something, you get the good evidence and then prove it. something pol refuses to answer to. still peddling around richard lynn's discredited (but not inherently worthless) study as if it doesn't very obviously need modern revision and isn't severely lacking in the whole repeatability arguement. Time after time pol satisfies itself. they show no curiosity, only how they can vindicate their hated of women. Why would anyone insist I need to find proof men are just as bad? you don't even have insurmountable proof that we're that bad for it to be worth it yet.

>99.9% of violent crimes

le b8

>Femanon here
Well, lick my dick.

You don't deserve the courtesy of addressing your points since 1) you've lied that you've been lurking here as most of them have been addressed already countless times, 2) they're flawed (see no.1) and 3) you're not looking for answers, only to shift the blame.

Abyss is too strong a metaphor for you then. I've seen the degenerates that are in that space. I'm betting you aren't.

Pic unrelated.

>you obsess and treat women differently as a group
>hol up dats not true we wuz hating on some leftie betacucks and shieeet
>thats not the same as generalizing all women as inferior or shit
>nuh uh cause i say so
you're the we wuz kangs of this arguement.

>femanon here

Stopped reading there. Shut up bitch

Listen bitch, if you actually spent time on Sup Forums you would have seen my evidence. where is yours? because I may be cherry picking examples, but you don't even have examples to cherry pick. that alone, defaults to me being correct.

The post literally concludes with how men's ego is fragile for no reason at all, after a reluctant agreement on personal behaviour patterns of women. I'm saying it's a dumb conclusion. Where'd you get the rest of your post you dumb larper.

>Thousands of examples are meaningless. science is the only thing that matters to me

why is it that people who say this are the least scientific people? Anyone who truly understands science would never say anything like this. You speak too difinitively on science as if you know even a fraction of it (no one person does) and you speak vaguely on evertyhing else.

Women are more likely to kill children, baby killer.

P.s. Obligatory tits or gtfo

You are the one arguing things aren't true, I ain't denying anything. Stop being a triggered doofus,

What exactly do you mean by functioning? I agree with most of what you're saying about the double standards here. I am not one to pop off about gender because I have had girlfriends and have suffered failures at the hand of my own shitty behavior.

I work 28 hours a week to pay the bills and play a bit of video games but have finally hit a psychological wall where I can't enjoy them as much since I am 26 now and just feel guilty playing. So I'm teaching myself development skills.

My brother runs a carpentry outfit and works like 50 hours a week at least, has two kids. Gives me some serious imposter syndrome let me tell you. I wouldn't say the guys here are any better or worse than normies though, the guys I work with, despite having jobs, are for the most part apathetic, drunkard, hippie man children.

Whites will win any kind of race war even if outnumbered 10,000:1

You're a fucking idiot if you don't know that and I sure hope you go with the nigs so you can get a traitor's reward.

>Femanon here.

You fucking newfag, post your tits or get the fuck out.

>femanon here
Already broke one of the rules. Post tits or gtfo.

you want evidence like in op. I'm telling you that evidence is just as hard to come by as real uncontested evidence you have on women.
Believe it or not, research takes time. I already gave you a nice study to look over, while 80% of every woman thread is unironically tumblr caps and richard lynn.

if you actually want arguements against women being inferior, theyre a fucking google search and wikipedia article away.
the standing consensus is "measuring intelligence is like quantum mechanics, we need more time and more people"
If you are interested in the bare minimum of a topic the least you could do is show awareness that the most minimal fucking research could have shown you, but you can't even put that effort in.

Most girls I meet are hard pressed in making their own way, if they choose to do so thats fine by me they're going face the same trials men do. My guess is that in time the pendulum will swing and society will correct itself. You give me 'male jews' as the target of these problems however that is incredibly vague. You need exact companies, think-tanks etc that are perpetuating current dogma throughout society like women=men in terms of working capabilities. I dont believe in collective punishment so just steam rolling all jews is something a marxist would do. I know jewish guys who are fun to hang out and work with, but dont get me wrong they practice a lot of nepotism (main reason why pol hates them or should hate them)

Show us your cunt you fat slag.

Why are you so hard pressed on collective guilt?

>why is it that people who say this are the least scientific people?
why is it that people who say this are the least scientific people
anyone who says something like that to the reply i posted would never understand that science needs control of variables and peer review for it to be science.

>I speak definitively on science
I do because enough discussion on pol has shown me most of you don't even know the fundamentals an 8th grader would be aware of. shame the one eyed woman is queen in the eye of the blind. It's almost like everyone here is insisting they have two eyes to my one but they never bother opening them.

I don't want arguments on woman being inferior though, because that isn't true. What I want is your evidence that......
>men's shortcomings are well documented
I would like this documentation.

arguing what isn't true? I'm arguing your evidence is shit on a completely different topic than the one i replied to when i replied to that post. goal post shifting doesn't make the fact that pol doesn't have 5-15 "muh men are stupid" threads on the catalog at any given time.

>woman goes straight to 'no mate' card

wow whoda thunk it's almost like you're incapable of consideration outside of that subject

>Good looking one too
No one would say this, it's clearly a fucking shill
If you don't want to post it online, email

Look at my ID you dumbcunt, I'm just pointing out argumentetive fallacies, now hush

Tits or GTFO

> 99.9% of violence.
You must of pulled that statistic straight out of your ass. Dude yeah beta males are a huge problem. But they will vanish and go right back to the little faggots they are meant to be as soon as we stop feeding the cancer that is feminism.

>femanon here, I know what some girls are told to do by society isn't fair BUT THE REAL PROBLEM IS YOU MEN
Go eat a bag of skittles.