Are we literally on a post-philosophical world ? Is thought really dead ?

are we literally on a post-philosophical world ? Is thought really dead ?

No need to believe in spooks, son!

look what happened to jordan peterson, dude spoke against that cancerous bill that was introduced (and is now the law) and, instead of getting support from his colleagues, 200 of them wrote a letter denouncing him. why did no one stand by his side? where are the intellectuals? they have centuries of philosophy behind them, they have truth and law and logic and reason and everything on their side, they could've easily destroyed every bullshit lefty non-argument, but they didn't do anything because they were scared to death.
in short: yes it's dead.

Anyone who thinks about themselves and human existence in the universe, doesnt say it out loud. So they never get heard

All the while things like soap opera, Facebook and X Factor exist then of course thought is dead.

A startling amount of people are stupid and clueless

all that struggle, all those deaths, all that blood spilled for freedom in all of it's forms, and now it's all getting flushed away, and no one gives a flying fuck.

>No need to believe in spooks, son!
max sternir
>believing in the words of a literal meme philosofer.

and, ironically, that freedom (unchecked freedom, to be precise) is the cause of our downfall.

their philosophies included young male prostitutes.

>implying the hoi polloi didn't always have stuff comparable

philosophy isn't for the masses

Just a reminder that your pic is that of a nigger White washed with marble!

>calling people memes as an argument
go to bed, Marx! I'm already dead, just get over it!

>Just a reminder that your pic is that of a nigger White washed with marble!

(citation needed)

go to bed, Marx! I'm already dead, just get over it!

god dammit sternir atleast my idioligy still exists.

greeks aren't niggers

The purported telos of humanity is a nigh-unreachable height that is only attainable by stepping past each obstacle we encounter on the route to determining our colloquial stance on all moral and ethical dilemmas. It is much more likely than not, without a schism of classes to the point of species separation, that we will damage our own societies to the point where we cannot support ourselves in the modern sense before we are able to reach such a high point. A major argument against this pessimistic foresight would be the point of Establishment. Human society has reached a level of Established understanding that has (as far as we know) never been set ever in humanity's history. This means that until we experience such levels of societal decline as complete annihilation of countries and records, we will always know established countries as what they are right now, and established knowledge as what it is right now. This is a potential prevention method to complete collapse, as with our potential for storing information and all other necessities is at an all time high, we are capable of returning, psychologically and socially, from a collapse to a point that was never before deemed reasonable. Such a catastrophic event could even be seen as beneficial to attaining the telos of humanity in the manner that the convolution of current populations would clarify, similar to a schism situation.

Modern philosophy isn't dead, it's just drowned out.

Not if you dump all your brain expansion memes

interesting post, is there more on this subject somewhere?

Not as far as I know. It's my own subject I'm writing on.

Solzhenitsyn spoke about America's civic cowardice back in the 70s and it has spread since then. Nobody wants to stick out in a democracy since the nail that sticks out gets hammered down.

Embrace your inner anarch son.

gl user

The point is it doesn't matter. The guy with the bigger weapon wins. Bigger dick, more cash, better looking gets the women. No one cares about your pointless philosophical "epiphanies".

Philosophy is quite literally the pursuit of knowledge that you will never end up using, and it will only create neurosis and depression.

>Wow I'm powerless
>Wow we all die
>Wow we can't even trust our senses
>Wow everyone is irrational and selfish, only power wins
>Wow I'm now 80 years old and wasted life thinking about questions for no real tangible reason

Philosophy is for cuckolds who sit on the sidelines of life and watch others live. Meanwhile, the Trumps of the world end up getting rich, powerful, and influential, and have power over millions of more people than any forgotten philosopher.

Your sight is so narrow.

No, my sight is clear. I wasted all of college on psychology, spirituality, religion, philosophy, and it meant nothing. I would be much better off if I had studied business and started my own.

You can't refute anything I said. You just are too weak to admit I am right and that there is nothing tangible about philosophical hypotheses.

Fucking hell, you couldn't make a more American post if you tried, well done lad.

No one wants to look crazy. I say crazy shit all the time and it doesnt go well for me.

i didn't really expect anyone to join him in the battle, but it's mind-blowing that they denounced him like that. academia is so intellectually homogenous, and, as a result, nothing of quality can come out of it as long as it stays in that cancerous state. there can't be any progress, only decay. slow, painful decay.
my theory about why they are cowards is pretty simple: people just don't feel a need to defend their culture (i'm not only talking about intellectuals but also about the regular people),because no one taught them to value and love that culture in the first place. why would they risk their livelihood for something they don't care about?

Smells of Dunning-Kruger effect.
Are you certain your sight is as wide as you think?

>part of ottoman empire for 500 years.
>came originally from egypt

They nigger tier like argintantians of europe.

In politics its called End Of History.

mountains of books beg to differ

There are so many levels of assumption happening. I do not have degrees in philosophy, or anthropology, they are a personal interest. I own a private company, creating, networking, managing, and consulting for databases.

Your sight is so narrow and clouded.

I'll take that as a compliment. I am not happy that I think it's true, but I have been forced by reality to accept that in the material physical world, i.e. reality, our ideas are just potential in a closed system separate from the rest of the world.

Imagine you had all the perfect knowledge of all things in the universe, but you sat silently in a room and died alone. Did you matter? Did you change anything? Did your ideas themselves mean anything? No, of course not, it was just potential and it was lost when you died.

Results are really all that matter. A simple man who takes action is worth 1000 wise men who sit around and do nothing but talk about their ideas.

It depends, if you can be smart on your own then you dont need to study anything at all except to say you studied.

I think what matters is Business, psychology, Philosphy, anything else will not get you money unless you really into it. For average students, this is what you focus on.

>So many levels of assumption happening.
On your part, yes. If you aren't going to write anything of substance, I can't interpret your meaning and I won't be convinced by your "philosophy". This is exactly the problem. You have what you believe are good ideas. But you don't express them, you just weakly complain about me, and so of course your ideas never come to fruition.

Sorry, but that's reality. We are all separate from one another. Just having intelligence or just having knowledge is never enough.

For most of my life, no one has ever cared about all my knowledge and intelligence; I offer nothing tangible, like money or resources or sex, so I receive nothing in return.

One of the greatest strengths in approaching a telos, is our potential as a species for recognizing faults and dealing with them via a means of discourse and communication. Any ignorance is merely an opportunity to understand at a deeper level. There is no emotion or personal aggrandizement occurring here, merely a simple analysis of our society's current potential paths.

The telos of humanity is not technically the end of history. Unless you mean the schism? I do appreciate elaboration and further discussion.

You're so right bro.

After everything I've seen and done, all the horror, the tragedy, I've come to realise that the only things that matter are the results I can hold in my own hands.

The strong prey on the weak and I'm the predator.

Tch, nothin personnel kid.

Hes right though. Heres the thing no one tells you about. People hate those who study Philosophy because it benefits no one but yourself. People want people who help others with their skills. Its kind of like charity giving. If you say you are inteligent and learn everyday about new things but never say how you put it to work to help your fellow man, then they will see you as arrogant son of a bitch who needs to be put down.

See sports, they win medals, they make entire people proud. Thats what people like, its that simple.

Last post for me: Knowledge is good, thinking is important, but without a real tangible outcome, all of it is wasted. 99% of people never read any philosophy ever, and it never factors into their lives.

Simple people become much more successful than neurotics, because they are able to actually engage with the world without becoming fixated on the recursive process of thinking about thoughts and thinking about ideas over and over with no tangible outcome or objective.

Set goals for what you want in life, and work towards them every day. That is an infinitely superior philosophy than 99% of what has been written over the years.

You might have not been placing yourself around people who properly understand the values of semantic discourse. I understand fully what you are saying, because in general, society reciprocates what it sees as valuable with more of what it sees as valuable.

It doesn't seem complicated to understand the reasoning behind current underappreciated of philosophical thought though. It has become a very convoluted field, with many voices in it that carry little logic or semantic understanding. Rarely will you find philosophical discussion at such a level of determining modern colloquial views, as was common in past philosopher's debates. We live in a day of virtue signaling, and convolution to the point of people not understanding what they are even saying.

But none of that is to say that we aren't still slowly working towards a philosophical singularity. An objective reality, as some philosopher's would put it. Philosophy is a long term game, and rarely can solve problems that lie directly in front of our face because it doesn't analyze the issues directly, it's an attempt at understanding why that issue is there, and what it means to the advancement of human society. Between that, and the innumerable amounts of emotion-driven world views right now, philosophy is definitely underappreciated in the modern world, but that does not mean for a moment that it doesn't have an important place in academic discourse.

Philosophers have second highest IQ after engineers.

No it's not, plebs gonna be plebs.
It's just that thought and thinking in general is
not that popular and respected.

Believe me, if I could simply accomplish things just by wanting them, like being around people who value discourse, my life would be very different. I'm from rural Minnesota. I have been very isolated for most of my life.

I respect your time you put into writing your post so I actually read it. I do have to disagree about any singularity, however. I think as the world globalizes and everyone interacts with everyone else, things will get even more complicated.

I would like it if society discussed practical philosophy, in terms useful to everyday life for the vast majority of people. If only people would even consider talking about concepts of "rational decision making" and "creative problem solving" and "goal-driven strategies" we would have a much better society.

Anyway sorry to the rest of you that I was rude and oversimplified things, but I have such eternal rage against the impotence of having knowledge and nothing else. I know exactly what it is to have all kinds of knowledge about hundreds of subjects, and for no one in my real life to care about any of it.

i mean, think about it, if you say to a liberal "our society is slowly dying out, we are gonna be a minority in our own country in a couple of decades, our birthrates are low, there is degeneracy everywhere" they will just look at you and say "why should i care?", or, if they're of the more brainwashed kind, they will say "i'm glad that it's happening. we deserve it".
they don't feel any connection to their culture, to their nation, to their community, to their country, to their flesh and blood. they only care about themselves and their hedonistic way of life. as i've said, problem is that people have been granted too much freedom. normies are dumb and they can't be trusted to use it responsibly. when you say to people that they're free to do what they want you get what we have now.
>woman doesn't wanna get married
you don't have to do it if you don't feel like it
>woman doesn't wanna have kids
it's ok, you're free
>woman gets an abortion
it's her choice. shut up bigot!
>people do drugs
they're adults, it doesn't concern you
etc., etc., etc. i can give you a million examples
you can't expect people to feel an obligation to their tribe and to sacrifice something when they've been hearing their whole life that no of that stuff is important, and that they are the only ones that decide what's important.


Egypt was and is niggers.

its a constant battle between reason and marketability. Your philosphical ideas have to be liked by the average guy even if its not the truth. The Truth is whatever many people agree is the truth, usually something simple and appealing.

okay I see you have a good point here and has the necessary back end to explain it... I agree that in most cases we cannot go forward in this situation, but in fact this also means we will *never* go forward. What is needed for a new wave of philosophy is almost total destruction of the current status quo, that would also mean most knowledge would be lost in the the process of destruction, this meas that in the process of reconstruction similar ideas of what we had previously by modern philosophers will just come forward again defaced as other ideals... basically what I'm trying to say is that eventually society will go back exactly where it started and go all over the end again... nothing is changed at the end, but hey I'm just a cynic pessimist

I appreciate your self awareness within the discussion.

Philosophy isn't about doing things, this is wear you are lacking understanding.

>Philosophy is a long term game, and rarely can solve problems that lie directly in front of our face because it doesn't analyze the issues directly, it's an attempt at understanding why that issue is there, and what it means to the advancement of human society.

It's not about writing a book that causes a bunch of people to stand up and go picket the capital. It's about creating understanding, and easing the way humanity chooses to go. It's about defining subjects so complicated that we have yet to truly understand our own definitions. The discussion of the root of justice from Plato's republic is always one that comes to my mind when regarding modern use of pilosophy. We don't have discussions like that anymore, despite them being the most important. We have lost sight of true justice in our current time, and it's a subject that needs to be revisited.

Even things as simple as social liberty are being questioned these days. Essays like "On Liberty" apply more than they ever did nearer their conception, and even then they only provide a small glimpse into how humanity sees a small part of a large subject.

I know exactly what you mean, that philosophy provides no quick, tangible change. But to ignore the long term changes it can potentially instill on humanity's future, is flawed.

It's just really easy to not care about humanity's future, I know. I've definitely been there.

Would you care articulate or is this a slide thread?
I'll opt for the latter.

FUN FACT, in my country, when you want to insult someone you call him "philosopher" or he is "philosophizing"

We're in an age where we're more consumed with being entertained than pondering the mysteries of live and existence.

A cycle of regression is definitely something that has merit. A pessimistic outlook provides very important perspective when regarding long term memetics. I truly do feel as though our level of establishment will prevent such a cycle though, despite it being exactly what has happened throughout most of humanity's history, we just have capabilities we never had before, allowing us to prevent that cycle.

The progression philosophy makes is one of the least tangible aspects of it. The discussions, the thoughts, and the writings are all understandable and direct, yet the outcome is so long term and loose it often discourages people from approaching it. Moving forward isn't as simple as seeing society change how it feels about a subject because of a voice or a text, despite how we'd like it to be.

Fun fact, extremely religious people don't tend to ponder the questions of existence.

When your society values, above all else, devotion to a base instinct and religious sect without adaptation to modern times, it's unlikely applied or critical thought works its way into daily life.

It isn't dead it's just not advantageous anymore, and is largely ignored by the public unless you're a good salesman and self-promoter.

it was never advantageous for the philospher

I agree with the gist of what you're saying. I'd say that philosophy is actually useful insofar as it facilitates getting "real world" things done, whether that be achieving more sophisticated forms of social organization or fueling personal motivation or whatever else.

Your country is also Muslim so they don't want you to think. It's also why Muslims hate dogs when in the West dogs are seen as loyal,noble and faithful companions. Mans best friend.

Materialism killed philosophy. More accurately, it replaced philosophy with economics and the past century or so have had essentially no major philosophical revisions, only economic experimentation (using nations as test tubes.)

That word, 'experimentation' is important because it portrays a scientific pursuit of knowledge, not a more traditional building of suppositions and supporting theories supported by observation.

Psychology too takes up some measure of the burden laid down by philosophy, as materialism indicated that the best way to understand any real object is to reduce examples of it their component. However, fear of moral outrage of societal unrest (which are economically unfavorable) has significantly dampened any exploration and moreso any findings from such experimentation.

Philosophy asks 'why', anyone with power has long since finished asking 'why' and has moved onto 'how'. The death of philosophy as a societal pursuit was probably predictable under such a model.

lmao, you are a very intelligent person, you have explained something to me in a way I couldn't express... I have to agree with your point, just one thing I cannot grasp

>we just have capabilities we never had before, allowing us to prevent that cycle.

are you talking about tech ?

"How" is just as important in philosophy. Economics is an applied philosophy in the same way that anthropology is. I do agree that the classic definition of philosophy is widely regarded as stagnant, but it's present in nearly every aspect of human advancement.

>societal unrest...(economically unfavorable)
This is something I disagree with. It's not as simple as that, despite it being mostly true. Modern economics have discovered that the reactions of a group are an extremely potent tool for controlling aspects of an economy, having seen the damage they have done in the past.

It's a very good point to bring up the lack of classic philosophy though, because nearly all means in which we utilize philosophy these days is either in action, or merely attempting to bring logic to post-modernist thought patterns.

Essentially yes. Retention of information particularly. The fact that if 99% of society fails, there's still a chance the remaining amount could continue to live in a similar fashion that we have established as a first world society via accessibility to already discovered knowledge. The amount of knowledge we have recorded in the formats that we have, was never even thought of during the time of our last societal collapse.

>Is thought really dead ?
It only seems that way because liberals consider thought a "hate crime."

Humanity acts as an organism really easily with most people being followers. I kinda think that its always been this shitty. And that groups of people getting together to push ideas are the only thing that has gotten us anywhere.

so you are literally saying that in 1000 years a colony on mars can decide to go full communist and be run by feminists?... just my pessimism ruining thought it

Thinking is for chumps.

Use your instincts, you know, the thing that's always right 100% of the time.

Don't get mad if you don't have enough money to do the thinking for you.

I'm saying that in 1000 years, we'll likely be closer to realizing how we feel about society related issues, and the more self-awareness we create in the world, the quicker we can determine our views as a whole. Bullshit like transgenders are just steps we have to take in order to realize where we stand as a species, before we begin to walk down the path of purported telos.

We have not yet come to the place where touching god is warranted. We have a ways to go before we even begin our true path to what we see as our final destination.

It should be considering that is what the bible basically is. That knowledge soaks in.

Your right about getting women. They follow whatever they perceive to be the alpha. The rules and the system changes they still instinctively seek out the top of it. And women are a major part of the male life and goals. However someone has to lead and philosophy is useful as fuck. And in democracy we all need to be a little leader.