AMA Auschwitz

I was in Auschwitz this afternoon.
Ask me anything

did the instructor tell you that 6000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 jews died and were turned into soap and lampshades?

Did you see the oven?

Polish took properties of Holocaust victims.

did u cry?

Did you enjoy one of the most delightful sights in the world?

Did you see the sign that says the "gas chamber" in the camp was a replica made in 1948? Did you also see the poorly made wooden doors that were used to systematically murder Jews?

>Holocaust victims

All 6000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 of them?

Of course, I was told a gazillon jews died and how horrible Hitler was.
A reconstruction yeah. I'd love to smell crispy burnt Jews though.
Yup, there's nothing telling where your money is going, probably not charity as Polaks are thieves

Did you survive or are you RIP op?

I want to put a fucking nazi flag over my balcony yeah

Do you think one could really die by falling from a guard tower?

did You meet Herrn Dr. Mengele ? is he still working as a doctor ?

I want to say it all looked like a fucking Hollywood reproduction.
Everything was pristine even if the buildings were from 80 years ago ...

Checked. Double trips
You know what you must do.

Nah, maybe if landing on his neck..
I kissed his glorious nazi cock

>A reconstruction

Oh, i wonder why.

I need to get one ... wait I might have something though

Did you see the swimming pool? I think it's not part of the official tour.

Can I move to Poland? My family is originally from there five generations ago. I can't take cuckdeau any longer.

> I can't take cuckdeau any longer

That bad?

You can see some weird pools when looking through windows.
Look like Shrek's swamps

I have no idea, I'm from Switzerland.
I was just in vacations in Krakow

I want off this crazy ride. My tax dollars are going to third world shit holes and importing brown people.

I mean why do I have to work 80 hours a week and some 60 iq rapefugee gets free money and shit?

Also is it legit to challenge the Fakechwitz tour guides or do they arrest you on the spot or something for being anti-Semitic. I have a feeling I'd get removed from the tours because of the ulfiltered autism that would be spewing from my mouth.

Did jew expect it to be as big as it is?

kek, I was there a week ago, it was really funny

Will this do if I hang it somewhere ?

KEK approves. It shall be done.

Is there some kind of souvenir shop?
If yes, what do they sell and did you buy something?

There is one. They sell ashtrays.

No there's just a bookstore saying how bad nazies were

>Is there some kind of souvenir shop?
Of course there is. This is Jews we're talking about. Pic related is one of the many amazing souvenirs you can purchase for only a few shekels.

>Also is it legit to challenge the Fakechwitz tour guides or do they arrest you on the spot or something for being anti-Semitic

Hahahahahahaha. Arresting someone in poland for being anti semitic. Short answer no. Jews are not very liked here.

I did notice that too.
I tried to bargain at a flea market with a babushka and she yelled something like "Go back to Israel !"

I probably couldn't keep a straight face and my sides would be in orbit when going through the camp. When they show me the pools prisoners were forces to swim to death or the gas chambers SS member cycled between the gassings.

It would make for a spectacle.

How big is your dick?

>I was in Auschwitz this afternoon
who let you out?

I escaped. I couldn't stand the leftist and jew propaganda any longer

Is the tour really by jews or just left is?

People who are getting paid to tell you shit, half of them do not really care.

It actually looks pretty comfy in there

Can you imagine a little coffee shop on the side?

Did you swim in the pool and visit the inmate infirmary or did they "avoid" showing those

Nein, the most shocking was the prison and crematorium.
By saying "shocking" I mean that the smell was horrendous. Fucking sweat and shit in the air...

The "shit" refers to burned up jews ?

Nah, more like a mix of tears and lies.
Checked btw