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Ancient Africa had untold wonders and scientific achievements. UNTIL WHITEY CAME AND STOLE IT.

Looks like a rock to me

>whites btfo once again

when will they learn






you ignorant nigger didn't you know that Africans invented rocks

Nuclear Reactor is being used in such a broad term in that article that the human body would also be considered one

this. fuck drumf and fuck white people

Fake news I presume?

Ancient Africans were perfecting the singularity. UNTIL WHITEY CAME ALONG.


over exaggerated pseudo intellectual news that pops up on my kikebook as sponsored content

Why haven't you blocked those Ads user?

I like how they did the quote unquote nuclear reactor, they found evidence of strange natural reactions buried deep inside the earth. Zero evidence of any man made reactors.

the bar has been pretty low for black people for a long time now. a rock = nuclear reactor. thats the exchange rate of fact and "the inspirational fiction"

obama never went to college he simply was never arrested.


Its fucking sulfur on a rock.


is there a way to do it on an unrooted Samsung S7?
I want to wait till im out of warranty before I root

>we so dumb we believe all sponsored Facebook click bait, 'n sheeeeeeeiiiiiiiit.

Uninstall Facebook App,
Install Firefox, add AdblockPlus add-on, add "facebook.com###u_jsonp_5_2" without quotes as blocking rule. May differ from user to user, I extracted that myself from my own desktop browsing.

>white people 200 years ago: living in caves

>black people 2 billion years ago: building nuclear reactors

you fukin racist

Like the whole earth?

I could not agree more, maybe next time:

>A nuclear reactor before the earth even existed, an ancient alien civilization?

*picture of the sun*

yea i figured it would involve uninstalling Facebook app.
Cheers for the tip I don't mind if Zuckercunt sees my dick pics :)

FYI a natural nuclear reactor did exist, it's just the idea that humans build it that is retarded

This was what the average black man looked like before whitey came along


I heard africans had quantum computers and cosmic death rays when whitey didn't know what soap is.

>2 billion years

Unless it was built by single celled amoebas it wasnt built by anything on this planet.

>Oklo natural nuclear reactor
They literally discovered this shit in the 70s. What the fuck.

It is possible that human civilisation sprang up several times in earths history.

If we all died today all that would be left to show that we existed would be the pyramids and other big stone structures

Oh, man, can we make this into a "super ancient civilizations" thread?

Reminder that there was a great civilization in the Old World that precedes the Ice Age, and that was wiped away when the sea levels rose. Traces of it survived in Egypt, the Middle East, and in parts of Europe.

Everything else would have turned to dust in 2000 yrs or so

It's naturally occurring


What did they mean by this?

All the things blacks have created:

let's start with that computer you're typing on
- the software that drives it
- the internet & nearly all web applications
- recorded music
- motion pictures
- tv
- radio
- camera
- telephone
- light bulb
- the automobile
- rocketry
- satellites
- spacecraft
- airplanes
- skyscrapers
- telescope
- printing press
- eyeglasses
- contact lenses
- microwave oven
- metallurgy (most discoveries)
- materials science (plastics, compounds, & most other synthetics)
- 95% of medical advancements
- 95% of life saving pharmaceutical drugs
- modern food preservatives
- most scientific breakthroughs over the past 1000 years
- the bulk of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology
- astronomy (most discoveries and mapping techniques)
- sea navigation (most advancements)
- discovery of DNA
- microscope
- laser technology and it's myriad of uses
- harnessing electricity
- nuclear energy
- wireless technology
- air conditioning devices
- refrigeration
- modern agricultural techniques
- modern democracy
- modern capitalism (the greatest wealth distribution system ever, yes, even with all it's faults)

Blacks are the supreme race! Post this in every thread! Spread the Word!

Hey morons, Africans didn't make that reactor. Nobody did. It was naturally formed.


So stop the anti-science bullshit.

Don't forget we created whitey aswell

lately i came up with this list of "weapons" one could summon or manifest by meditating, hindus have a lot of weird stories like vimanas and a lot of temples with thousands of years of gold hoarded inside them, pretty nice desu


>the true masterrace of humanity, the African, did not create the first nuclear reactor 2,000,000,000 years ago

More racist bullshit

Is this your first day here? Can't you tell the difference between satire and serious?

das rite

>i showed you my dick now answer me

They where natural nuclear reactors. Google it.

clickbait trash

Humans have been around for roughly 200k years,

Civilization as we know it has existed for about 14,000 now with golbeki Tepi although I would assume some small form of farming and civilization is probably several thousand years older.

After a couple thousand years only stone remains, so any society that didnt have stone structures would be almost totally lost.

Consider that we went from Bronze age fire worshipers to landing on the moon over about 5-6 thousand years.

I wouldn't be surprised if there had been more advanced societies back 20, 40, 100 thousand years ago.

How would we ever know? By then everything that isnt eroded away or rotted/rusted away has long since been buried or drowned beneath the ocean. Ground to dust under a new Ice age glacier melted into nothing by a volcano or by a meteor strike.

Broken down by insects and animals, scattederd across the world.

I dont think anything as advanced as what we have so far has come about but I wouldn't be surprised if some ancient human civilization arose to the level of Greece or Rome and then tens of thousands of years ago and whatever small example of it that remains wasnt lost to an ice age or by sea level rises, or other humans destroying what remains.

A terrible amount of damage has been done to ancient sites by other people, half of the runis of Rome are decrepit because Italians took them apart to build other shit, The Parthenon had a roof until it was blown up in a war because it was being used as a fortress/gun storage.

Evidence pls

But Whitey is right behind him

What do you think Orks are based on?

Nope. Jews stole it.

I'm saying the reactors are real, the WE WUZ NUCLEAR PHYSICISTS is definitely not.

Evidence is just a social construct created by the white man to keep a brotha down

2 billion years is way before the Cambrian explosion (0.5 billion years ago).

Das RighT!




No. It was naturally occurring. Unlike black intelligence.


>when a post is so good you need to make it twice

4chanX has been acting up lately. I double posted yesterday too

thats where the ark of the covenant came from.

my sides



Did Buraku-san put it on meltdown?

what`s wrong with them, i mean i had radiochemistry couse in uni, and i heard about Oklo in Gabon, it is natural "reactor"

Is this Quiet's dad?


I know....

>An ancient nuclear reactor that was churning away 2 billion years ago sounds like a myth. Maybe it's because the term reactor usually implies a manmade structure. But in this case, the reactor is a region of natural uranium within the Earth's crust, found in Okla, Gabon. Uranium is naturally radioactive, and the conditions in this rocky area happened to be just right to cook up some nuclear reactions.

The natural reactor must have annoyed nuclear scientists: The first nuclear reactor to produce electricity started up in 1951, and this only produced a trivial amount of energy. The pile of rock in the ground in Okla, on the other hand, created nuclear power around 2 billion years ago!

>It was discovered in 1972, when some French scientists took uranium ore from the mine in Gabon to test its uranium content. Typically, uranium ore is made up of three types (isotopes) of uranium, each one with a different number of neutrons: Uranium 238, which is the most abundant, uranium 234, which is the rarest, and uranium 235, which nuclear scientists are most interested in because it can sustain nuclear chain reactions.

Jesus fuck, niggers can't even build a proper civilization when nature provides them with everything including a fucking nuclear reactor.

Clearly it was Yakub's laboratory where he made wh*te """""""""""""people""""""""""""

I am no nuclear scientist but I am pretty sure that is just a stone wall and not a reactor.

>civilization older than dinosaurs

yea, no.

>blacks really did have an advanced tech civilization
>decide to build nuclear reactors
>invite lesser humans to view it
>european savage chimps out and causes a meltdown of epic proportions
>black gene pool is permanently fucked by radiation poisoning
>rest of the world progresses at they're own pace
>blacks are now stuck in radiated monkey mode
What would Sup Forums reaction be if they wuz kangz but could never be again due to something some white caveman accidentally did?

I'd wonder how the fuck I ended up in Bizarro World

Yes wyatt boii you stole all ours technology n sheeeeeet.

That's the exact moment when whitey came along


Serious question for the black folks....how do you cope with a disease that turns you white?

Do you celebrate becoming white, or are you now overcome with guilt from your new-found white privilege?

Ancient Aryans just doing their job

Quality post

No, it's a natural phenomenon.

Imagine if an entire race of people was undergoing the Dunning-Kruger effect, that's niggers.

Jesus Christ, there's memes in the captchas now.


Russ literally did nothing wrong

Must have been a Finnish nuclear reactor used during the Hyper War


ps2 best game to date

hooks anyone for offering the invidual something others games do not

The pyramids are literally billions of years older than white scientists will tell you. Black kings and queens (all of them were kings and queens) were able to construct them using their minds. They'd invented techmology that let them move heavy objects by using their melanin to manipulate electromagnetic fields. This melanin-derived power is how they all managed to be kings and queens without need for subjects. This was billions of years ago, and they saw dinosaurs rise and fall before the sunset of their brown empire.

Pray to God he don't drop that shit.

Then why does Detroit not have a space program right now?



Not black enough.

no, this is actually natural reactor. a big one was found in france like 80 years ago. with the right enviroment and elements coming together a natural "reactor" can happen.