Actual refugee who has escaped war and persecution. AMA

Actual refugee who has escaped war and persecution. AMA.

When will you go back?

Are you ever going back?

Why are you in Europe?

country of origin?

I don't know. I really, really want to go back to my home country of Iran but I can't. As a Christian my whole family has faced persecution.

Don't get me wrong, I may be a hated figure in Iran, but I love my homeland. I would do anything for it to turn back to what it once was.

Do you want to go back, or do you want to die fighting in the Euopean race war like the other invaders that entered over the last few years?


How many Swedes did you cuck?

You may want to hate trump but obama droned your family

Zoroastrian renaissance.

-Me, my wife and my nephew
-Currently on a internship for a job at a civil engineering business.

Stated above

Fleeing persecution.

Yeah Islam is cancer, hope Iran one day understands the cancer it is infested with.

Should have tried Michigan with the rest of the fucking Caldeans.

Kill yourself sand nigger

>-Escaped war and persecution

As an actual Persian I can tell you're lying out of your arse.

When are you going to kill yourself?

You have to go back bud

Kill yourself, you didn't stay and fight. You ran. Coward.

Why were you persecuted? I had The idea that Christians could live in Iran without harrassement.


user I.... Hope your everything you love gets stripped from you

Serious question, did your parents flee from Khomeini?

I don't have any beef with western countries. Frankly they're the only reason I'm still alive, why should I hate them? Middle east went downhill after WW1.

Zoroastrians are such a minority in Iran, but are still very respected minority. They can join the Iranian army and many of my friends back home in Shiraz we're related to zoroastrian cousins.

Originally I stayed turkey, but you could guess how that turned out.

Dont get me wrong, I want to return home. If you are a atheist/catholic, and you we're being threatened by muslims, would you stay and watch as your family is being killed, or would you promise your wife a better future?

Az khoja omadi? Propably a second generation?

Fleeing what kind of persecution?

sure you are.

Almost all loyalists and royalists we're killed or locked up. My uncle was one of them and my father had to flee to Azeribaijan before being captured by officials at tabriz. I grew up with my mother who hated me and lived a rogue a life.

Not really, by law they're protected. But because Islam is the official state religion there's no real seriousness in keeping Chrisitans in the country.

Non-arguments are for the weak minded my friends. Your insults do not threaten me.

Pics or this is a faggot larp.

When did you come to Sweden?


Please breed with my blonde and racist daughter

I know a guy like you and he's alright. His father fled during that revolution and made the most of every opportunity this country offered. He raised his kids fully Dutch and they're quite intelligent. His parents fled from the shit we are importing now.

Why didn't you stop at the first safe country if you were 'fleeing' 'persecution'?

Oh, right, because you wanted gibsmedat. Parasite.

Timestamp or GTFO

Can you please kill yourself and do us all a favor cis-arabic scum.

Was hitler right?

Hey did you guys know that Albania means "Land of enunciation"?

Albania - Shqiperia
Enunciate - Shqipoj

No need make arguments with non humans

Supapowa by 2030!

>non arguments
I thought this was an AMA. Wow OP you couldn't answer a single question?

Did you convert to Christianity or do you come from a Christian family? Also, why'd you choose to go to Sweden of all places?

Why didn't u behind and fight like the west did.

What happened in Turkey?
Did we mistreat you?

>Flees from Iran to Sweden
You fucked up

If you're a Christian you should have just come to the US.

Christian iranians are a-ok. Hopefully you'll be one of those making Iran great again. Anyway question wise... what do you think it'd take for iran to be possible to live in for sane arabs again? A good dictator/leadership + lack of american establishment etc attacking you?

How old?
If you we're over 18, your a weak cuck, who was not willing to fight for cause.

Oh fuck off faggot. Sitting on your isolated continent knowing that you will never have to fight for anything.
If you weren't a complete retard you would know that the ""cause"" you want him to fight for is a lost one.

Come out of your fucking basement you NEET faggot.


You have to go back.

Funny it is a drawing and not an actually photo.

Rich as fuck coming from a kekistani retard.
A civil war is imminent and you know it.

Iranians are literally Aryans you idiot, they're literally different ethnicities than arabs and levantines, especially since the one in this thread is actually Christian and trying. Good man.
Also, this
This made me feel a little better about refugees, I wonder how many actually are seeking asylum from an unlivable condition instead of just coming "for economic reasons", still, you shouldn't have gone to Sweden.

go back to your own country and MEGA you fucking brown turd.

And retards like you are the first to die.

Due to the infrastructure surrounding the US military, they could literally not support a civil war in the current year, this is just a rehash of the political climate of the 60s, it'll pass.
Please stop larping.

You say you are Christian from Iran. When you were in Iran, did Christian women have to cover their heads like Muslim women?

>Flees from muslims
>Goes right to where muslims are gathering

What war is going on in Iran?

You haven't answered a simple question.

Fake news.
I bet you're trans-immigrant or something. Fucking Swedes.

What is it like to live in Sweden?

KYS. now . You are a traitor and can never go back. You are a leech and can't stay. Congratulation, you are the eternal jew

Do you prefer Pepsi™ or Coca Cola™?

Please think it thoroughly, the answer is important.

Why Sweden?