>Police can now be the Judge, Jury and Executioner with unlimited immunity
Should other countries follow by example?
>Police can now be the Judge, Jury and Executioner with unlimited immunity
Should other countries follow by example?
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let citizens do it too
Ancaps are rejoicing that the Rothbardian future is here.
We are the LAAAAAAW.
Not found
nice link fag
Thank God one country understands that you're dealing with a group of people who cannot be reasoned with, and see anyone who is not Muslim as the equivalent of dogs, blood, and semen.
The Hungarians live with this trash.
Maybe there is a reason why they need these laws.
>Welcome to Europe, you will be shot if we find you while raping, killing etc.
>All refugees mysteriously vanish
yeah, hope they shoot the kuffar white devil
How I wish this was real
>And just like that in two weeks time or less there were no more parasites left in Hungary as they all either were exterminated or fled.
Notice how they are always pushing the (((refugee))) label?
Call them what they are; illegal immigrants.
Fucking commie media
Whats the sentence rookie?
give source
This makes me hard
I can already see the EU sperging out
Fake news, still laughed
This... this article isn't real.. ;_;7
Then they shouldn't have been allowed in the first place or should be expelled from the state immediately. You can't cherry pick the most uneducated Muslims the won't ever be able to assimilate and are guaranteed to get a culture shock, then complain that they commit crimes.
I honestly hate the idea of this, but well, I figure its a better shot than not at this point.
yeah, sure, that's the solution...judges Dredd all around. The problem is: you'll not be a judge.
Right? We should have picked you instead.
Nah, go suck a bag of pig dicks.
This is the best timeline.
wtf I love hungary now
Hungary gets it.
The west is NOT being improved by this invasion at all. All it's doing is letting the 3rd-worlders tear us down to their level.
>uneducated Muslims
Listen Goyim scum:
I can't wait until Americucks and EUcucks start a war with the only good European countries and we all have to get drafted.
I can't wait until we all die trying to "liberate" and "free" the oppressed people.
And becoming Brasil?
No thank you.
Make sure you kill them all Hungarybros.
This article isn't real.
But I found this one instead:
We're still ebil natzees.