Share stories and uncomfortable truth about the corruption in your country.

Other urls found in this thread:

>pretty boy gets elected because dood weed lmao
>3 year later he's still roping us along with dope on a stick
>meanwhile he pledges billions to likely corrupt governments and foundations
>takes away Canadian civil liberties to protect homos and muzzies from mean words

My Govt has members that have a financial interest in the top telecomms company, Telstra, govt ministers also have ties to big businesses all over the place, give them handouts, hand contracts to businesses they have a financial interest in, ownership and shares are obfuscated, they give mining companies huge tax breaks even though mining is 2% of our economy, the so called "arts" is 10% by comparison...

Mayor of Moscow digging the city up again with needless construction just like he did last year to give government contracts to corrupt companies that steal half the money.
Also new municipal housing clusterfuck legislation was just cooked up recently.

Trudeau is actually the slimiest of them all. He knows all he has to do is wave a fag flag and people will drool all over him while he does things that liberals hate right in front of them. If it weren't for Trudeau, the keystone pipeline would be at the very least delayed.

DNC. They're worthless.

>Little girl,6
>be visiting for st patricks day
>Police come, interrogate relative
>thats the culprit, seamus.
>Ping pong ping goes pananna phone
>Mr Local Politician (the Ocho, the big swinging dick. The guy that owns the pub)
>Stop investigating child murder.
>OK, says cops.
>be 40 years later
>the guy sits at the front row of mass

>hfw: everyone knows, but politics keeps him free. Y

Look at my flag.
Enough said

My grandparents were Marcos lackies
Shit was cash though

Police breaking and entering without any prior work. Usually planting evidence for a raid.

Was standing in the kitchen when one walked straight in the back door, rooted around the table, then turned and saw me standing there.

Local Policewoman got caught giving tips to a dealer and stealing drugs from the evidence locker.

she got a few weeks paid leave and was asked to please stop being fucked by convicted drug dealers.

Once was offered assistance to run for local council, with intent to split independent vote and keep the area safe for conservative party.

>from romania
>corruption became legal this year after the biggest protest (generally, since '89) against it
enough said

where do i even start?

Shills attacking Anon5 are Pedos.

Oh wait,
The Gardai and RUC colluded to escort a loyalist gang to a prominent Irish solicitors house, and promply emptied a magazine into his face in front of his family.

They denied it and eyewitnesses saw the Gardai parked at the end of his road with the lights off around a half hour before the murder.


at the bottom

or is it rhetorical


That's just standard stuff though :^)

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This is the guy who started the fight against the Trump Travel Ban...before he became Hawaii's AG he lobbied heavily for private prisons.

Video not found. Had any priest /choirboy stories?

> 60s, family irish catholics near london
> local father comes to grandad, says priest was fiddling his son
> they go directly to the bishop
> nothing denied or apologised, told it would be looked into
> priest moved to another parish within a week
> no mention made again

Molested choirboy is a middle aged man now, why would you ever tell a bishop

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He spouts crap about Muslim families being separated by the ban, yet he does not give a shit about exiling residents thousands of miles from their families for trivial crimes.

>Russian petrol company LukOil
They are responsible for our country's biggest export (%9 of exports) - refined petroleum. Since they were created they have never payed any taxes because they magically never get any profits.

>Money from Europe
The EU gives money to new members for infrastructure spending and other programs. Practically every new construction done by our government has been financed through these programs. The projects are always given to companies with ties with people in government. They use cheaper materials than those required so a new road has potholes as soon as 1 year after construction - then it has to be done again.

>Income taxes (tax is %10 flat)
Only foreign companies pay what they really should pay. Bulgarian companies hire workers on minimum wage while paying them privately a lot more. I know a guy that was a tax collector - he was sent to the sea side to collect taxes from wineries. Upon arrival he and his colleagues were offered bribes and when they refused they were beat up and locked in a storage room for a week until they accepted the bribes. He then quit his job.

>General corruption
Traffic police will always accept bribes. They will only do their duties if you have done something really serious. If you want something done in a timely manner and with no complications when interacting with government administration you have to give bribes. You can smuggle anything you want through the customs if you have money for bribes. Police are a part of the drug trade and have dealers under their protection. If anyone wants to compete, he is quickly arrested. Drug companies produce a lot of synthetic drugs as well. Refugees are welcome if they/their smugglers have money for bribes. A nigger monkey can get a Bulgarian(so EU as well) id and a driver's license without being able to read or drive for about 2000 euros. Gypsies are allowed to live in illegal housing without paying water/electricity while also getting (small) welfare.

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There is still circumstantial evidence he is still connected to these private prison companies and taking bribes.

The christian brothers got drove pout of town by angry locals in the 60s

posse comitus ftw

>danish flag
you have to go back

Heard of it before? I hadn't at the time but now i wonder how many independents there actually are and how many are tory plants.

The Uniparty. Went to the Philippines 3x... corrupt AF, but the saltwater meskins were at least very polite when trying to rip you off and beer is cheap.

Let's Start with 2a and released felons suffering the cruel and unusual punishment of the felony following them and their natural rights for the rest of their life

then we can go over article VI, amendment ten, special respect to specific religions, high office holders in all three branches accepting titles and gifts- oh and the basic violations of 2a, among the others generally mentioned, amounting to levying war against the citizens of the republic by the states and the federal government and also against the states by the fed, literally a minimum of three generations of principles involved in a conspiracy to effect treason that now, through the aiding and abetting of these entrenched acts, almost definitively covers the entire legislatures and executives of the federal govt and the states as well, and the entirety of the judicial system alongside the banking industry, all branches of the armed forces, and all crown militias (i.e. police departments)

The Republic is Dead.

Masons own and operate everything of value. All political and religious groups are controlled by them. We live on the stage. They exploit us from the occult backstage. They are in all social classes and races, quietly working against everyone else.

This isn't much, but when I was a kid a security guard for an apartment complex propositioned me for paid sex. Said he wanted to record it and sell the videos online. I pretended I was interested because I was alone with him and didn't want to get killed, but I never did it and I told everyone. No one believed me, though.

There is no corruption in my country.

ya gots ta respukt yer poleece uffisars, son; ya cunt just be makin up dese silluh storuhs, y'ull git yersulf in truhbel whun ya gruw up

Brazil is corporatist all the big businessmen have paid bribes to get biddings that are also rigged, creating the biggest corruption scandal on the planet corruption money is in the billions now

Bumping for more content.

I'm paying your ridiculous taxes and never been on benefits since here (long time). no worries. and i look alot more arian than majority of denmark since you become more and more like sweden

Hey, badgy.

i served in the war. when i came home i saw a white man shake hands with a nigger. i knew it was the end of my summer. one of those coons must have had dirt on the white guy. i did some digging ...but the ground was hard and i didnt think it would be deep enough so i just let it go.

some once said something to the effect of when good men do nothing faggy niggers take over. i should have done more