Donald Trump attempting to ruin Americans' ice cream

Well, Sup Forums?

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Two scoops meme is such a classic.


Good guy Danial Abu Ivanka Al-amriki Trump sacrificing so much for his people. He'll let go of his own health to make burgers fit again by eating less ice cream.


>How clickbait headline could increase your view count

The (((media))) wants to keep you ignorant.

Trump's finished



Wow openly insulting the intelligence of their readers. Shame they won't notice

I'm officially off the Trump train.

when the two scoops law comes into effect only the president of the united states will be allowed two scoop sundaes. the rest of the nation is being put on one scoop as an austerity measure.

I was neutral towards Drumpff but it ends with ice cream
somebody has to stop him

wtf I hate Drumpf
Is he going to pass the two scoops executive law now? Do you need to be president to eat ice-cream now?
PS: Hillary won the election

imagine if Bernie won!
free scoops of ice once a week for everyone, payed by the 1%!


They want so bad to fearmonger with the idea that ice cream will disappear. Idiots.

>attempting to ruin Americans' ice cream
How can you ruin something that has never been good in the first place?

What happens when Donald doesn't get his two scoops?

he will take it from poor people with only one scoop

Can I get an archived link of this article? I refuse to believe it's real.

Wait, we import milk?

Nah man, see, you have to go to local family-owned ice cream shops. If you're only judging our ice cream based on what you buy in the shops, then yeah you're only going to see the shit ice cream

Ben and Jerry's is unironically god tier

Why are you supporting B&J when they donate their profits towards flooding western countries with violent migrants? Let's also not forget their diversity quotes they've made in the past, and ther SJW riddled twitter.

Stop buying corporate owned ice cream and start supporting your local shops you fucking degenerate




GRONALD!!!! THE SCOOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!

How many scoops did that racist piece of shit take from black people this time?

>thousands of steel workers lose their jobs over the decades thanks to chinese communist slave dumping
>but muh ice cream

I was hoping to see this meme in here.

I don't know why I like so much.

They only had one good ice cream and they discontinued it like the retards they are.Now It's basically just overpriced mediocre ice cream with literal junk mixed in


Ben & Jerrys new flavors
Poz Crunch
Migrant Flood
Faggot Fudge
Feminism Overload

I fucking love this two scoops meme you fucking funny cunts

Lol it's fucking real