What the fuck is "civic nationalism" and why is everyone a "civic nationalist" on Twitter?
What the fuck is "civic nationalism" and why is everyone a "civic nationalist" on Twitter?
Civic nationalism = you believe in magic dirt and think other races can be exactly like [your group of people] if they just adopt your culture
As for your Twitter question I'm.kot really sure what you're referring to
*I'm not
It's basically globalism.
Porque te tocas por las noches
What's wrong with civic nationalism with enforced legal borders? That's what we used to have.
>anime right
>edgy nazi anime twitter
Can someone explain this meme to me? This is like how beta anons make nightly asian women threads?
What does civic nationalism protect, by definition?
Culture, technically.
Civic nationalism is nationalism without race realism. Thinking niggers can be of western nationalities, that kikes are OK, etc.
It's the first redpill, but still very incomplete.
Better than most political views.
Perfect targets for natsoc redpilling.
Useful idiots, or future allies.
The US was civic nationalist in the 60s, look where it landed us. Non whites will always play identity politics.
Which means that it doesn't give a shit about the well-being of the people. Civic nationalism can, in cooperation with "capitalism" and "democracy", replace the entire population, put the "culture" in a museum, and make everyone work as slave labor and eat cockroach paste.
Which makes it completely useless, and in fact actively harmful to the people.
Reminder that every edgy poster here, whether a nazi WN or a anarcho-monarchist, if they live in the US, live as civic nationalists in their day to day lives.
Its literally not. This was a 90% white country until the 70s and pass of Hart Cellar act. You can integrate whites but not millions of mestizos and africans. And thus here we are.
>eat cockroach paste
No you're thinking of any communist project.
guess that explains why your country is so great
Croatia is probably safer than either of us
no i live in wales it's very safe and everyone is nationalist as fuck and there are only white people
>its still shit
A civic nationalist would agree with this.
Civic nationalism is something in white countries that was invented by cucks that aren't liberals that are ok with the end of everything their country is build on as long as the the flag of their country is displayed.
Civic Nationalism is for us Americans because we can't have ethnic nationalism because we are all (((mixed))) fml
There is no such thing as "civic nationalism." It is a very recent term invented by Stormfags as a way to disparage those who don't suck Hitler's cock enough. Since the concept of a constitutional nation some hundreds of years ago began to flourish, so did the idea of nationalism. It was never called anything but nationalism.
It's just rebranded Globalism for the good alt-lite goyim.
No, because Hasan made no effort to integrate. If Hasan shaved his beard, dressed like a western person, spoke only Swedish, ate pork and drank alcohol, then yes he would be accepted by civic nationalists.
Its cancer where niggers take over
My country is a colony, just like any second and third world country is at this point. Everything that happens in it happens by design of our colonial governors.
Civic nationalists believe civics (memetic duties) can be the dominant driver of culture.
Ethnic nationalists believe genes are the dominant driver of culture.
The real truth lies in the middle of course and pursing either extreme only ends in some form of authoritarian bullshit.
>That's what we used to have.
A civic nationalist is one who believes in the supremacy of their nation and its values and believes that if you adopt those values you can become an accepted part of said nation regardless of origin.
Why is this entire board filled with such retards
it was kind of funny at first but now it just looks stupid
theres so many americans and westerners that worship shithole eastern european countries and the eastern european countries are so locked in their echo chamber of nationalism they don't realise how shit their country really is.
you are literally placing arbitrary features over merit. and that's what happens in these countries, its like communism lite.
You know wales is a real halfway house in that its technically a western country but it feels like eastern europe. and it allows me to see clearly how dumb this all is because all i have to do is go over to england where all the nonwhites live and
and its not because there are non whites living their its because they have their priorities in order and care about merit over anything else, although i admit things have gone too far the other way recently
like are you really going to put white people on a pedestal even if they're moron pricks just because they're white. and no i don't want a muslim invasion, ideally i want no religious people at all. but if a non-white wants to come here and adopt our culture and is generally conservative and rejects left wing bullshit and makes a positive contribution to the economy, why should you be against it?
you've got your priorities all mixed up.
merit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>whatever other bullshit you want to propagate
>inb4 back to r*ddit
no reddit is full of mirror images of you people
What kind of merit?
Sup Forums dislikes whites, too. Panera whites are exactly what you're describing and I don't think many people hold them on a pedestal.
the content of their character
like are they a good person, are they intelligent are they hardworking
obviously i would include being somewhat right wing into that too
Different races evolved different qualities in different enviroments, different qualities build different civilizations.
There are two schools of nationalism, if you can call it that. One is "french style" - civic nationalism which claims that a nation comes from shared values and culture first so everyone can be a nationalist if they support the state and adapt to the culture - something like modern american patriotism. "German style" - ethnic nationalism claims that culture and shared values are the result of a formed nation so nationalism can only apply to ethnically homogeneous populations and the state is to serve the original ethnic population where it was created. So in a way you can make the conclusion that civic nationalism puts the state above the ethnic nation, while ethnic nationalism puts the ethnically homogeneous population above the state.
At least this is what I was taught in school some years ago.