Why can't Trump be this classy?
Why can't Trump be this classy?
because hes a new yorker
and a yankee, shouldnt this make conservatives from the south heads explode?
i wonder who wrote that for him... manchelle?
>if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if
Obama probably would've been celebrating behind closed doors had this happened in 2008.
Because he's a stupid fucking asshole with dementia, who has no clue about anything and his only fans are braindead trailer trash who blame latinos and muslims for the fact that they're fugly virgins living in a trailer.
dont forget schizophrenic meth smoking wastes of life kraut
Go prep your bull, Hans.
Nailed it.
Maybe because Trump is much more polite, intelligent (knows outcomes of glioblastoma) and is not making self PR on a sad event.
>Be Barack Obama
>See John McCain had brain tumor
>Forgot that one time you ran against him for president
>Forget all of the things you attacked him over
>Hey John, here's a nice tweet for you
>Watch liberals jizz their cargo shorts because you are the greatest ever
>Go and prep Michelle
>Lube up asshole and get ready for sex
Fuck that isis collaborator...... and Fuck Obama tooo
>get caught
Most generic and insincere bullshit I've ever read in my life.
How can anyone stand this fucking nigger?
>virtue signalling for his own gain on twitter
Very kind of king nigger
Hokey and hollow as fuck.
>one of the bravest fighters ever known
>be McCain
>be still butthurt about Russian intervention in Syria because your jihadi "moderate rebels" get blown up left and right
>risk WW3 and almost beg for it
>constantly lie about european countries being terrified of Russia
>always leave out the fact that Estonia, Latvia etc. were big supporters of us Germans against Communism
>leave out the history for these baltic countries because americans are uneducated so it works
>now americans think Estonia and Latvia want to war Russia
>also many americans think Estonia was persecuted by the axis powers
>get brain cancer
>tfw you will never see WW3 happening
>be called one of the bravest
Dear Obama and McCain
>pic related are some of the bravest soldiers
McCain can't even compete
that was nice of him
still don't agree with any of his policies
but that was nice
Hero's don't rat out their comrades or get captured. Jews do that.
What a nice bland statement to make, I bet he likes dogs and children too.
Trump also said some nice words, despite having lots of reasons to hate McCain. Already forgotten the dozern threads last night about Obama's post having more retweets? You're fake news.
funny you'd mention hell
can you neokikes fuck off and die
>lol look at that statement and intern wrote, such class
Kill yourself.
>give it hell john
I don't think you can give military secrets to cancer
>Act like a normal human being
>Internet explodes in frenzy saying how "classy" and "amazing" of a person you are
Nice words, no competence. Trump is just as gracious as Obama. He is also vicious and willing to attack on behalf of what he believes is right.
I think Americans are tired of the two-faced dishonesty that a well trained diplomat uses. Trump is very transparent about his thoughts and that is refreshing to me.
mccain is a traitor and was used in propaganda vids for the NV and Chinese, he was willingly part of this according to US pows. he has fought against vets in the USA his entire career a piece of traitor trash BURN IN HELL TRAITOR
yeah "chicago hot dogs" and we know about the way he "loves" children-paedo filth
>lied about almost everything during his campaign
I don't think so. There just isn't that big of a difference between McCain and Obongo, or Hillary.
McCain is someone who would much rather support Obongo and Democrats than a Republican who is anti-war.
Except that is a total lie itself you limey.
Exaggerate? Yes. But """"lie""""? That's just (((their))) attempts to damage Trump's reputation.
>Being this assblasted
yeah but a woman from new york is worse
Most of these aren't even good anyway.
Also, there are lots of promises listed here which he didn't deliver on such as getting Mexico to pay for that wall, saying he'll drain the swamp despite hiring Jews and neocons do you remember when he said he'd send Hillary Clinton to jail as well?
Trump is their puppet you stupid bastard
Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.
Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 250 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.
On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.
I love watching Obama try desperately to salvage his already completely erased legacy. He'll literally only be remebered as "that one black guy that somehow got in that one time"