Why do white nationalists associate with Hitler?
Is it not cucking yourself by associating your nation's nationalism with German Nationalism?
Would they not be more successful without being branded nazis?
Why do white nationalists associate with Hitler?
Is it not cucking yourself by associating your nation's nationalism with German Nationalism?
Would they not be more successful without being branded nazis?
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I honestly don't understand. I'd be much rather asociated with Mosley
I reckon it'd hurt being as enlightened but as disappointed as he became. Truly my favourite underrated fascist
>mfw interviewer immediately get into muh joos without hesitation
Mosley didn't even rise to power.
People here on the left had started making claims that conservatives are Nazis. The embracing of the Nazi symbolism serves as mockery more than anything else. However, that doesn't mean some people haven't been poisoned by it. All being said its still better to have Nazis running around than Libtards.
nazism is a very wide spectrum now, essentially anyone who opposes abortion is a nazi. it has nothing to do with hitler anymore, the left views anyone who opposes them as nazis
I prefer Assad tbqh
Him and his father both tried to do what was best for their lands and got involved in a proxy war.
So accepting Nazism as part of White Nationalism is an attempt to defend it against those would compare it to Nazis?
This still seems a bit weak when it really hurts the movement's image to normies.
Hail Mosley!
Yes, and I consider it very sad. He is the best representation of fascism.
All hail the best anglo
What makes Mosley acceptable and Hitler undesireable?
"White Nationalism" is a meme
How is it less of a meme than Nazism?
>how is National Socialism not a meme?
Are you stupid?
>no argument
Try again
"White Nationalism" doesn't mean anythnig except Nationalism for "White" people, it's a non-ideology hence a meme
It's a good way to scare away normies; they are as much the enemy as kikenvermin.
What a lamebrain; you quarrel with one j e w you quarrel with (((them))) all.
They relate cause he was a little sperg who got told he was shit at school by liberals so he gave up art and took up a hobby of fixing his problems and became someone you could never forget or tell no. So basically they all want to be like him and make their dreams come true
National Socialism isnt really German nationalism. It originated in Germany and therefore has elements of German culture, but all in all its a type of Roman fascism (Hitler was a romanic Austrian), which is why it has a bunch of Roman elements as well.
Hitler always opposed most other German nationalist groups (Alldeutsche, Stahlhelm, Konservative Revolution, etc.) because in the first place he was a fascist; as an alpinide Roman by blood and heart he felt that ancient Rome was a nordic-aryan empire, siminlar to right wing groups in the north of Italy who doesnt see brown Italians from the south as real Italians. If you take a closer look you will realize that Hitlers nationalism wasnt very "germanic" at all; for example he supported Roman christianity (catholics) instead of paganism or at least protestantism (like a lot German nationalists at the time).
That said I think its absolutely possible for everyone in the western world, which is a post-Roman world, to be a National Socialist / fascist.
Fascism is the right wing extreme of humanist philosophy; every European fascism describes the urge to restore ancient Roman values and culture. Thats why Napolean is seen as the first fascist by some historians. Hitler wasnt any different.
shilling for shitler is the ultimate form of cuckoldry.
i can have my own nationalism, thank you, i dont need to worship an emo austrian painter to make myself feel better.
the main point of nationalism you love your nation to matter if its great, or shit.
madagascar can be nationalistic
fucking zimbabwe can be nationalistic
everybody can hate the jews and niggers without hailing hitler like a complete retard.
hitler and germans are the worst thing that ever happened to the white race.
there's a reason why 99% of jews have german names, LMAO.
if somebody nuked germany right now, there would be no more jerwy or jewish tricks, because the jews would have nobody to work with.
thats the main issue where hitler was wrong.
all he had to do was kill all the germans, and magically the world would become a paradise in the next 20 years.
and i still stand by it, nuke em now, and i promise you the world will be a 10/10 paradise before you blink.
I'd argue the biggest problem with constantly referrring to Hitler to justify your views is that most people, even right wings, will instantly screech in terror that somebody would even mention Hitler to say anything but the epic yadda yadda time machine kill baby hitler meme.
This, because of shitler, we can no longer have serious right wing parties.
> muh white nationalism
could you be any more of a fucking yank?
> why associate with Hitler
because not everyone is a stupid burger who swallow the jew lies about Germany and Hitler. Europeans should always associate with both Hitler and Napoleon; 2 great leaders of Europe that far surpass any other modern leaders.
Letting the enemy decide who to associate immediately set you up to lose or get incorporated.
Nobody but you stupid yanks would even talk about "white nationalism" had it not been for your constant service to the jews to make all our monocultural Nations into mutlicultural hellholes.
Europe long transcended the white aspect and have more refined sub-cultures.
Fuck all you yanks and praise all Great European Leaders.
Stay mad nigger
Cucks are not worthy of following the Great One.
Hitler had war forced on him.
what about the Duce?
Germans are the biggest European niggers.
Biggest chimpout- Germans.
Biggest art and gold thieves- Germany.
Niggers :D
>Why do white nationalists associate with Hitler?
Because pre-war he was an intelligent, persuasive, and heroic figure. It's with this Hitler that Sup Forums associates.
During the war he fell victim to his nerves, abused drugs, and made poor decisions.
And post-war he was a cuck hiding in Argentina.
Nothing wrong with Hitler, the problem is what people believe of him. Just because history is soiled doesn't mean you can't correct it.
Dumping This is now a Roman Thread
Because of shock value and because of how recognizable he is.
The holohoax story is one of the first red pills people take. Once you realize that Hitler did nothing wrong it is hard not to associate with Hitler.
Imagine if blacks were actually right about all the kangz shit. Why wouldn't they jump on WE WUZ KANGZ bandwagon? The Hitler stuff is kind of like WE stuff, except it's not bullshit.
NatSoc Germany also is the greatest society that ever existed. We are being told that Germans were anti-science, but it's complete bullshit. NASA hired former NatSocialists to build rockets that would put them on the moon.
If Hitler had not lost we would be living on the moon right now.
We really need to manoeuvre the label into Euro-centric. it makes sense and Liberals a lot of them are stupid enough to believe racists purely don't like black skin and that alone is why they're "racist"
''Euro-centric'' just makes you sound like a globalist faggot who likes the European Union.
Race is important, not geographic location.
White people born in South Africa have to come home. They're not Africans, they are not Europeans, they are white.
>They're not Europeans
Yes they are you dumb fuck. So are Europeans living in America, Australia and any where else. "White" is an arbitary word which can be used by the globalists. e.g. In parts of America, Arabs fall into the "white" category.
Race comes first.
Natsoc understands that unlike all other ideologies.
And it is efficient and inspiring.
Heil Hitler
Nice newspeak, faggot. This must be your brain on 1984 UK.
>race is arbitrary haha there is no such thing as white XDDD
>but all white people are Europeans even if they have never been to Europe, we know because they're white
>but ''white'' is arbitrary
I'm an American white nationalist and I despise Nazis and communist because they wanted to eradicate Christianity. Nazis are ultimate cucks considering hitler wanted one superior government of the Reich empires do fuck Nazis and commies.
No, germans are bros. We kill the non whites first then we fight among whites
because they haven't made the connection that national socialism is a form of socialism
Only cucks are afraid to support Hitler.
>I'm an American white nationalist and I despise Nazis and communist because they wanted to eradicate Christianity
The blue pill is stuck in your throat.
>muh socialism
Go away, Liberal.
Ill take'm on laddy.
Theyre closing synagogues here btw, so shits about to go downhill soon
You're not listening idiot, it's not about what we Europeans perceive to be white, it's what the globalists include in their definition of white, which is often middle easterners and Hispanics.
The great Germanic empire included Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands and Flanders
The Anglo Jew Churchill and his comrades knew this would weaken their status. Just look up Anglo GDP vs German GDP, it'll stick you
Crisis was coming for the Anglo Jews and once it arrived the people would look to Germany for an alternative
The only way the Jews could maintain power and get Israel back was through war
WW2 is the biggest lie ever told. But the North remembers
This word was used to offend Dutch settlers in New York, after the Dutch sold NY to the (((Anglos)))
Yan = Jan
Kee= Kees
You've either read too much into joke memes or are just a D&C shill, fuck off either way.
Prove me wrong on any of that Anglonigger
By your logic, all Germans are traitors as the people they elected are destroying Europe by opening their boarders to migrants.
i always thought it originated from their civil war. ty for info, made me look it up
The whole idea of national socialism was to put your own nation and its citizens first. At the time, those would practically be ethnostates.
In defence of this ideal, Hitler ordered the creation of ethnoregiments, whose soldiers were all part of the same culture. Bosnian Muslims and Serbians were kept seperate, but they both fought under Hitler's flag.
The idea behind it is that Bavarians wouldn't fight as eagerly for the defence of Serbia as Serbians would, and it would create a military tradition that those nations could enjoy after the war (which sadly didn't come to pass).
It's a pretty good idea, and means that you don't adopt German nationalism, but create your own form for your own people.
>White nationalism
>shoe horned modern mud slime conflict into conversation
Please. /sg/ is that way >>>
The USA could have been Dutch, if not for the evil Anglos
› Battery Island (a batterij or battery of cannons was once stationed here)
› Beekman Street (Manhattan, after Willem Beekman)
› Bleecker Street (Manhattan, after the Bleecker family)
› Bowery Lane (Manhattan, Bouwerijlaan)
› Bronx (New York, after Jonas Bronck)
› Bridge street (Manhattan, after Brugstraat)
› Broadway (Manhattan, after Breede Wegh which means broad road)
› Brooklyn (New York, after Breukelen)
› Bushwick (Brooklyn, after Boswijk)
› Boerum Hill (Brooklyn, after the Boerum family)
› Coney Island (Brooklyn, after Konijneneiland which means Rabbit Island)
› Cornelia Street (Manhattan, after Cornelia Herring)
› Cortlandt Street (Manhattan, after Stephanus van Cortlandt)
› Dutch Kills (Queens, any local names ending in Kill are of Dutch origin)
› Dutch Street (Manhattan)
› Dyker Heights (Brooklyn)
› Flushing (Queens, after Vlissingen)
› Gansevoort Street (Manhattan, after Peter Gansevoort)
› Gerritsen Beach (Brooklyn, after Wolphert Gerritse)
› Gravesend (Brooklyn, after 's Gravesande)
› Greenwich Village (Manhattan, after Grenen wijk)
› Harlem (New York, after Haarlem)
› Hells Gate (New York, after Helle Gadt, referring to dangerous currents in the East River)
› Hempstead (New York, after Heemstede)
› Holland Tunnel, Holland Avenue
› Long Island (New York, after "Lange Eylandt" named by Adriaen Block, 1614)
› Minetta Lane (Manhattan, after Mintje Kill)
› Nassau Street (Manhattan)
› New Dorp (Staten Island, dorp means village)
› New Utrecht Avenue (Brooklyn)
› Rhode Island (after "Roodt eylandt" which means Red Island)
› Rikers Island (Queens, after Abraham Rikers)
› Schuylerville (Bronx, after the Schuyler family)
› Spuyten Duyvil Creek (after Spuitende Duivel or Spitting Devil, referring to dangerous currents)
› Staten Island (after Staten Generaal)
› Stuyvesant Street (Manhattan, after Peter Stuyvesant)
› Todt Hill (Staten Island, after Dodenheuvel which means hill of the dead)
› Vancouver (after George Vancouver, a descendent of the Dutch Van Coeverden nobility)
› Vandam Street (Manhattan)
› Wall Street (Manhattan, after the city wall around Nieuw-Amsterdam)
› Wyckoff Street (Brooklyn, after Pieter Claesen Wyckoff)
› Yonkers (after Jonker, Jonkheer and jonge Heer)
Because he inspires people. It's not quantifiable. It has to do with the collective unconscious. It doesn't matter what boundaries you put on it, he's WHITE. It's like when you turn on a boxing match, it's a nigger vs a white, you've never heard of either. You still cheer for the white guy. Why is that? It comes from the same place. God put that feeling there for a reason. Plus his policies were sound. He also conducted himself admirably. And everything about the 3rd reich just LOOKS COOL.
this guy is on point, Rome was fucking awesome and you savage german assholes destroyed it. Everything wrong with Europe today is because of the fucking krauts. Fuck off back to where you came from snow niggers.
You couldn't provide a counter argument to my point so you just start shilling some more, kys.
Are you delusional? Why would an Austrian or a German associate with Napoloen? They have their own great leaders.
Why the fuck would a Slav associate with Hitler? They have their ow great leaders who did things in their name. Hitler was a German Nationalist only. Fuxk off wehraboo.
Because he is Czech
Ethnostates require a leader of that ethnc group; not a fucking German. Hitler did not care about other cultures at all (see generalplan ost). He simply used serbs and bosniaks for the war effort.
I heard Jankie (sp?) was a diminutive form of Jan/John (little John) and was used as an insult by the Dutch of New Netherlands against English Connecticut settlers
Actually we cant because Anglos decided to be the best goyim.
Honestly I like Queen Isabella II of Spain.
Please read the Alhambra Decree by her:
>[...[ Therefore, we, with the counsel and advice of prelates, great noblemen of our kingdoms, and other persons of learning and wisdom of our Council, having taken deliberation about this matter, resolve to order the said Jews and Jewesses of our kingdoms to depart and never to return or come back to them or to any of them. And concerning this we command this our charter to be given, by which we order all Jews and Jewesses of whatever age they may be, who live, reside, and exist in our said kingdoms and lordships, as much those who are natives as those who are not, who by whatever manner or whatever cause have come to live and reside therein, that by the end of the month of July next of the present year, they depart from all of these our said realms and lordships, along with their sons and daughters, menservants and maidservants, Jewish familiars, those who are great as well as the lesser folk, of whatever age they may be, and they shall not dare to return to those places, nor to reside in them, nor to live in any part of them, neither temporarily on the way to somewhere else nor in any other manner, under pain that if they do not perform and comply with this command and should be found in our said kingdom and lordships and should in any manner live in them, they incur the penalty of death and the confiscation of all their possessions by our Chamber of Finance, incurring these penalties by the act itself, without further trial, sentence, or declaration. [...]
Full text: sephardicstudies.org
It was never about white nationalism you fuck. It was about preserving all cultures separately and destroying Zionism; which the USA and England fucked up purposefully.
After this, and expelling the mudslimes, Spain became an Empire. This is an example of Spanish effectiveness (Where Hitler failed).