>in America hundreds of thousands of White men are marrying Asian women instead of procreating inside their race
how can we stop the spread of yellow fever?
In America hundreds of thousands of White men are marrying Asian women instead of procreating inside their race
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What do you mean 'stop'?
As long as white women continue to be garbage, I say we encourage it.
Despite what everyone on this board thinks, people don't miscegnate as much as you guys push
Asian women are just as bad, it's not about the group but the person.
Creating asians with white features is an important step in making anime real. This needs to continue.
First, sympathize with them enough to understand why they do what they do. Then, solutions can start formulating.
My favorite anime character :3
Your nose is showing Shlomo
>How can we stop the spread of yellow fever?
You can't, it's bound to happen.
you don't most japanese girls are cute
fuck chinese and taiwanese though, and any other """"asian"""" country
i have nothing against it personally 2bh
a future where men look like keanu reeves and women like pic related wouldn't be bad
there's a reason why leftists/sjws are beginning to treat them like whites; they have the highest iq on earth and good work ethic that accentuates achievement. together we could create the ultimate master race
Its much better to bleach bit by bit. the worse case scenario is that they become a sizable minority and start advocating for political rights.
Gas the gooks!
Another hiroshima NOW!
that's not going to happen because Jews are suppressing AMWF. Ironically, trying to suppress the best only results in making them stronger. You'd think Jews would know this by now.
What I don't get is how come they don't just marry Finns? The only reason people fuck asians is cause of the eye fold that makes them look cool. Finns have that eye fold and they're white.
We need to start a campaign to help guide these wmaf people to beautiful suomi.
This. We should be coming together and forming a superior race to improve our chances in the inevitable fight against Africa and the Middle East (including the Juden).
We both have higher IQs, we both have rich and dominant cultural heritage and history, and we both have contributed positively to humanity more than any other people.
Hapas are the new master race.
asian women are fuckin awful. especially the ones with white guys
>blames white men when white women are degenerate whores....
>blames white men when (insert everything)
Partly why I went NEET after college. Thankless work
I can almost garuntee you that almost every white man with an asian woman would immediately trade her for white woman, if he could. Most of the WM who date asians do it because they are complete betas and couldn't get a WF.
asian women are worse
Why does the asian woman on the left look like Keanu Reeves?
Jews encourage WM/AF at every turn
white men out-marry more than white women
Would you force white men to be with white women? How would you do this?
Married an Asian. We love these threads and the hilarious LARPing you retards do.
Please keep making these threads forever
>Why does the asian woman on the left look like Keanu Reeves?
Why does the asian woman on the left look like Kristen Dunst?
What's wrong with two ugly people finding each other attractive?
>Jews encourage WM/AF at every turn
Of course. But I'm continuously shocked that Sup Forums and fascist community at large don't understand that Jews have destroyed our community as well. Instead they attack Asians at every turn. Makes no fucking tactical sense.
>Would you force white men to be with white women?
Meh, I could just severely limit immigration from asian countries
>Married an Asian.
don't have kids
It's not really about asians desu. It's just that asians tend to be more traditional and less fuck around outside of relationships, although that's not always the case. No self respecting man would marry a loose dickhopper coalburner.
>Meh, I could just severely limit immigration from asian countries
Could you really? Most get over here my paying our colleges, then getting special visas for graduating here. Our colleges need that money, so you'd be going against a lot of education lobbying.
Those "men" going after Asian females are closeted, gay pedophiles. It's sublimation in action.
Asian women tend to have bodies like 12 year old boys.
I married an intelligent suburban negress with two successful parents who have been together for over 30 years. You're welcome!
Why would I want to breed with someone who has an entire lineage of men with small dicks? What kind of life is that for my sons? Go to Thailand if you have yellow fever
>so you'd be going against a lot of education lobbying.
Who gives a shit? this is a hypothetical question anyway. let asians build their own institutions in asia
Sorry, next time I'll make sure to get a girl with more curves.
Asians are basically white anyway;
>110+ IQ
>Strong family values
>unfortunately enough shown to be easily corrupted by communism just like whites in the west are being now.
You're only really losing anything if the white in question has some valuable recessive traits, like blonde hair or freckles.
No fag
nice try chink. any positive qualities in asians, especially japanese, was miscegenated and given to their disgusting hive mind by blood thousands of years ago.
I've already opted out of society m8. I just like asking people how they would go about fixing things that they call problems for society. I don't see anything that could reverse the white guy Asian girl phenomenon. Maybe war.
You mean 12-year-old boys tend to have bodies like Asian women. Which would explain a fair amount of pedophilia/buggery/feminine penis as a way to divert from the desire to naturally want to racemix with the only other superior race yet avoid the false "Rodger"/hapa meme pushed by nervous Jews on alt-right imageboards.
Who gives a fuck. If white men stopped putting their women on a pedestal, maybe they'd realize they have to stop being such fucking selfish whores.
>I don't see anything that could reverse the white guy Asian girl phenomenon.
Outside of raised racial consciousness among whites or dramatically reducing immigration, it does seem like an almost permanent phenomenon. I don't the west running out of white beta males anytime soon
I'm already GermIrish so how pure am I really?
azn girls in every major college across america
is simply the azn version of the master jew plan.
get college educated whites.
breed them.
families gain control over america.
that simple.
>be me
>muh wife: brown eyes, brown hair
>muh me: brown eyes, black hair
>kid 1: blue eyes, blonde hair
>kid 2: brown eyes, sandy hair
>kid 3: brown eyes, sandy hair
>kid 4: blue eyes, blue hair
Like more than one hair color? Like more than one eye color?
Don't race mix.
>breed them
Details, please
sounds like you got cucked desu
They really aren't. White men are
divorcing at record speed, and not having White babies.
...or not marrying at all.
You can stop with the yellow fanatasy.
Nope. I didn't tell you what the grandparents look like.
>how do genes even work?
My wife and I can each tell which of our features are on which of our kids' faces.
We'll need to make asian vaginas significantly looser. Also, we'll have to stop them all from giving such tremendous blowjobs, especially the fucking Japanese
>blue hair
>how can we stop the spread of yellow fever?
You can't, the future belongs to golden rods. While you're bitching about niggers and kikes there are literally billions of Asians.
hahahahahaha thanks Swede bro.
that was supposed to be blonde hair :)
Don't worry we shitskins will "cleanup" your garbages. Such lovely garbages
Creating the true master race is ok by me
Only the purest aryans get blue hair
My parents are Japanese and I love white guys. I'll marry one when I'm done with school and have 5-5 1/2 babies. We're raised with good values and strict dads and honestly that's the best way to raise kids. It can be stressful sometimes but I'd rather have a strict dad than some druggie dad that lets me do whatever I want.
I don't like to generalize but most of the white girls I've met are very promiscuous and backstabbing and they say they're "feminists" to hide their guilt.Sorry, but feeling bad for sleeping with 3 boys at the bonfire isn't because of "the patriarchy" its because deep down you know it's bad.Of course this isn't all of them but that's what I've seen so far.
>but our race
Well according to every study ,and brain CC size, we are actually more intelligent/ advanced of all races so actually we're improving your genes.
Oh and one more thing: Why do all these girls talk bad about their parents?
I would never call my dad an "a-hole". After everything your parents do for you since you were born you disrespect them like that? That is VERY sad.
You should kill yourself traitor
Nice shitpost John