Here is my mine. Mods and Jews and fat SJWs with pink hair.
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I dont post often, but have been banned twice. First time was 3 days for making a bigger hate thread 92nd the second was a day for posting in a doxxing thread (antifa puppy abuser)
>getting banned
>phone poster
Pick one faggots
Nobody cares.
Found the jew
whoa ..... you can get banned for making a hate thread on Sup Forums ? ?
Whatever faggot, enjoy your spinal compression while I soak up comfort in my cozy bed
Reddit is that way mate ->
Because I was banned for speaking ?
For using a feature that every user should know as to spark the community clean up and save Sup Forums ?
Cocksuckers to the right ----> rLeoYuoA
One of the rules literally are not to complain about moderation. Mods were enforcing the rules.
Also you don't have a right to free speech, pic related.
Those rules apply to people abusing the forum , I'm trying to save it.
We have 1st amendment but cant scream "Fire" in a crowded place.... But what if there is actually a fire..... am I going to be arrested for saving people ?
also from 2013 ....
i was banned for posting an image of a beautiful blonde haired, blue eyed women with the word Aryan posted next to it.
How new are you?
>first amendment
The first Amendment does not apply to Sup Forums. You do not have Free Speech here, Sup Forums's always had rules. One of the rules specifically states not to complain about how the website's run or the moderation. You complained about moderation. Mods banned you for breaking the rules. Mods enforced the rules.
This sounds less of a case of mods being faggots (they can be faggots 70% of the time), and more like a case of you being a newfag who can't be bothered to learn how this website works.
ahh... I see where you failed...
You have to call it "art" . Not progression as they are not mudslime or black
You were deservedly banned.
If you don't have anything to add to the discussion, then don't post anything.
Mods should ban people like you more often
hahahahahahahahahahaha I reported you for hurting my feelings and attacking me.
Sup Forums - Politically Incorrect
Debate and discussion related to politics and current events is welcome.
You are free to speak your mind, but do not attack other users. You may challenge one another, but keep it civil!
Also, they allow none political threads all day and delete the ones that are political. My muslim cousin is being harassed by blacks waaahh wwahhhh wahhh .... or Im a lesbian and this is why we are better.....
checks flag...
ok buddy
Announcing reports are against the rules, too.
As is fake reporting too.
>Sup Forums
Who? This is Sup Forums
If Sup Forums's being taken over, it's being taken over by cancerous newshits like you who can't be bothered to adapt to board culture or learn the website's rules. Stop posting any time, cancer.