Brit/pol/ - Ignore the Newfag Edition

>Not enough women in Brexit Negotiation Team, say female MPs in letter to PM

>Vince Cable set to become Lib Dem leader by default as other candidates drop out

>Tories 'will not go backwards' on gay rights

>Chris Evans tops list of over-paid BBC tossers

>Labour admits that the idea of writing off existing student debt was a pipe dream

>PM's court case battle against Gina Miller cost taxpayers £1.2 million in legal fees

>(((Think Tank))) predicts flights grounded, nuclear plants offline and pound nose-diving if no deal with the EU

>Grenfell: New council leader heckled by public at first meeting since her appointment

Other urls found in this thread:

Anime is gay.

my waifu

Start buying guns.

THIRD for National Conservative Monarchism.


>Newfag was Rightly larping

Genuine question for you guys:

Since when do Brits all of a sudden hate multiculturalism?

The way I see it, Europe is like the United States with Britain simply being a state of different people coexisting under the same flag and with the ability to travel freely throughout Europe.

But now Britain wants to have its cake and eat it too. Lmao no wonder the EU is giving you such shit deals in the Brexit negotiations. The EU literally limped you from near death back to the top of the global order (only to take a back seat to the United States, of course).

I just find this whole situation hilarious because it's so quintessentially British.

Rightly you cunt you made me do maths and shit last thread to prove blacks committed more crime

you sly dog im gonna fuck you up

g̶e̶r̶m̶a̶n̶ yorkshire militarism desu


They all go the same way in the end. Something about the trip warps people into forum trolls circa 1999, even when they were alright to start with

I can't hear you through your fat rolls sorry lad.

Where's Rimmer? Tried asking you this yesterday but you weren't there. What do you think of Chelsea signing Morata? Better than that other fella you mentioned?


Listen here you stupid yank cunt, NEVER come to my Brit/pol/ ever again or I swear by the Prophet Muhammad I will strike you down, Inshallah.

It's always good to practice for arguments IRL.

New Joe Owens video

>Lindy had never fired a gun before he went to Switzerland a couple weeks ago

Really makes me respect him less, I can't help it. It feels like I've been betrayed.

>not bolt action
>doesn't seem to be .22 calibre
>clearly not being transported to and from a home office approved range
>ammunition is not seperate to firearm


How long have I got before my rural northern town is enriched to the levels of, say, Manchester?

It's text

On a message board

Lindy's a good bloke but it baffles me how many adults watch him- he comes across like a children's TV presenter. Which is fine obviously, getting kids into history can only be a good thing.

u wot mate?
You cunts are just begging to have your inbreeder/pol shitposted the hell out of it.

>garble garble worble worble


Hello, I am from SUTR I have been lurking here for some time after I was sent the link by one of my informants.I didnt think there was any place this racist in the UK left, I would have reported this to the police but they are all UKIP/Tory racists themselves.

>Since when do Brits all of a sudden hate multiculturalism?
when it became too much and started affecting our way of life.
>The way I see it, Europe is like the United States
thats because you are a retard. doesnt seem like people are coexisting too well in the usa to me. it never has worked and it never will. small amounts of multiculturalism are fine. a rainbow nation doesnt work when people already have strong ethnic and cultural ties to the past thats why it wont work in europe

>he comes across like a children's TV presenter.
Now you've said it I realise that you're absolutely right. I watch him when I'm after a /comfy/ video.


5 to 10 years

You bastard come round my ends innit I'll show you some white on white crime

Go fuck yourself nigger

Found out my grandpa, whom died a year before I was born 1993, was an Enoch Powell supporter and used to call niggers 'nignogs.' I've never been so proud.

Brit/pol/ is a GCHQ zone.

where does brit/pol/ stand on the York v Lancaster issue?

Sort it out. We're unifying.

>The Who - Won't get fooled again.mp3


Is there a single thing that isn't a MI5 false flag to him?

Richard III did nothing wrong.

Soon none of that will matter.

>lets his nephews conveniently disappear

t. Spy

Yeah, GCHQ probably set up this place to make sure people blame da jooos and spread lies about minorities instead of blaming who is actually doing it, the rich who GCHQ exist to protect.

>not having a dad that calls blacks "coco pops"

>the rich
You mean the Jews?

We are facing a LEVEL SIX Tripcunt emergency currently in Brit/pol/.
They have multiplied en masse and threaten the sanctity and joy of our favourite thread on Sup Forums - our beloved Brit/pol/.

It is time that you: The silent majority, the stalwart user who contributes so much yet asks for no recognition that must act. Only together can we banish this fucking plague forever.

The Tripcunt is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a narcissist, egomaniac, arsehole, attention seeker, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But tell people to filter his tripcode and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
You can stop tripfags by simply not responding to them ever. You can hide and filter tripcodes by going to the [SETTINGS] link at the bottom of the page and adding their tripcode to the FILTER option. BE SURE TO HIDE POST STUBS.

This will improve your experience here tenfold - as it has done mine.

Has it not got any kebab shops or anything no?

OJ released today

Naked Gun 4 when??

That thing is a tranny right?


He's like 4+Sup Forums embodied in a person. You don't even have to do anything, just keep denouncing other people and hope it makes you look le super hardcore. Pure ego wank.

Yes, just like rupert murdoch. You nazis really are stupid

What is Yorkshire firsts actual positions?


Not sure it's even human.

>Jayda Fransen

shiet, just noticed she looked kind of like Angela White

reading that Mosley book and he named the Jew

probably just another screeching leftist regionalist party

Sorry senpai

God punished your grandfather for his bigotry.

Fasces and faggots are pretty similar

I almost feel sorry for you, an MS paint cartoon with 0 sources, good to know my degree is not being wasted here.
Woah I guess he must be jewish then not just a chirstian who is doing what his 2000 year old story book is telling him.

Start dressing in a neo-fascist style.

Descendant of a Presbyterian minster.

Almonds activated.


Jayda and Britain first are fucking lowlives, scum.

Damn. Any more?

They have the same word origin
A faggot is sticks binded together and fascism is meant to be the people binded together

Checked. >unarchived clickbaiters:

Probably, this is all I have though


Nignogs is such a comfy animated toytown type of word.

I was Nick's lover back in 2015, willing to take questions in this thread.


How are things fairing in the homeland?
Things are relatively quiet here in the colonies but the native are causing quite a stir as usual.

I like it!

((((((religiously aggravated harassment)))))))

Sorry sorry

He's gay?

'Chinaman' is frequently used by old folks down here. Love hearing it.

Thanks lad. So if I want to archive it next time what do I do?

Thanks user


Chinaman is literally not even racist. Chinamen sell you magic puzzle boxes.

Faggot is from greek and Fasces is from latin
Similar etymology though true

Is he suggesting that Carswell was an mi5 spy? I made this.

Galtieri did literally nothing wrong

I don't know if he's gay or just bisexual, we never really discussed it. It was more of a fling than a relationship, only lasted 3 months starting in the late summer. He's a very intense guy and quite difficult to live with.

>Carswell doing anything for his country at all

Too unrealistic. Image made me kek though.

Ha, I show you all up so you stop replying to me. Typical nazis ignoring the mountains of facts that show you are wrong and evil.


Is he red-pilled?


I think it's more likely that he was a Conservative party plant than an mi5 plant, I mean there was that incident with the internal UKIP data being sent to Conservative servers I think but you would have thought MI5 would have been able to facilitate a more discreet way of doing that.


He buggerd off to Uganda for some reason

lol what

Fuck off WN you spy

>mfw Market Garden