>strong values
>good food
>beautiful girls
>handsome president
>conservative and proud of Mexico
>no sjw retards
>speak a gorgeous language
>good economic growing
>no niggers

i meant economic growth

Cmon now

>>conservative and proud of Mexico

Only in the month of September, after the festivities are over watch how all the flags and decorations are forgotten to die under the baking sun and the rain.

Sup Forums is basically 80% spics trolling at this point.

Just another example of how you low end subhumans ruin everything.

Make Mexico Great Again

About one out of a hundred women are attractive. About one in a thousand Mexican women would be considered beautiful.

They are mostly stupid, short, squat, obese.


>queue the zeta beheading videos.

>Cartels chopping off policemen heads

but Mexico is great

Let's all have a toast with some refreshing Mexican agua!

why don't your people want to live there then?

Why are there so many Mexicans illegally residing in the United States if Mexico is such a paradise?

Such an incredible country that 40% of them want to come to America.

>Drug infested
>Drug Cartel Run
>Drug Warzone

Might be a theme developing..

>my reaction to this nonsensery

this doesnt happen that often only in rural cities where our equivalent of rednecks live

honestly, after felipe calderon left the presidency the beheadings went down

and being honest pol, if you get beheaded its because you OWED something to the cartels or you were selling drugs in places you shouldnt have, this is street knowledge

Burrito bro nooo

isn't the possibility of getting tortured and decapitated a big con?


Syrian level murder rates. Bueno.

>Spanish Language

if your values are so strong, then why the fuck have you abandoned your glorious country to live somewhere which is not your home??

fucking traitor

>even wearing a ripped wife beater in the meme

cant even pretend they arent dirty poor beaners


Brazil is worse.

>>no niggers
>>Nothing but them, it's the entire country

I'd say they're about the same. Mexicans are more brutal, but Brazilians are more aggressive.

True, but still full of mexicans

>it's always a kekistani fag

Gee i wonder why so many spics move to the US ilegally.

mexico would be nice only if all Eurocolonists/settler/illegal alien/foreigner/mexicans/latino/ladino/chicano/land-thieving colonialists.
Deport these all back to country of origin ; that would be Spain.
Daily reminder: mexico is stolen land.
Native people call it the Occupied Territories.
- t. natamer pol

>speaks a gorgeous language

Spics speak dirt Spanish. A bastardized version
Ever hear a scot or jamaican speak english?
That's what spics sound like

lol no. Mexican natives are lazy as fuck and won't work or follow the law, they are drunktards, violent, aggressive and impossible to reason with. They should've been genocided when the Spanish arrived.

Thats right Mexico your country will become great if the Wall gets built!

Vaginad goblins LARPing as women

Reminding us that every other race is ugly as fuck unless you breed them with white people?

The money. They come over for work build/buy houses and cars in Mexico than they go back.

>muh food
Literally everyfuckingtime.
Lmao couldn't even make it past the second line without bringing up you're fucking tacos.

We have the recipe, nobody cares nigga lmao!


>They should've been genocided when the Spanish arrived.
you are mestizo right?, you wouldn't be born then

Jesus they're like clones

e z mony to take back to Mexico


>if you get beheaded its because-
1)someone wanted to see if their machete still worked
2)you owed someone something
3)you knew someone who owed something
4)someone thought you knew someone who owed something but it turns out you had no relation
5)you knew too much

Forgetting drug related murders that make ISIS squeamish

>no niggers

lmao that's my past home street, los zetas were rought times n shit.