In 6 months trump has tweeted 991 times, spent 40 days at trump golf properties and passed 0 pieces of major legislation.
Remind me, why did he run?
In 6 months trump has tweeted 991 times, spent 40 days at trump golf properties and passed 0 pieces of major legislation.
Remind me, why did he run?
Hidden agenda. And to tweet 991 times and go golfing as much as he wants.
Who cares about some shitty president in a shitty country?
Nobody cares, post source faggot.
I would prefer if he did not pass very much legislation, as he is the head of the executive branch and not the legislative branch.
> Remind me, why did he run?
You must have missed all the stuff he's removed. The only number that matters.
approx 7500 tweets to go
post more anime
He passed 42 (forty-two) pieces of legislation, not zero. Nice fake news.
he didnt want to actually win
post anime lewds cuck
Sauce on that pic?
You need to practice your reading skills
Thanks english teacher user
shut up and keep making our playstations, chink
What's the GOP controlled House & Senate been able to do in 6 months?
South Park was right all along.
To save us from Hillary Clinton, which he did.
He could spend the next 8 years shitposting and playing golf and that will be enough for me, so long as he gets to appoint another 1 or 2 Justices.
>ICE doing its job
>no more funding for Syrian rebels
Not bad for a man who has to work against the DNC, the media, and even his own party
>Remind me, why did he run?
To promote his golf courses.
No problem Manny san
>0 pieces of major legislation
>Shot down TPP, travel ban, repealed ACA, Ended arming of FSA, got funding for the wall, cut funding to hundreds of retarded art programs, withdrew from Paris climate Accords, fired 46 Obama Era prosecutors, repealed the federal tranny Bathroom bill.
Choose one.
If Hillary won all this tweeting would be received as "finally a modern president in touch with the youth!".
>i obediently repeat material written for me by the jews, the musical
The ovens can never burn hot enough.
This is fucking gay, i'm going back to plebbit.
To piss you off nipper.
And it's working.
Now go eat a bowl of
radiated rice and fuck off
De nada.
A republican in alabama isnt the same as a republican in ohio or maine
Can't piss me off m8. I just had two 19 year olds cover me in soap and rub themselves all over my body as I lay on a comfy inflatable bed
and there still are people that don't sage - how fucking bored/gullible are you?
>assed 0 pieces of major legislation.
Trump ends covert CIA program to arm anti-Assad rebels in Syria
To name one
Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.
Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 250 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.
On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.
Name MAJOR legislation you kike
>being this much of a faggot
You may as well kill yourself now and stream it so we can all laugh at your pathetic excuse you call a life
To raise the profile of his brand.
Sauce moar
Didnt find anything on momotino
he ran because he received an offer from putin which he couldn't refuse
If that's not major, I don't know what is. It he does nothing else during his presidency, at least he's got that done. I know you neocon warhawks are fuming about it.
Let me rephrase that. You neolib warhawks.
I found OP
to upset the faggots. I think he's doing a great job at that
You found something?
I don't know whats worse, faggots who get off on spamming old copypasta or newfags who fall for old copypasta
It is not the president job to create legislation. How can he sign bills when they don't go through Congress?
post more of her onii-chan
>Remind me, why did he run?
To gas the Jews.
Kys nigger faggot piece of shit.
Who cares, just post more japanese fucktoys.
What have you done exactly? Other than fleeing from Chris Hansen and became an English teacher so you can creep on lolis.
Those digits...
Look at her face, such an ugly cunt. Who the hell would even consider breeding with that thing.
don't you just vote a lesbian refugee dog for mayor or something in fruitland?
Not her, but pic related
it was just a prank bro
Exposing the Agenda to kill millions of Christians.
if trump had just sat on his ass since day one he would of still done more good than the democrats has ever done for the united states.
My friend, it's not Laurence Fabius, it's Laurent Fabius.
Great pic anyway
There's no way to spin this folks, he's the worst president, e.v.e.r.
So not supporting the israel first lobby then?
>Passed legislation
Smelly dumb nip scum
Why create more backasswards legislation when his goal is to dismantle the corruption filled legislation that has been shipped in the back door the past 30 years. Its a good thing to not pass legislation.
Who is this Nagasaki bukkake?