What the fuck, Italy? Why are you starting a fight between those peaceful African Migrants? Fucking disgusting people.
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Even tries to run them down! What a sick and twisted country.
>all that trash
Looks like Naples
This made my dick hard, based wops.
the refugees can't be kept track of
just kill them. literally nobody will know
Can't distinguish the nigs from the pastas
The pastas are the one on the right side of the van. The nigs are near where all the free stuff is obviously.
>innocent man shot
Pastas claim the truck and mow down the nigs further up.
Says the ahmedbong. Go back to pakistan faggot
Italian truck of peace, gg
this since the beginning or the migrant crisis, but Euros are cowardly faggots and honestly don't deserve homelands.
Says the burger living in a nigger/spic colony.
The last time you had half the skirmish you see in that video youtube was filled with "BATTLE OF BERKLEY" videos and Alex Jones acted like it was 1776 pt2, you tryhard faggot.
The joke is that were we to violently rise up your country would have the biggest problem with it.
>Italian truck of peace-a
You asked for this.
won't do much as long as the traitor politicians are still in power.
you have to take care of the cause before teh efect
I applaud the Italians, the mob is in a turf war with refugees and the Italy 5 star movement a far right populist movement which is anti EU is leading amongst the population. The polls can't even disown the 5 star party. Italexit!
>5 star movement a far right populist movement which is anti EU is leading amongst the population.
That's Lega Nord. If i had an euro every time a foreigner told me to vote those embarrassing tinfoil hat socialist hippies
MAFIA IV confirmed?
Democracy and not a single criminal was spotted in Italian statistics on that day, part of parcel.
the guy driving the van at the end is a fucking legend m8!
>import Africa to Europe
>wonder why Europe looks like Africa
Lega Nord isn't far right. It's a mildly civic nationalist more-center-than-right party. Their economic policies nowadays are the most moderate you can get. They even have the
>based black men
Are all potatoe niggers this thick to detect sarcasm?
So isn't M5S. We have no far right party, casapound won't go anywhere. Lega has its token negros and Salvini has to go civic nationalist to appeal to moderates, but at least there are shitton of local administrators who are legit ethnic nationalists. Still our best bet atm.
This got me thinking
What happens when these retards try to flood LA? Chicago? It has to happen at some point (if they keep letting in military aged males).
South Central loves some degenerates, but I don't know how well Mohamed would fit in.
Didn't deny it. But they aren't going anywhere, too. Salvini looks too much like a fucking farmer to appeal to those who live south of Florence.
>cosa nostra vs apecrime
fuck i want this to be televised
Italians are NOT white.
Goob job italy
Reveal your true flag, Mohammed.
Didn't mexican gangs try to ethnically cleanse blacks in california already?
Meh i don't know, he's still doing relatively well in the south, guess he'll end up like Trump i think, the most opposition will be from huge """highly educated""" urban areas.
They already have. Look at places like Dearborn, MI. Minnesota and Michigan are being flooded with sand niggers and niggers. And the whites of thsoe areas aren't doing anything. America is gonna be just like Europe before long if we allow any more niggers in. And the sand niggers and niggers in our country must be dealt with immediately.
>War of migrants
>Looks like Istanbul
What a sick joke.
kid youve been had
it's, Italy NO!
>Fake flag
Opinion discarded
>"""highly educated""" urban areas
Tuscany as a whole. Hell, that shithole is our Cuckifornia. We should have built a wall around it long ago, but hell, we need the shekels provided by tourism.
Fucking kill them all. They're wild animals
The reason we got so many migrants was because of fucking snyder he's a pos
Underrated. I laughed harder than I should have.
Streets full of trash and roaming niggers. Good thing I am booking a 1 week trip to Italy this summer . Gonna visit before its too late. Importing 13k niggers a week is no joke.
You are NOT white.
Stai Zitto
LA fag here, some mexican gangs if not most dont get along wit blacks. compton is now 65% hispanic. ppl get along well enough here, its the gangs that hate each other.
You are NOT even human.
Go in africa.
Mow em down, they aren't worth a single fuck.
Those are potential doctors you're talking about you yankee dankie doodle piece of shit.
Quit larping you fucking niggerbong.I'm almost ashamed to share your bloodline.
It was a prank my friend. I hate those nignogs as much as you
>potential doctors
Gordon reference LOCATED
It's a joke.
Sounds like the gangs will unite to kill the slimes.
Win win.
Yes.Out from the jungle
they're literally putting up stands on the middle of a road
also the people should go fight the goverment not the shitskins would be more affecting
They'd be protected by the police so there's no chance.
I'd love to do something in the UK but even tweeting someone to get Jo Cox'd would get me arrested
Things in Italy went south when they started fight with the mafia. Advice: elect actual mofiozi next time. They will steal, but they'll also protect their pastures.
>mfw Italians fighting bix noods sounds like the random battle noises looped over 60s and 70s-era WW2 movies
then go to a unsecured wifi of some corporation, and can get around that
the problem is coruption in the core
I wish I could join them.
it's Italy no! you idiot Mohamed. the immigrant probably don't want to pay mafia or some shit.
>t. Angry Terrone.
I wish eating pinapple pizza would grant me handicaped parking spot, new bike helmet and cool pack of creyons.
Sadly it dose not.
I realised I did it wrong after I posted it.
Too late to change it now.
Italy is yes whatever happens, pasta nigger. Get fucked.
is that syria?
It's Syria 2.0 nigger edition.
>tfw organized crime becomes of the path of salvation for young, disenfranchised men once more
>says this
Now I feel bad for posting Sicilians are niggers memes.
Part eggplant but still based.
There's a difference between the mob deciding they don't want niggers around. VS Said niggers burning the town to the ground.
Sicilians are latins related to balkan dinarics
naples being trashy is a shit tier memes, you only find trash in allies or under bridges. it doesnt even smell.
rome however....
>There are people who do not understand that CN is using immigrants for profit and making profit with illegals.
baka pol
Do you know who gave money to the Mafia to make them thrive again after Mussolini had pulverized them?
Real far-right party is Casapound that has less than 2% since every other party, PD first, call them fascist at least 1 time a week. At every manifestation they get attacked by antifas and every time they are blamed for the damage those dirty communist do. I hope this is the year they get in the parliament
That's because Italy was colonized by Africa and race mixed with the whites to make the Italian people. We wuz Romans.
A funny one.
No, seems more like the illegals pissed off legal market merchants.
Mafia is much more violent and don't waste time in stuff like this, they just kill directly.
This. Italians are not Romans and they will never be white.
It's nigger vs nigger. Who cares?
>Italy colonized by Africa
>not the other way around
Kek. We had colonies in Africa and the only city powerful enough to stand against Rome was destroyed and salt was put on its ruins
Really? I visited Naples a long time ago and I was amazed at how much fucking trash there was. Rome wasn't as bad.
Rest in peace Europe, and US of A.
Don't answer the mongrel
>be a bong
>get TRUCKED every week
>be italian
>you TRUCKED the """""immigrants""""
i hope you can learn something from this
5-star movement isn't even for Italexit, are they?
I imagine they'd be even less so after seeing what's happening to my country.
You're probably an Irish potato nigger, or your family was indentured slaves to Roams. Suck on that while Europe burns, and the US can't get rid of our leeches.
'muh white genocide'
Mafia relies on popular support for territorial control. That's just appeasement
Both 5star and Lega are officially for the "change the EU from within" way of thinking, but don't exclude a referendum if they don't manage.
when are europeans going to wake up?
can anyone explain it to me for what we need those african inmigrants selling shit in their shitty street tents??
What they add to european society?
R&B and Hip-hop. Nothing I would pay for by the way.
>Mafia gets money from EU/Soros to smuggle muslims
>Mafia makes them sell drugs and become prostitutes
>The problem becomes so bad the EU/Local govts/citizens can't do a thing to save their cities
>Mafia comes in like a hero on a white horse and saves everyone from the muslims
I love the Mafia. Where do I sign up?