Opinions on this man? He was in controversy a few months ago for expressing "racist" views
hes half Persian half croatian tho ironically enough
Opinions on this man? He was in controversy a few months ago for expressing "racist" views
hes half Persian half croatian tho ironically enough
I feel bad for him because it kind of ruined his reputation and ability to gain more sponsorships. I agree with the gist of what he was saying, but you have to keep that stuff to yourself if you're trying to cater to a plebeian audience.
did it?
He's obese.
Until he is human size, his opinions are of no importance. Fat affects the brain in a negative way, so nothing that comes out of a fattie's mouth can be trusted.
Anyone who watches other people play video games because they don't have any friends in real life should be given the lethal injection.
Give me a quick recap on this guy
Where's he been?
he doesn't look obese, slightly overweight yeah but I've never seen him at an actual american walmart customer size
He used to be a lot bigger, apparently he's got a lot of muscle after gyming it for a while
Game Grumps was tolerable when he was on.
Global Rule #2
Google it you lazy faggot
he is a famous video game reviewer, kinda of like angry video game nerd but he seems to be a more diverse version of him. Like expressing all emotions other than anger.
He was really popular around the 2012 - 2014 era because he was in gamegrumps, a lets play channel between two people who tried to be as entertaining to their audience as possible. I think he left in like 2013
But yeah, now he expressed that he leans more political to the right and stated stuff in a debate about ethnicity and IQ and he had gotten alot of backlash for it. He doesn't really get shit anymore for that though, he mostly is getting shit for being inactive with his youtube channel.
>most likely got on Sup Forums
>gets redpilled
>goes on livestream and debates Destiny
>drops the rich blacks commit more crime than poor whites statistic
>couldnt fond source mid stream
>everyone calls him racist
>hasnt made a video since
we could've done more to support him
we've gotta step up our game and help out people who speak out publicly
The biggest problem I had with his debate was he went in uncocked with Sup Forums infographics rather than actual sources, what a stupid thing to do.
What'd you do to help him, bud? You DID lead by example, right?
yeah thats probably a good idea, 4chans meme magic can do wonders.
You new to Sup Forums? We dont help e celebs unless they have a vagina or is Lauren Southern
i feel my shame inside me like a knife
Next time, pal
kill yourself
If you want my opinion jontron and gamegrumps helps rips the the roots of autism right out of the ground and exposes them to the sunlight. Everytime someone brings up jontron or gamegrumps my throat sucks in on itself because here in front of me is such a massive faggot with no sense of thought youd think they didnt exist but yet you turn right and his bud has a home stuck shirt on and suddenly your surrounded by faggots. Also kys
>has an interest on watching a youtube channel
Yeah you're right, people shouldn't watch something not related to politics on the internet and like it.
Okay that gave me a chuckle
>Not qualifying as huwhite by Sup Forums retarded standards
Sounds like he's a perfect fit.
Just like in the real entertainment industry, if you reveal you have different views or opinions you get fucking buried. Never mind him rarely putting his own politics in his show, he thinks differently and as such was turned on by the fickle portion of his fan base.
As long as an entertainer you feel all warm and fuzzy and falls in with the liberal crowd they're fine, but don't you dare be a human being with opinions. Off with your head.
Internet nerds on Youtube are no different.
>Opinions on this man?
I never heard of him prior to Game Grumps. But I think he's got a natural entertainment talent, if raw/unpracticed. He made the right call to jump off and try to promote his own work, but then immediately made the wrong call doing work for Disney. As he discussed on Zach's podcast, they wanted an entire year's worth of work out of him while he was used to shitting around putting out a video once every couple of months.
The particular type of content he wants to produce (regular television style video, with sets, scripts, cuts, props, and actors), does require long production cycles many times the size most people have to deal with when just recording and uploading LPs. But even giving slack for the more professional end product, he doesn't perform at a reasonable level. His content output is very low, indicating that he's slow or slacking.
Recently he asked his subscribers if he should switch content to "mix things up" and try different formats, reaching into fields like current release movie reviews (like RedLetter). This would satisfy his fans but wouldn't be very interesting seeing as he doesn't have any specific insight into the movie industry. But he didn't have any specific insight into the games industry either and that's what's gotten him this far, so it's hard to say it wouldn't work.
He needs to either find some work he can churn out at a reasonable clip or tie himself to another productive person so he can actually get some videos uploaded. The internet is timeless in a fashion, but dumping one video every six months is just begging for harsh criticism.
Why doesn't he just say fuck it and keep uploading videos? It won't matter if he doesn't start bringing up politics in his actual content. He's being kind of a pussy by going dark.
he doesnt know how to debate, only really knows infographs from Sup Forums tier knowledge of topics and believes he is right in everything he says with no actual knolwedge on the subjects he speaks of with such conviction. hes a dangerous fool. its similar to the retards on the left spouting bullshit they learned in gender theory or from cnn headlines on facebook feeds.
Blah blah, just watch something else like PeanutButterGamer then. I really get annoyed by the demands of critics to speed things up. I would have preferred The Last Guardian be delayed a few more times for the camera to be fixed, those annoying pop-ups to be removed, and such as an example. Just do something else then in the mean time -- have patience.
I mean, he hasn't done anything since then and there's no sign of that changing.
>some semi-famous guy in YouTube
>time went by, everything doing well
>shows he's not a literal commie and he slightly agrees with some right wing points
>gets labeled a nazi by every leftist
>lose tons of subscribers because now they abhor him just because he slightly disagreed with then
Pretty much it
>inb4 bateman
>just watch something else like PeanutButterGamer
>just watch this screamo leftist goodgoy
Kill your family and then yourself.
>I really get annoyed
Imagine a planet where anyone cares what annoys you. Remember that it doesn't exist.
Looks like Normal Boots is still doing fine, but his personal brand is ruined. In the least, he hasn't had the courage to even try to put himself out there after his scandal and subsequent falling out.
Dude is an overrated and cringy eceleb, but its still sad to see him get ruined for all the wrong reasons.
>he posts on an anonymous anime image board
If "we" supported him he'd be associated with the most strident angles found here and would have been screwed.
>giving a shit about people's political opinions for art or entertainment
>telling someone to kill himself due to minor disagreement
Fuck you, you stupid GenZ motherfucker. Your generation will get fucked in so many different ways, and it won't be solely due to niggers and kikes. I am not thinking of politics 24/7 like you goddamn ironic insipid bastards.
No one has a source for this.
PeanutButterGoy is basically the antithesis of Jon and makes no attempt to hide it these days.
Check 'em
Generation Z is way too decadent and saturated by mindless entertainment. Even death is treated with ironic humor.
You were right the first time, dipshit.
>I am not thinking of politics 24/7 like you
Let's be honest, retard, you're not thinking about anything at all, ever, you piece of filth.
Ok!? You agree with one entertainer's political opinions and want to suck his dick now? I really hate Generation Z.
>Let's be honest, retard, you're not thinking about anything at all, ever, you piece of filth.
Yeah, and that's why I got my BS in a STEM field, why I write fiction, why I watch a lot of good art house films like Ingmar Bergman, and so forth. I am not philistine like you, Generation Z scum.
user this is not the first time where just diappeared for months at a time.
>Loses tonnes of subscribers
That's not what happened. He gained fucktonnes more after the slight decline.
Funny how you shut up after I exposed your retardation. I doubt you can have any high-level discourse on Western philosophy, the symbolism in high-lit and art-house films, impartial discussions on history without resorting to polarized biased interpretations, and more. Impartiality is not your forte. Come at me, faggot. Let me just see how smart you really are. I'll make a fool out of you with my taste in art-house films, literature, philosophy, and much more. Never insult my mind, it is unfathomable to scum like you.
I thought he was half Hungarian half Persian?
Its my opinion on jontron and gamegrumps, not youtube channels you autistic snowflake. You just proved me right, ripped you right out of the ground and shat on you. Go shill somewhere else fag
it says his mom is hungarian-croatian
>that awkward moment when jontron's last video was over half a year ago
hes lying low probs
hes a big celebrity, he wont stay quiet for long
And I have a right to have liked game grumps and watched jontron at one point silly
I guess I automatically love homestuck. Oh fuck looks like i'm a leftist snowflake jew with autism as well rip gonna go on twitter and make half assed responses to random ppl with no sort of logic or reasoning to it
>impartial discussions on history
impartial discussions on history and science*
Have to keep in mind you probably don't know much about scientific fields beyond cursory glances at secondary media. How does it feel to get owned, you little shit? Come on, bring up a topic we can agree to debate about, and I'll prove just how much of a retard you are. I bet your top 10 films are filled with Hollywood trash by the way, philistine scum.
His show is more about nostalgia, and so it isn't about watching someone play video games even though it is. I mean, who HAS the games he has, right? It is to meditate, relive, and commune really. He's just a fat rich kid who just happens to have all his still, and whose personality is untainted 90's early 00's. The best part of the societal timeline. It's refreshing, but I would agree with you on every other channel that plays modern video games anyone can get.
Generation Z is shit and won't accomplish shit.
Save for the NWO's endgame.
last time I checked I was a millenial.
Generation Z is more or so the people/kids who follow "Viners" and cancerous shit like that etc.
The definition of who is in whoms generation varies tho unfortunately.
Because he went in expecting a nice, honest, casual discussion.
Destiny did like a fucking week of prep work - doing research, drilling notecards, coming up with every bullshit leftist 'gotcha' comment he could put together... and Jon just showed up.
It's the equivalent a coworker inviting you to a casual game of darts and then you spend 8 hours practicing before meeting him at the bar. It's not dishonest or morally wrong, but it kind of misses the fucking point.
There are many millennials heavily immersed in GenZ culture, though not all. GenZ culture is unbelievably cancerous. Ironic humor is disgusting, and Sup Forums is largely derived from that. However, Sup Forums does have good stuff from time to time.
Wow.. You are not proving any other points other than how liking game grumps make you autistic and look like it. Its the same as trying to tell pony fags that they are autistic. They just disagree in favor of their extreme intelligence being able to interpret the show and see things we cant.
>game grumps is for autists
You sir are wrong >tips fedora
Ill have you know that because i like this channel i am definitely more engaged in intellectual discussion and now i can do so with my online mates "hits vape" Oh haha sorry did i upset you because i enjoy things haha how could you possibly shame me for something i enjoy haha i mean its totally cool right all the guys in my hs game club love it!
He has actually been losing weight.
in my autistic opinion millenials are people who were born in 1980 - early 2000s, meaning the last generation of ppl who didn't have heavy technology and shit like that
He's not a lets players though, he makes reviews which have much more substance and aren't shat out at lightning speed.
I miss him ;_;
And he was right.
guy who will stick to his views while also remaining dedicated to his viewers, pretty cool
Millennials are more like 1990s to very early 2000s. Gen Z came afterwards, but some* millennials do also get involved in Gen Z culture. Gen Z culture is largely defined by being polarized by leftards and right-wing edgelords over social media like Sup Forums, reddit, tumblr, and etc. They see ideology and politics before individuals; they value ideological bonding more than engaging in hobbies like scuba diving and bonding that way. They're all retards that I want nothing to do with. They like spouting their mouths more than reading and lack virtue plus thoroughness of insight.
I hope Gen Z dies in the most gruesome way possible, and I want to see if they still treat their deaths with ironic humor.
That's Gen Y though. Millennials are what comes after that, the first generation to grow up with that technology. That's why they are so awful
Just a week ago he posted on Twitter saying he's working on new shit and it's taking longer than expected. The uploads between his videos have always been ridiculously long
Correct. This image is somewhat accurate.
I want to correct myself. You were right about Gen Y beginning in 1980s. Had to double-check that.
>literally base your career on 15-25 year olds watching video game youtube videos
>end up being one of the most popular in that niche
>things are going well, work with Disney, making friends through the industry, have a good reputation and prospects
>click on the wrong subreddit one too many times
>see a few bait images and take them literally
>decide your knowledge base in SNES games qualifies you to 'debate' nationalism and shit
He should have stayed in his lane and just shitposted anonymously like the rest of us.
Ironically? Is the Persian or Croatian half the ironical part?
The thing is, you're literally just putting a type of "stereotype" on a group or fanbase when in general not all of them could possibly be within your category as autistic snowflakes as you think they ALL are.
There is no sort of logic to build off of this and no benefit other then your belief that I am a complete retard virgin and that I need to die off.
This isn't a fucking debate over anything really. It shouldn't be. I don't think someone who watches game grumps or Jontron is in the same category as someone who watches MLP. My Little Pony is a show for kids and its obviously fucking autistic for full grown men to watch it. Game Grumps is a lets play channel. and last time I heard they played most games from the 1980s to the 2000s. I don't think it should be compared to be on the same level as something like My little pony.
It has humor, and yes it's people playing over a game of course but it's like watching a podcast, except its over a game where you're watching your favorite youtubers play over it and actually have a conversation about something.
Are you sure I'm the autistic one here? What point are you trying to make?
Quick Rundown
>popular e-celeb
>endorsed Bernie Sanders
>called him out when he sold out
>friends with Sargon
>went on his streams a couple of times
>implied that Trump was a better alternative than Hillary
>claims he's been on Sup Forums
>knows the 14 words
>got an interview in BreitBart
>get called racist
>Penut Butter Gamer gets autistic about it on twitter
>debates Destiny
>says that mass migration is bad and talks about violence in black communities
>called racist again
>booted out of cameo for a game
>makes an apology
>(((h3h3))) didn't support him despite being good friends with Jon
>now his only friend is an autistic animator
>hadn't posted anything since the incident
He's probably working on something at his usual pace. He's still got a Vermillion subscribers he's just a slow ass producer of content.
I always knew JonTron was /ourguy/. I'm just sad that he decided to chicken out and drop off the face of the earth just because he said "uh, white people have a right to exist". What he SHOULD HAVE DONE was double down and do the same thing PewDiePie did. Pewds was doing nazi stuff and getting people to say "KILL ALL JEWS" and all sorts of stuff. He never backed down during all the outcry, and he's just as popular as he's ever been. JonTron shouldn't done the same thing. People need to realize we're reaching a point where people are no longer giving a shit about "muh bigotry" anymore.
Literally got btfo by the strongest anti-skeptic ever
Holy fucking cringe.
I'm hoping Jon is going cocoon mode and turning into a full-on national socialist, waiting to reemerge in the future.
Pewdiepie always hides behind satire. Jon fucked up and got personally invested.
Jon isn't a social commentator, he's a video game enthusiast. He doesn't know the materiel and doesn't have any experience arguing with people outside internet forums. You basically want him to destroy his career just to echo Sup Forums memes.
Holy fucking taking the bait.
Racist nazi piece of shit.
Fucking retard who based his opinion on info graphs he saw on Sup Forums after browsing for a few days.
My fucking sides! This is pure gold!
>Hear Jontron holds anti immigration views.
>Think he must not be so dumb after all.
>Watch some of his videos.
>Fucking shit, he's really funny.
>Never another video is posted.
I'm not saying JonTron shouldn't switched to social commentary. I said JonTron shouldn't have backed down. He should've just kept on doing what he was doing, not apologized, and just said "yeah, I said what I said, fuck you".
And don't underestimate the power that these vidya e-celebs have. People like Pewds and Jon have millions of followers. Pewdiepie has probably done more to help our cause than any "alt-right" e-celeb simply by reaching out to the teenagers and helping them along the path before they have a chance to get full-on indoctrinated. Humor is an excellent way to normalize wrongthink and break down taboos.
Croats are pretty much white and iranians are pretty much the defenition of white so I dont see the problem.
>just realized I was probably taking bait and I decided to risk it anyways
>I always knew JonTron was /ourguy/. I'm just sad that he decided to chicken out and drop off the face of the earth just because he said "uh, white people have a right to exist".
No, he didnt just say this. He went deeper into full retard and started spouting Sup Forums talking points like rich blacks being more prone to violence and crime than poor whites, or that non-whites will ruin this country because "they don't vote like whites" (meaning, they dont vote Republican).
He definitely browses this place and he believes everything said here.
Oh and PewDiePie never said anything racist or nazi besides that kill the jews joke. His case was taken out of context really bad. But JonTron is seriously retarded.
I've never understood how he makes enough money to survive with how videos he pumps in a month.
>YouTube revenue
Is going down drastically especially for infrequent posters
the nightmare that was his star wars special went grossly over budget and took far longer than he projected.
Unless his sponsorship money is fuckin Nascar amounts of money I'm just not seeing it
it turned out true though. the one he found was fabricated
He's from a pretty wealthy family, plus he was raking it in while he was still turning out regular materiel.
He might have been able to swing another licensed project and got an advance on it before it finished.
>like rich blacks being more prone to violence and crime than poor whites
>or that non-whites will ruin this country because "they don't vote like whites"
That's literally true though. Haven't made a single argument, kike.
>The biggest problem I had with his debate was he went in uncocked with Sup Forums infographics rather than actual sources
Yep. You could tell he just got all his shit from this board. I couldnt imagine that fat faggot browsing here before that debate, but now we know he does.
He probably started on Sup Forums with the gamergate crap.
>I've never understood how he makes enough money to survive
I always thought he had two dead parents or something because his house is way too nice for someone who uploads so infrequently
can you source that hes from a wealthy family?
Pregame grumps I'm pretty sure that was his parents house. Now he lives in a nice apartment in new york