Redpill me on masonry
Are they jews too?
Redpill me on masonry
anti jew group that became too powerful
In 2017, they seem to be a club for old farts.. don't see any masons under 60.
They are the same luciferian pedophile cultists. They both are the enemy of our people. Treat each mason as a jew and you will find their behavior very similar.
There is only one Confederate statue on Federal land and nobody is trying to take down
Masons are far more influential than people think
They built everything, they lay down the schematics for human development.
They were infiltrated by Jews though so some parts of it got a little dodgy and started incorporating Satanic rituals.
Freemasons are generally for the betterment of mankind though, you'll see that they either established or help establish some very important buildings or companies around you.
They are jews and people that work for the jews without being aware of it. In Brazil, almost all lawyers are masons. No joke. In my university I found many masonic jews. I became friends with a few. Very few wear stuff such as masonic rings. They are MANY of them.
I noticed some of them tried talking me into fucking transexuals, smoking weed, drinking alcohol, fucking prostitutes and going shooting illegally(with them). I'm wary because I do shoot illegally but they might take some pics of me with illegal guns if I do so. Or even worse.
They exist, they are on many places. They are in Brazil.
Let's ask JFK.
Masons are a secret society, who's sole purpose is subversion and indoctrinating goys to work for molochian kikes. They are the Jews' satanic co-conspirators. Many Masons are not even aware they are a part of this. Yet many are. Read up on Crowley, 33rd degree Mason and king black magic luciferian cultist.
The only good Mason is a dead Mason.
But the origin of Mafia comes from Masonry.
The fact that there are people that unironically believe this is simply shocking.
The stupidity of some who will believe anything they see written on a picture is truly astonishing.
>Masons are a secret society, who's sole purpose is subversion and indoctrinating goys to work for molochian kikes.
Look here
>king black magic luciferian cultist.
Till the painful realization, people believed in santa.
Some people still believe in satan.
Since freemac practice Kabbalah it's not so far fetched.
But sure it lacks nuance.
Welcome to Sup Forums.
They arent all kikes im sure some are but they can still fuck with your life if you cross them etc etc
Masonkikecuck detected
>Freemasonry and Judaism
>Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library
This is why it is called Judeo-Masonry.
Big red pills I'm picking up here
Freemasonry began as a Christian society. It quickly was taken over by Whig revolutionaries. The Whig protestants were a very Judaizing sect. It became an arm for revolution; for the overthrow of Christendom: altar and throne.
The secular republic was actualized in the American revolution and the French revolution. Napoleon then exported classical liberalism to the rest of Europe. Masonry is, has been, will always be the enemy of Christian society.
It is a system of syncretism.
Please watch
New World Order: Communism By the Backdoor
This part in particular details the evils of freemasonry.
The syncretism of Masonry applied to secular governmental rule looks like the American model of 'religious liberty.' A veritable American Pantheon; where all creeds are welcome, all creeds receive a spot in the Pantheon.
A Christian cannot rationally support "religious liberty" as there is no Scriptural basis or Tradition in the history of Christianity to support such a system. It stands Christ next to Buddha, Mahomet, Krishna, and even Satan--all afforded the same rights under the almighty State.
Error is tolerated alongside truth. The idea that the "free market of ideas" will allow truth to snuff out erroneous doctrines and ideas is completely nonsensical. It is likened to selling poison alongside the antidote, allowing the consumer to snatch himself back from death again and again.
What actually happens is that truth gets overrun by error, eventually snuffing it out. The masses, seeking a venue to exercise the inherent human religious sensibility, then are vulnerable for the inculcation of a new morality, a new religion, and a new system of laws. Masonry plays a great part in this.
Pic related is a book of the descent of Christian morals, systematically guided and destroyed by Masons in American society.
Because Americans turned into Rotary mixed with Toastmasters.
All false. Especially that it's a secret society, and that Crowley was a member. You're also giving the douche too much credit.
exelant doc.
>The idea that the "free market of ideas" will allow truth to snuff out erroneous doctrines and ideas is completely nonsensical.
No its not. Abrahamists just can't handle the competetion from other disciplines and are afraid of losing their source of income.
lol, anti jew...
In the 1700s, perhaps...
No, we are afraid of losing our Christian civilization which gave birth to Western civilization.
And we lost it.
>Posting the KGB stooge
lol yeah, exactly. You are losing because you don't have the guts to do what it takes. Pro-tip: it's not reposting shizo Above Top Secret youtube "documentaries" about Masons, who are about as relevant as KKK.
American LARPers will go to any length to shuck and jive around the elephant in the room of what has to be done to save Western Civilization. See you in the next le epic Christ Chan General talking about le heretics and deus vult my fellow crusader :^)
I didn't post a documentary.
The solution to the problem is beyond human capability. It will require a supernatural solution; a chastisement. Of which, Russia will be used as a tool of cleansing.
I unironically think the Masons are on our side. I would love to join just don't have the slightest clue on how
>what has to be done to save Western Civilization
And that's not artificially resurrecting old superstitions we know little to nothing about or pretending to be vikings.
im a mason because pretty much every male in my family is, but other than family its not difficult to get into, but its a commitment.
also UK and US masonry is not connected so entry may be different. just look around and see if you have any lodges nearby and literally just call them up
This is bullshit. I work at a small local company, I help manage their website. They sell electronic parts, mostly cables and antennas. The owner is a freemason. He's 70 years old, comes in all the time making racist jokes about niggers, and even once said something along the lines of:
>"I tell ya when I was a kid, every tv show had letters at the bottom and every radio show had the words GOLDSTEIN or something to let you know who owned it, it was all controlled by the fucking jews"
He's just a conservative old business owner. Voted Trump. Freemasons are just a fraternity for old people who are small business owners and whatnot to network.
Mostly not but the Craft has been Kikerised since the late 18th century. Read Ludendorff to come to grips with the contentwise infiltration.
Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity. Lower level freemasons do not understand the ultimate goal of freemasonry. Ask him about the illuminati, bohemian Grove, skull and bones, etc. Watch him expose himself as a "knower" or "unknower."
>since the late 18th century
Lots of Jews in there. Soon to be Master Mason here. It's a social club at this point, in my state at least.
Seemed the same when i went to visit
They are the most Jewish thing in existence. You idiot!
yes they are jews. look at their fucking logo, its literally the kike 'star' sigil
Old guys who like butt sex.