Go to sleep

>go to sleep
>wake up
>somehow 99℅ of all men have disappeared without a trace
>you are one of the 1% who hasn't been affected

How does society change? Clearly men will now be more valuable, but with more women now suddenly being able to have more positions of authority/government/power, how would this affect politics and policies, foreign relationships between countries and the future of mankind as a whole? How would men react?

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I'd kill myself

>How does society change?
there would be no civilization

Humanity is fucked.

Literally as the gene pool won't recover like ever, as that 1% could be in the most remote places on earth and you just happen to be sitting in your room.

Conquer the world, easy job with women in power.

>4 billion dead overnight

I dont think the consequences of such a situation can be even understood.
Complete societal collapse back to stone age levels. Africa would be significantly improved.

>virus kill all other men

Elliot is that you?

There's a manga about that same exact situation

Bottlenecking the Y chromosome is a recipe for disaster.

Biggest concern is how will the 1% be distributed? A lot of jobs will be gone and resources and productivity.

Men would probably then be put into containment for breeding, governments around the world become more gynocentric, men are considered objects to be used and radical feminism takes the helm of every world government, essentially creating a world unfit for men to exist as people

Y: the last man

Great idea that just went to shit, had good potential but they didn't do enough with it.

amount of children this year: 1

>hate woman
>now surrounded by nothing but woman
i'd hang myself in record time

that 1% would set the new standards on men, they would literally become gods

billions of women without DICK would get really violent in no time

The remaining men would be captured and placed into milking camps for their sperm. With male sperm being the greatest commodity women would go to war over men.

Find me a small harem and move them out to a small farm.

Exact opposite, the 1 percent of men would form an autocratic government under the pretext of saving the the species. Ugly women would kill each other by the millions for mating opportunities.

Well now I want this

Women would not be able to organize an army to go to war. The world would simply fall into chaos. Women are totally incapable in almost all roles without guidance from a man.

Getting along with your fellow man would never be easier , each persob could have 10 white women each, our techbology would still exist abd food would initally be abundant.

Women already collectivise, it's their nature. Women would not have traditional armies that we know today but they would still fight in organised groups against other organised groups.

It'll be a lot harder to find a place for some peace and quiet, I'll tell you that.

Too right.

1% of men existing is still good enough genetic diversity.

Isn't the manga about women being able to reproduce without men, thus making men obsolete?

We're fucked. A society almost entirely of women will not function. I'll do my best and probably survive by gardening, end up leading a cult of gardening women, ugh... at least I can teach them to make guns, too. That'll keep things from getting totally primitive. Armed society is polite society, less so but still perceptibly so even among women.

I pray to god the he jump starts evolution in apes maybe they will have a better time at this civilization thing than humans did. Without men and the y chromosome civilization would collapse. Chaos and starvation would be the result, with maybe a few remaining men being able to band together and form a small society.

>realize I can finally get laid
>turn off computer for last time, embarking on my new life of repopulating Earth
>step outside into the sun, a bright new day
>hear faint sounds of moaning
>Tyrone is also part of the 1%
>all of female population bowing before his BBC
>realize I can never compete
>go back inside and fap to hot stepsister begs for creampie bookmark

>1% of men existing is still good enough genetic diversity.
Maybe, But you've got to remember the gene pools in parts of the world are very close to each other causing birth defects.

Now if you had an evenly spread population and ways to find "breeders" you may be able to but you'd need need to use IBF on a massive scale to increase the population of men by factor 99%

>How does society change?
>how would this affect politics and policies, foreign relationships between countries and the future of mankind as a whole? How would men react?

Are you fucking serious?
From day you countdown to a malthusian catastrophe.

Anyone who has ever had a female boss will understand why women never achieve anything great, and never make good leaders. They find it literally impossible to stop their feelings and emotions from clouding their judgement. I once had my female boss take me into her office and start foot-stamping and screaming like a toddler because she didn't like something I was doing. They also cannot ever be impartial in any dispute, they will always have a bias. Always.

The only high status profession which I have seen females show equal capability to men in is being a doctor. I can only guess that this is because the nurturing and healing aspect of it appeals to that side of their nature.

No I was talking about World's End Harem.
All men develop a disease that wipes out 99% of the male population and the rest are put into cryostasis.
4 men are given an experimental treatment and now have to re-populate the planet, which is in complete shambles, drought and starvation everywhere.

My dreams of a harem filled with high school girls would finally become a reality. I wouldn't care about anything else.

Revert to monarchy, divide up the breed machines.

>4 men are given an experimental treatment and now have to re-populate the planet

Then mankind is dead within 5-6 generations.

Hey its not rape if im an endangered species right?

I Mary one asap

>drought and starvation everywhere
mankind wouldnt last one generation

Oh wait yeah, my bad. It was some kind of document I had in mind.

Exactly, for men it would be Peter Josef's post-scarcity society. For women it would be Mad Max. The fact that women cannot into fighting and hate each other means that they would never be able to get control.

>become muslim
>engage in polygamy
>call them nazis if the womyn argue
>make myself an oppressed minority
GG ez

this. not even talking the sexism meme pol swallowed. women and men have different areas of expertise, and a lot of men do vital stuff, nuclear reactor, military positions. it will be a blood bath to get to resources and whoever manages to deal with reactors fucking up first basically wins.

sounds like its already going to be shit

I already know women will fight other women, us fags will probably be relegated to a lower caste, with women pitching in other straights that they don't want to be competition, only allowed relations with other women, they'll hog the men's expertise and sex for themselves.

I assumed that food, resources and medicine are not an issue (manga magic or something).

Inbreeding on such a scale would brought up genetical defects which would be impossible to fix.

It's hard enough having fuck all men in the family as it is. My partner is The Man of the house for me, my nan and auntie because they're on their own, his mum because his dad left, his sister because her partner left and his own auntie. He also does stuff for my grandad too be sure dad's an only child and he needs another man about to help.
It's exhausting. The break up of the family unit burdens the good men no end. They never get any praise for even the basic maintainence they do without which shit just unravels.

Fuck that future

I would be surrounded by weak women I would take advantage of this to kill as many women as possible and rape

it sounds like men are the cause of your mans burdens though, having the two divorcees

Remaining men would likely be put on a farm to be milked, and frozen semen would be a item for the extremely rich.

Start gathering supplies and prepare to go /out/ quickly, while trying to find a suitable woman to take with me. What's she gonna say, no?

Pls happen.

I could select the women I breed with to create my very own godlike dynasty.
All the ugly ones would eventually die off.

Mankind would be saved!

>Passive aggressive proxy wars where nothing ever gets done due to group consensus, but they still hold thousands of talks while taking continuous veiled pot shots at each other leading to eventual assassination through poisonings when one eventually says it out right. Just smile for the public after that, and send them FB regards through your profile pic.

Guys would probably be killed off even more or worse be ridiculed for not living up to the image of man in the majority's mind. I've worked in an [most] all female environment for most of my life, and they are never happy, mostly squander resources and time, and love image only. They want to act and feel in charge while they don't want to do the dirty work or do very little of it for image sake, and the ridicule you for not doing it "right" while they sit on the sidelines texting. They will pick apart the odd person, girl with bad hair/male/etc, due to peer pressure mob mentality, and when they lose the sole true support for the group they disband and scatter unable to keep the thing running anymore. Then they brag about how they were glorious in their title in their last job, and start all over again somewhere else until they age and marry.

I love women, but very few have the right to be in charge. They want to boss you around while you take charge. That is their inmost desire. It would take a very precise ratio or person to pull it off at all which would be the exception not the norm.

Oh I'd fuck like a mad man, a new harem everynight, and would keep my favorites, I'd bassically just be oumping out babies like there is no tomorrow, like at least 3650 children a year

Wait, 1% of all men is still around 30,000,000 how is this an issue exactly?


>30 million men
>3-4 billion women

you'd see another man as often as you see native americans irl

Basically, humanity would die from one of two things:

The women they would pick on the guys publicly while fucking them secretly, and then either start proxy wars over "you fucked my man!" killing everyone off with poison leaving them to die lonely...

or push the men to such an extreme by putting all the work on them until they committed suicide as a better option or simply just left causing the large woman group to then die out, too, from lack of getting shit done and indecisive democracy.

I only know a few women survivors, and go getters. They have always told me from their own mouth they are considered more masculine than feminine and I'm not talking about lesbians but personality types, and so there you have it.

You would still be a virgin.

Their absense is I guess. Regardless its still a pain in the dick for him

what an excuse to finally become a prostitute

I'd want to know where my friends and family members went, and devote my life to discovering the truth of this disappearance. I would go on an epic adventure with my trusty doggo, on foot or on horseback obviously since no modern systems of transportation would last more than a few days without men maintaining them.

If no clues we're to be found, I would simply find a small cabin somewhere in the woods and live out my days awaiting the moment I might finally be reunited with the rest of humanity that left me behind.

All my favorite fishing spots will be free. The fishing pressure will go down and the fishing will get better

Modern reactor designs require effort to remain productive. If the control staff suddenly vanished, the reactor would just shut down safely. The loss of power would be its own problem, but you would not have a nuclear catastrophe on your hands.


A long time ago the finnish population bottlenecked to like 5000 people and they're mostly fine now. 1% of men left would be overkill desu.


It would be a beautful, peaceful society.
Imagine no psychotic wars, violemt shootings, islamic busses peace, migrant rapes, etc.,
I could go anywhere I wanted and not be harassed or fearful for my safety!!
Women would move on and create the ultimate environmentally sustainable society. Can this please happen?


I'd go inna woods and stay there, knowing there simply aren't enough women to replace all the lost knowledge required to track me down.

nearly unlimited virgin pussy coming out of high school every year, how gay are you?

Wait, how long time ago was this? Never heard of this part in our history.

most problems are caused by men anyways
what do you need to protect borders from? men
who commit almost 100% of violence? men

I'd shelter and get riding as many bitches as i can to create the next generation.
I would form a clan, whom my children that wish to be loyal to me would be my work force, military and farmer's.
I would build a fort on an Island on Lough Erne (pic related) with a draw bridge and all. We would expand beyond the Island, spreading my philosophies and political influence and take over the country.
No women's society would stop me, It would already be too late before they catch on.

It doesn't say only 5000 people in that though. I don't know where I got that part from desu.

>female doctors as good as men
No. Even the nurses are complete shit compared to their male counterparts.

>Hold more positions in government
There would be no government. It would be complete societal collapse. 97% of the women would starve within a few years.

the world ends because that's not enough men to sustain the population reproductive-wise

Men built civilization and we sustain it.

Without men keeping civilization running, the collapse would be swift.

>just two ancestral male lineages

Only a man could create some order, you would have to take what you can that has been abandoned, like cattle and building supplies. Because you are a man you will have a lot of women followers and they can help you built a settlement that can support your population and all the baby making.

Women would catch all the men they found and send them straight into breed slavery.

Every 30 Minute the men would get milked.

Don't want to be that guy but since most of the people responsible for infrustructure and Manning the nuclear power plants, civilization would end. No food. No power. No labor force. People would starve and nuclear power plants across the world would start melting down.

The most important job any women is holding in our society is probably diversity rep at these companies. Kek

I black all the women.

Only solution is I fuck all of the women and make new men

You don't really need a reason to hang yourself, mano drauge.

Fair enough in the grand scheme of things.

Now imagine if that 1% were mostly channers
>tfw BBC and get to black as many woman as I want

Death bu snu-snu?

>coming out of high school
>a virgin
Bet she told you 'you were great' too.

sounds like it's time for you to be the man

there's a manga about it

Not to mention that even if there were no women in the control room, one somewhere else would probably rush to the control room and SCRAM it themselves. It's not rocket science, just pull the lever.

the food supply would drop, panic would ensue and majority of the 1% men would also die

all of mind kind dying would be a sign from the heavens

> All my friends has gone
I'll kill myself

>girls graduating high school are virgins

Maybe like 1%, all mormons and morbily obese.

Nearly all my friends are women.

You would have to be a leader. You would have to round all your women up and create a community, otherwise they will not survive.
Only thing is, your workforce at the start would all be women and children for the first 16 years.

Kill as many men as I can, then myself.

>out of highschool


Not rlly