My country is an international laughing stock all thanks to one man.
My country is an international laughing stock all thanks to one man
to the jews you mean
>all thanks to one man.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo
just shoot him user
(gchq/mi5 this is banter)
We've been a laughing stock since 1656.
A lion doesn't concern itself with the opinion of sheep.
it's laughing stock because it sucks
the only people who dislike trump are
1. people who dont know much about politics
2. liberals
and who cares to please those groups?
Shut up you fucking pussy. Grow some hair on your testicles.
> My country is an international laughing stock all thanks to one man.
C'mon man, Obama wasn't that bad
He killed Peter Smith
Trump and his family are the jews
He is a laughing stock to retards. Everyone here with at least a 3 digit iq likes trump.
why do you have an american flag?
shouldnt it be canadian?
I'm pretty sure 3 iq counts as retarded as well
You're right it was all Obama's fault. Countdown before that leaf appears with his charts defending the completely obscure but totally true points they demonstrate
Maybe you should stop being a piece of shit on the internet then user.
Please, get out of my thread. Only sensible people are allowed here. Thanks.
>o-o-one slip up means he's an embarrassment
Okay, kiddo
>the only people who dislike trump are
>1. people who dont know much about politics
>2. liberals
>being THIS deluded
To be expected from someone who types in all lowercase.
See above, retard.
Weird your icon isn't a Canadian flag. Must be a gltich
Not one man, but a triumvir of fools. Rapist in Chief Bill Clinton, pretending-to-be-retarded George Bush, and warmongering Obama.
you'll never see trump fag out like this.....
Yeah that nigger sure did a number on the US
fuck off leaf
Why would that matter to you? You live your life to please other countries?
no sweat, he has brain cancer
>thanks to one man
it was a joke far before we knew drumph existed
We're not Germany, Sweden, Canada or Turkey. So there's that.
You're lucky to have Trump you ungrateful bitch.
LOL lions. yeah, keep telling yourself that.
Fuck off, Jeb
Trump actually stands up to these retards about their stupid policies so their response is to whine about him calling him stupid. Obama was a useful idiot who just gave away anything he could to get them to like him.
>giving a shit what Eurocrats think about you
HAHAHAHAHAHA what the fuck are you talking about? We are literally the only country that even matters! Who's better than the United States? Some second-world europoor shithole? They can't even afford cars because they get taxed to hell in order to fund gibs for the rapefugees.
Just look at our elections. They were over six months ago, yet people who don't even live here are still talking about them. There were people in the UK and Australia who held protests because we elected Trump, for fucks sake. But all these other countries? No one gives a shit about their elections. It's only ours that matter.
You know that meme about europoors speaking multiple languages? Notice that's mostly in countries where English isn't the native language. They're learning English, because it's the only language that matters, because we're the only country that matters.
>inb4 English is from England
You really think the UK holds any importance? Get the fuck out of here.
You can bitch and moan about America all you want, but until your country puts a man on the moon, your opinions regarding a literal superpower nation are irrelevant.
Hell obama caused the refugee crisis with his policy in libya, syria and the rest of the middle east, yet they still love him. They blame the US, say we have to pay for it, take all of the shitskins, but obama is still getting a rock star welcome from these dipshits.
no one is laughing thou
because neither of those elected an orange reality tv host
Wait, you're not a canadian tho
Trump has only been president for 6 months and he's already the best leader in history. You'll know this if you weren't constantly gobbling cock.
No just you are, you pathetic worm. the only cure is suicide. Get on with it.
put down your hockey stick and bottle of syrup
Yeah but at least he got replaced by trump
Coming this summer... In a land of leafs there was one leaf who stood up and said... "Enough." The Season of the Leaf in theaters 9/11.
Yes, a reality TV host is so much worse than Erdogan, a bitch who hates her own country or the man who went on record as saying "If you kill your enemies, they win." Suuuure.
Don't be so hard on Obama
Thank you ObamaBurger.
Yeah Obama the stupid nigger made you all look like stupid niggers
I read the byline and thought you were a fellow leaf.
>also banter
>best leader in history
Haha what
He has been flip flopping on everything, even the wall. He said we would get an actual wall across the southern border but instead we'll get an extension of the existing fence, and it still won't cover the entire border.
yes because unlike Trump, they actually deliver
Fuck 'em. America First
Is there word like Baizuo for the Drumpftards?
>delivering dictatorship and imported terrorists is a good thing
Yep. So far, not really that impressive, but still correct.
I participated in the DV lottery (workaholic white mans only legal option apart from being a millionaire or first in line for a scientific nobel prize). When ongo-bongo got elected, fuckit, stopped applying. Haven't started again as of yet
it's not but at least they did what they said they would do
thats funny I expected a leaf flag
must be on a proxy
Turkey has a brown dictator who rules over a brutal, backwards third world country.
But, of course a mentally ill democrat would think that Turkey is a respected nation relative to the US
I thought it was Canada before opening the thread
It is alright OP, Hillary will not live forever.
Who fucking cares? I mean seriously? If someone doesn't like you do you feel its necessary to shitpost?
>Believes Erdogan, who shit down the internet in his country, is getting shit done.
The Democratic Party is such a perverse joke at this point, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
>thinking obama is a worse speaker than trump
>Americans think they have the right to complain about an embarrassing leader while sitting next to Canada
Kys or follow this advice: Milking chickens is good for you. It'll put hair on your ass.
Yeah, but he's out of office now after 8 years.
Saw this on the catalog and was expecting a leaf flag
He's a shill. Paid by Soros. Soros made his money breaking the pound and hurting working people.
This shill takes this money, made from hurting working people, to post on behalf of rich, open border-supporting globalists, which hurts working people even more.
Despite the fact he works for a rich person attempting to hurt working people, he actually believes he's a "liberal."
Yes, he's that fucking stupid.
This is going to be my new pasta
Good goy, very good goy. Enjoy living in like the shittiest first world country to live in. Enjoy your dumb, uneducated fatass flag waving population and the next to nothing you get from your govt. Fuck the USA
But White Americans are the true master race. Nobody has more accomplishments. White American test scores and IQ are very high. It's the nonwhites that bring us down
>Europeans still score higher even though Non-Whites are included
>My country is an international laughing stock all thanks to one man.
I was 100% sure this was a leaf. kys.
You're incredibly stupid. But the English have always been the dumbest tribe on the British Isles.
Lots of nonwhites in Finland, Poland, and Estonia? Wha?
White Americans are above most Euro countries, and Massachusetts (a mostly Irish state with not many blacks scores the highest).
This man
>all thanks to one man
Yep, Obama.
Thanks Obama
Was expecting op to have a leaf flag desu.
Go neck yourself you fucking LARPer, put your stupid leaf flag back up
KYS to remove said man.
My country is an international laughing stock all thanks to one woman.
Come on pal, cheer up.
Hey, at least your not Germany.