You seem to despise freedom and popular democracy, Sup Forums. How many of you have personal experience living in a authoritarian state?
You seem to despise freedom and popular democracy, Sup Forums...
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democracy doesn't work
Popular democracy isn't freedom. It's being cucked by the will of the mob.
"Democracy is two wolves and one lamb deciding what's on the menu."
Democracy is highly overrated.
Canada is an authoritarian state. The issue is left authoritarianism. Right authoritarianism always builds highly efficient and successful societies.
Not all authoritarianism is the same. Go fuck yourself.
>How many of you have personal experience living in a authoritarian state?
I do. Its fucking great.
>over 90% white
>no niggers running around shooting each other every day
>have a culture and history to take pride in
>representative based voting system
>more than 2 parties to vote for
>Brexit because we're the first country with the balls to say "Fuck the EU" while within the EU's grasp
I could go on, but living in an Authoritarian country as a right wing individual is fucking great. If I wanted to move into a barely 50% white country with liberals everywhere, I'd move to America.
>dictatorship run by Prime Minister Ramadan-Fag Socks
except that authoritarian regimes just wind you up with someone who is the exact same
... what?
Are you on a proxy then?
>hurr durr
At least Autocrats don't bring in millions of foreigners and cause the genocide of their own people. Even the worst dictator genuinely wanted his people to continue existing, or was at least indifferent to it. Our Democratic leaders now actively campaign for our own extinction.
It is. Despite his goofball smile, his goals and the goals of his govt are very very malevolent.
The kind of authoritarian state where you're put down for wrongthink, not the kind where people are mean to you on twitter by disagreeing with your opinions
You mean like the last eight year reign of the gay mafia, yeah, it was awful
They're for sale to the highest bidder, correct.
>>over 90% white
Gang rape is just democratic sex.
Corporation ; united states , Delaware ,,bankrupt since 1933, still under emergency war powers act.
i lived during pinochet's regime, it was easily way better even tho people say "hnnngh more poor people" that's a fucking lie also crime went down with pinochet cause if you stole something you got executed, and democracy is fucking stupid
>His PM is the illegitimate love child of a communist dictator
loving every lel
This bit has always struck me as weird, but I've seen it too. I guess it's part of human ruling psychology somehow. Democratic leaders are constantly desperate to retain power by controlling the public, and therefore often set themselves about the task of undermining swathes of the public weal in ways that they predict will usefully distort voting patterns, whereas dictators need only control the military and law enforcement to retain power. So long as they have that, anything which threatens their rule can be immediately removed. Else, there is no need to remove things at all, with the unexpected result that a broader cross-section of society is permitted to develop, since most people have no drive to rule and their activities therefore do not meaningfully threaten the control of the present ruling party.
Lately democracy has shown to be flawed in a very bad way. I dont know a single person who supports any of Trudeau's governments decisions.
Yet at this point I feel he will still win the next election,, the globalists have chosen him so we will have him.
And yet you can freely vote for actual Nazis like John Beattie and live. I'm talking about countries where you are literally killed for supporting the wrong ideology and stuff. Like Stalins USSR, Hitlers Germany, Assads Syria, Baghdadis Islamic State or Putins Russia... Countries like that.
If the majority votes to kill themselves it must be the best decision for all of us
>>>Putin's Russia
You're late for your daily chemo John.
>you don't know a single person
for everyone of (you) and (your) goy, there are likely more people that supports his policies. Not arguing whether his policies are right or not, just saying your anecdotal evidence doesn't mean jack shit. Literally looking at the world thru a keyhole, the mindset of a child.
I put it in their because I want to get some replies from people who have personal experience from life in an authoritarian country and liked it. Since there are many Ivans posting here and they're pretty pro Putin, I thought that was the safest bet.
It's interesting hearing from western kids who hate democracy and all, but that's all they know really. All they know about another type of life is from tv movies and youtube.
My Mom was a teacher in Afghanistan when Russia invaded. I have vivid memory of the time she told she’d never forget the day Russia invaded. They marched soldiers into her school and made everyone, even children/students pledge allegiance to the communist party.
My dad was in the Airforce at the time. His whole base was infiltrated and ambushed. They lined everyone up, asked who they were, what they did, and why they shouldn’t kill them. My Dad was last in the line and fortunately made a comrade with one of the spies so they let him go, angering one of the higher ups. They dropped him off at the gate of the base and then my whole family fled the country.
The thing is that democracy inherently leads to democratic socialism or social democracy, which destroys the society. It is a doomed system of government because the people will vote for ever more gibs.
Europe has been Democratic for only about a hundred years and Europeans are almost a minority of births in their own countries (pic related). America has lasted longer because it is less democratic, but that will change.
>How many of you have personal experience living in an authoritarian state?
Canadian here, its horrible
Speak my mind about things like immigration, homosexuality and religion.
>get fired
>get charged
>get assaulted by feminists and SJW's
>go to jail
>tax money goes to fund liberal hugbox, CBC
>have my children taken away
Sounds more like communist redistribution of vagina to me.
Democracy demands populism. It makes the whole process an exercise in marketing.
>At least Autocrats don't bring in millions of foreigners and cause the genocide of their own people
They may not cause the genocide of their people via immigration, but they usually end up killing an unreasonable amount of them. Look at Mao.
Shoulda let the Russians just beat the Islam out of them desu senpai
Better a fifth starves than all is wiped out forever
I suppose so.
source. i want to read
>he doesn't know
My parents weren’t strict Muslims to begin with. They only pray during Ramadan, were hippies in the 60s, and Beatles and Elvis fans. My Dad still occasionally smokes pot.
Anyway thank fucking god they made me in the US. I’m agnostic, and proudly American regardless. Fuck communism.
I hope you die painfully sandrat
if i do it’ll be for your freedom to be a skinhead
Liberty is an armed lamb contesting the vote.
>How many of you have personal experience living in a authoritarian state?
Reporting in, see flag
Look up Aristotle's work on Democracies, Aristocracies and Monocracies. They go in great detail how states work. I am an immigrant here and the more I read it the more I want to go back.
>diversity is a strength
But really, age always makes individuals long for the 'old days.' It's a way of maintaining the Status Quo. Their minds become clouded through years of having new experiences and hardships; thus they long for a time that they can relive and somewhat control. Look at people and the 90's. Shit wasn't that good. It only was to some people because they were children.
I bet dollars to donuts that this asshole would probably loath living under Communism again if it reverted that way over night.
Damn. Those Digits are nice.
I will look up his works.
1) Where are you from?
2) Why can't you go back? Or can you and are now just considering it?
>popular democracy
a shit
why should people who have absolutely no stake in this country, nothing to risk or lose, get to decide who governs. mob rules is bullshit.
This is why america is a representative democracy.
this country would be alot better if they only let landowners vote.
letting every billy bob and tyrone who couldnt finish high school have a vote was a terrible idea
You seem to have green skin, based on a totally baseless assertion I just made without any kind of evidence. How long has your skin been green?
Dear newfags: Sage all spam. Better content depends on you.
This. Vote should simply be restricted to those with a stake. Military vets, land owners, and PhDs. At the very least, you should have to be married, 25, and a man before you can vote.
>makes shitty analogies that lose his point
>complains about new fags
>uses a flag
go back to Lebbit
This. I can't freely speak my mind here without being physically attacked and having fanatical psychopaths try to kick me out of school or get me fired.
>we just want to change the authoritarian state from destruction, degeneracy, and disposable activity to one of Honor, might, and glory
I was just pointing out how people who support authoritarian dictators after having lived under them often do it out of nostalgia, not necessarily because the dictators themselves were great.
>military veteran
>land owner
>phd or masters (Ethnic and Gender Studies need not apply)
I could get behind with these. What would be the rules? You have to have at least three to vote?
I agree with the male aspect, but that would never fly now, since women are >50% of the population (50.8%). Perhaps allowing women is tolerable, if those women can meet 3 of the aforementioned criteria.
The only way such a system would be implemented is if there was a total collapse of the current system, in which case womens' opinions wouldn't matter much. Women only ever has as much say in society as men allow them to have.
All good states are Authoritarian. Liberalism, Leftism, Libertarianism etc. are effects, not causes.
The afromentioned ideologies only work in a society that is also pre-disposed to self-restraint.
Democracy is a mistake.
Just let every idiot have an equal voice while most of them don't vote or participate in politics anyway. It's just a popularity contest. Drumpf just goes back on his promises as did every other president and so would have Killary. We need a Monarch/Fuhrer, that doesn't necessarily mean big government it just means competent government. Idiots like Weedman and his incompetent party won because wow this dude is so cool and handsome he is more popular than HArpercuckk!!
This. Democracy has nothing to do with freedom, except for the freedom of majority to enslave the minority.