Gookmoot approved meta thread

gookmoot approved meta thread.

fag mods keep deleting this thread. i when it gets deleted and i get banned someone repost. i have well over 100 ips i can post this from but i am jot at home

FAGGOT MODS prevented the first thread from bumping before it hit the reply limit--they auto-saged the thread.
see: → # →



I've been noticing how the moderation on Sup Forums is unbelievably shitty and biased. Mods delete threads that are part of Sup Forums board culture (e.g. pol risk threads), mods delete and ban people over "porn" when it is a funny or relevant image that happens to show nudity (this isn't a blue board), and mods are generally guilty of other newfaggotry and reddit-tier censorship of threads they don't like.

Meanwhile, Strayan Niggerdick Thread #42069, >whitebois btfo, and other assorted low-tier bait garbage are allowed to pollute the catalog and hit the bump limit. If you're going to mod, then apply the rules evenly. If you're going to be a mod, then don't be a newfag bitch who doesn't understand board culture.

Mods of Sup Forums are reddit newfag cancer. Discuss.

you're right about that

no worries
proof saved

Don't worry, their misdeeds are not unnoticed.
>leave up media psyop threads
>remove legitimate threads
typical Sup Forums modding. You think they do it for free still? Ha, I bet they get a nice fat kickback for it.

>not using adblock

Learn English you pinche pendeja

>mods delete what I like
>they leave what I don't like

Good thing it's not up to you mojados eh?

Yeah they blatantly deleted the last thread, I wonder how happy gookmoot would be with them if he found out they where deleting sanctioned meta threads?

Has anybody contacted Hiroshimoot? Is it even possible?

fag mods region blocked my cell tower to stop me from posting this thread

you are blocking a shit load of people from posting on Sup Forums you dumb faggots. you mods are going to kill this site

Stop putting "faggot mods" in the fucking OP if you want them not to delete it

We should:

Enforce the rules (BBC threads sometimes stay for hours long)
Ban bait threads (and everyone who posts in it) redditors and newfags keep bumping these threads, if we start to ban these peoples they will think twice next time before bumping an obvious bait thread
Automatically delete a thread whenever the OP don't make one post before reaching a certain amount of replies (1 post by this ID)
Create an E-celeb general where everyone can discuss their queen Lauren Southern or their based redditor Sargon, any e-celeb thread out of the general should then be banned

I for one am glad the mods are deleting porn.

>you mods are going to kill this site

Good Sup Forums is too big nowadays, I hope it dies.

Also kill yourself mobilenigger.

Why do you shamelessly repost that pasta? Off-topic threads take up space from what should be for political discussion, and there are already always so many low-quality threads up.

>mods ip rangeban entire vpns aka the only way anons from cucked euro countries feel safe posting here
>mods ip rangeban entire cell service router ips
>all because a thread calls them out for their faggorty
kill yourself, mod faggots, before you kill this site's traffic

All the threads you hate are part of Sup Forums culture.

Get over it newfags.

>Stop putting "faggot mods" in the fucking OP
i will when they stop being faggots

>redditistani flag
>calling anyone else new

The ironing

>thinking anyone is gonna take the bait

The only threads I hate are obvious bait/ shitposting. The trump btfo, and the bbc thread bullshit. that isn't Sup Forums culture you retarded newfag.

>he took it

>he took it too

see ? so many newfags, that kekistani faggot is obviously baiting you all and you don't even see

To the person who thinks that contacting gookmoot will do anything: It won't. He's likely the one that sold us out to begin with.

You forgot to include the part of the image saying [one] thread, not a recurring one.

The fuck is the difference?

Trump BTFO IS thread culture, newfag. It's been happening ever since he announced his candidacy for the Presidency. Go back to fucking plebbit.

one thread in the catalog, fag


you arent naive enough to think project mockingbird stops at the msm

>It's been happening ever since he announced his candidacy for the Presidency.
That was recent. Trump announced only 2 years ago.

Meta threads are cancer and don't improve the quality of a board. Of course mods make mistakes and sometimes they delete "good" threads and sometimes they ban for silly reasons. Boohoo, cry me a river. Overall they are doing a pretty good job, from my point of view.

>unironic political shilling is Sup Forums culture
Maybe if you are getting paid for it.

No it isn't retard, I bet you don't even know about the risk threads.

>Meta threads are cancer

In that case you should lobby the owner of the site to change the policy instead of whining about it like a gigantic pussy.

>unironic political shilling
please don't tell me you think the "DRUMPF" threads aren't made by trump supporters


>newfags calling out newer fags for being new
At least that hasn't changed.

Fag nudity has always been a banable offense on Sup Forums

The only one whining here is OP and the other wetback. Probably OP too after changing his IP.

>No U

The post.

Not the threads I'm talking about. I'm more annoyed at the various discords dedicated to coordinating their efforts. Their threads are creepy as fuck and look exactly like the comment section on plebbit.
THAT is what I want to see the mods do something about, not delete a single meta thread in a sea of shit threads.


Since it's pretty clear you came from there. Go back.

Interesting how people are flocking to the meta thread for the sole purpose of shitting it up and bitching about a meta thread, but I'm getting a bit to tired to make any connections, I'm going to go to sleep you guys should all sleep too.

Yeah discord links should definitely be banned

That's like saying that Sharia Law is part of German culture. If it came to Sup Forums in 2014 or later, it's not part of board culture.

I think deleting the thread is lame, BUT this exact same image was used to bitch about the mods and less than 24 hours ago. It is literally the same topic, even the same image, and less than a day after the other one.

>your post
Right in the I've been around a whole hell of a lot longer than you have donkey sucker.

So why not hide it if you don't like it?

>Yeah discord links should definitely be banned
It needs to be harsher than that, honestly. Something along the lines of banning anyone asking for it, advertising it, or even mentioning it. The majority of them just become a spot to coordinate posting on not only Sup Forums, but Sup Forums as a whole.

One sure way to shit up a thread is to invite your buddies into it to parrot your opinions and pat you on the back. They need to keep that shit on reddit, Sup Forums will always be a contrarian mongoloid origami forum.