>DO NOT take medical advice from Sup Forums
>Jews are making money off the drugs because they work
>DO NOT take medical advice from Sup Forums
>Jews are making money off the drugs because they work
Other urls found in this thread:
>I get my happiness from a pill
I feel sorry for you.
what dosage and how long have you been taking zoloft?
Whats it for? What does it do?
6 months, 200mg
Fuck you
As long as it doesn't make you a brainless sheeple, go ahead
It works for some and for others it doesn't.
Takes about 2min of research to find that out.
zoloft kills your sex drive and no medication works, kill yourself
Dont listen to this obvious troll
>taking any advice from a Vietnamese wall painting enthusiast forum
you've earned your choice
>I need drugs to function because I am genetically inferior and have no will to overcome my own problems
Please don't breed
It's different for every man, user.
I tried Zoloft, Seroplex and a bunch of other stuff. Nothing ever worked, the side effects were terrible.
We're not identical biologically speaking.
Also, not all depressions are chemical-induced.
I'm happy for you man.
Yeah you seem really put together schizo
the greatest part about Sup Forums is how small their dicks are how can wh*Tes even compete
That's retarded
Depression. Gives me super high energy levels and motivation
Just wait until you stop taking them and decide to kill yourself
No medication works according to Sup Forums until youre practically dying in the ER being givin vasopressin because your alfredo-clogged arteries can no longer support regular blood flow with your heart.
Cocaine will do the same thing and is literally a safer alternative.
Did you actually expect Sup Forums to be right about this? Or anything?
Buddy... you've got some 'splainin' to do.
You're already brainwashed. Killy yourselfy dumb pillhead
I'd go for heroin and kys faggot.
Dude, weed.
Just try weed instead.
Yes the short term effects are unnoticeable goyim
Yahweh Akbar!
I haven't taken my meds in months and I feel great.
200mg sounds really high
Also, now that you are half year into Zoloft, try the following:
Stop it completely with no taper. For a week. Just try it.
You need Jesus Christ, user.
Those pills might help you, but they're just a crutch giving a false sense of reality.
Reality is harsh and horrid.
I spent 6 years onvarious anti-depressants and anti-anxiety. They help. But if you are not working towards regular excercise and some dietary changes related to gut bacteria you'll regret it eventually. Both have proven to be as effective or more than medications and they don't carry the sidefects meds have.
I was on it for 2 years along with Olanzapine because of psychotic depression, it did actually work but it doesn't work like people think it does, it's quite subtle, it doesn't make you "happy" it just makes things not all that bad or hopeless.
But I stopped taking it all and got electrical shocks in my head at night time, weird shit, it's all stopped now but I'm hurtling toward another psychosis but can keep a grip on things.
>be half jewish
>lose hair
>want to start taking medication for it
>$90 a month when I researched it
>cry but desperate
>go to jewish doctor for evaluation
>"yeah, this shit is expensive but here is an alternative and it's exactly the same, but 5 times the dosage so you gotta cut it up"
>go to prescription place and pick up 3 months supply for $10
>years later switch providers
>have to refill prescription from Asian doctor
>he gives me expensive one
>tell him price difference
>he is shocked about that, and immediately without question prescribes me for the cheaper one
Did I accidentally release a confidential Jewish secret?
he's larping, 200mg is max dose on a daily basis there is no way he will be at max dose in 6 moths. Dr. starts you of low then gradually increases with time
Zoloft turns people gay. That's a science fact.
Explain the gut bacteria
I was put on 50mg every morning and 10mg of Olanzapine at night.
I'm not homosexual? At least not that I know of?
this reminds me it's time for my zanax enema.
Xanax/Valium whatever Benzo is best taken under the tongue and left to melt there.
All you need is a hobby and a goal....wtf is wrong with white ppl?
Enjoy your erectile dysfunction... also everyone I know who has been on ssris has gained an unhealthy amount of weight but maybe that's just anecdotal, the ed isn't though
mmm tasty soma.
I took that shit for like A month in high school. Made me feel weird as fuck, screw that shit
>it's another "depression is a real disease" episode
Great now you can continue do be a NEET scab on the ass of society and feel less bad about your pathetic ways
thread theme
tbqh OP, my Father is a sad man. He has been a sad man for many years. After breeding (thank woden) with my mother she left him and he's been floundering for a decade. He's a moral man, always tries to do what is right. But, he is lonely and he wishes he'd made more of his life.
After getting on zoloft he has put his finances in order and for once in my life I feel like my father has a sense of direction, and even some ambition. It has helped my dad for sure.
And then you will get depressed again
your mental instability is a nice reminder why I come here
You can also just go to alldaychemist and search for finasteride there
>jews poison are food air and water makes us sad then sell us drugs and say we are better.
I used Zoloft some years ago. It's crap!!!! It doesn't help
I only use alcohol these days. Only drink beer.
Stay away from the Liquor. It will destroy your inner body.
You will be fine
I took it for a couple weeks in middle school.
I stopped taking it, it made me feel fucking crazy.
I couldn't control my thoughts, couldn't do any school work, didn't give a fuck about anything, it made life unreal like a simulation where nothing mattered. I just didn't care about keeping track of time or anything, stopped keeping track of hunger, stopped monitoring my speech, I'd cuss while talking to teachers and they wouldn't even notice because of how casual it was, it was pretty funny but ultimately fucked up.
I wasn't depressed anymore but I literally couldn't give a shit about a god damn thing.
>Getting addicted to taking pills that have only marginal improvement over meditation and dietary improvements
Alcohol?? Why bro. Just smoke weed...
It increases appetite, you eat more without really knowing it.
Maybe you need to try something that isn't an SSRI.
Weed gives me nothing. A weak drug
That's nasty as fuck. Xanax tastes terrible.
fucking shills, holy fucking crap
Enjoy getting fat,and having a limp dick.
Oh...and if try to go off it, enjoy the brain zaps.
After a few years youll get massive weight gain and lose all will to have sex. Enjoy.
>girlfriend has been on celexa for 5 years now
>gained about 40 lbs and increased her heart rate to a resting bpm of 110
>shes trying to come off them but the wd's are hell.
Good luck user, longer you stay on that trash the harder its gonna be to get off
But seriously OP, what happens if you decide to stop taking it. Don't these medications permanently change your neutral pathways so you always have to take it.
Shalom Rabbi. Moshe sends his regards.
Smoke weed faggot. It will fix your depression. Just smoke it until you feel you don't need it.
I got those electrical shocks in my head from Prozac. Sometimes they really hurt.
You do not always have to take.
You just feel like shit for a couple of months.
Do you ever wonder why we never hear what type of SSRIs mass shooters were on?
They make you go crazy, and come with a warning that it may increase suicide/homicide chances.
Came of seroquel this week for insomnia was doing some weird shit to my brain
Nootropics & CBD
Federally legal and good for you.
try not to kill yourself, faggot
Of course it works...but how it works is gonna fuck you up in the end when all you really needed was exercise and a hobby.
Had that shit for a few months in high school. Was forced onto it after muh columbine. All it did was cause weight gain, kill my energy levels and trigger DPDR episodes that i still have to fight with. DPDR once seen can never be unseen.
Is "Jewish secret" what you guys call your "Jewish scams". Fascinating.
what? i thought we were here trying to discuss the professional horseshoe throwing league of bolivia (PHTLB as they call it)
>Here I have a pill for that!
I struggled with depression and anxiety
most of my life. Drugs are not the answer.
Exercise, a healthy diet, time outdoors, good friends, and hobbies are the way to keep
yourself busy, ad stop focusing on all the bad shit
For a year I literally lived an ascetic monk-like lifestyle where I drank only water and healthy food and didn't watch porn once and it didn't do shit for my anxiety
I think its something to do with being white in this era and how you're supposed to act gay and weak
The mass shooters were on Zoloft?
Wait, Im supposed to feel bad because you cant handle the feelz of life and it makes you sad. Projecting much ? Are you sure this shit is working ?
But Eric Harris had fluvoxamine in his system when he commited the shooting
This fucking retard takes medical advice from pol, do us all a favor and remove yourself from the gene pool
It eventually stops working. You can't be on it forever. No orgasms. They don't really know how it works. Horrible for your liver.
Working out and eating healthy helped me more than SSRIs ever did. Try to start those habits now while you are still getting something from Zoloft.
Boganoffs bow to gut bacteria and thats the most important thing you need to know.
I don't know what they were on, but our media
always reports they are being treated for psych
issues, has a history of psych issues, and were being medicated.
What did people do before we had a pill for bad moods, and bad days?
They survived.
>oh no mild unsavory taste in my mouth
Fucking cunt, used to lick 50mg+ of pure powdered xanax without being a little bitch.
is op pic related
Now that you're on Zoloft, don't go and shoot up a school or something. SSRI medication... SMDH DESU SENPAI.
t. 13 year old larper
>take (((jew pills))) goy
t. Dr. Shekelstein
kek yurofags thinking they know anything about pharmas. Go back to your shitty stepped on coke. a bar is 2mg buddy.
your dick will stop working, have fun with your noloft
Yeah, until it doesn't and it makes you want to kill yourself more.
Have fun with that, you act like some of us haven't gone all the way down the pharma hole.
Hello friend, been 10 years on pills, stopped last winter
First of all not everybody works the same, and I'm glad it worked for you
Zoloft is fairly light, the actual jew-y meds are heavy antidepressants that pull a huge strain on your entire body
Chances are (I'm just theoryzing) zoloft will slowly have less and less impact, your body will get used to it, so your doc will change the chemical - Progressively going harder and harder.
I started with Zoloft too when I was 11. By the time I was 13 I was already on antidepressants that were not usually given to children. Then, I've taken a bit of everything at every dose, nothing really worked.
Last winter (I'm 21) I decided to say fuck it - I had tried so many things that I might try NOT taking anything at all. So I stopped, progressively, with my psychiatrist's guidance and advice from other knowledgeable people.
And guess what? I don't suffer anymore. I haven't felt better in the last 10 years ever since I've STOPPED.
I don't really feel happy for sure, but I don't see any downsides in life anymore (Except of course something terrible happens like losing a relative, but things like that are part of life). I'm having almost a normal life aside from how any kind of work disgusts me (I reckon it's because I kept working those 10 years of depression and now I'm sick of it).
The only problems that I got from quitting antidepressants are 1) Almost constant diahrea ever since I've stopped, I've tried a few things but it only lightens the problem without solving 2) My sleep schedule is absolutely unpredictable, disproportionate, and in general unacceptable (I sometimes stay up 24 hours, sometimes 6, sometimes 12)
I've never felt better ever since I've stopped taking these drugs. Make no mistake: These are drugs. There's no harm in taking drugs, they're here to help you get through - But there might come a point IN THE FUTURE where they will stop helping and their side effects will destroy you.
good luck
only faggots get limp dick from ssri's. If you get a limp dick it just means you never really liked the puss and should move on to hairy buttholes
I'll add the side note that here in France psychiatrists really only give SSRIs and are really gripped tight by the pharma industry. Different countries might not have that problem, and different times can make it better or worse.
Ya think you're hot shit, dontcha?!
>Almost constant diahrea ever since I've stopped, I've tried a few things but it only lightens the problem without solving
Remember, they absolutely fuck your digestion, metabolism, and thyroid. It takes a month (probably a bit longer in your case) or so for your body to get back to how it was
Same goes for your #2.
Don't eat fake processed shit while you're coming back to normal. Eat real food, and exercise as much as you can.
Trust me.
No cure for it. Just keeping too busy and exhausted to notice. Also lowering anxiety levels. Redpilling on the JQ, everything makes much more sense, less anxiety, more lifting for RaHoWa, and DPDR goes away. Have not felt this great in years
>be me, hmm this zoloft drug sounds like some new hip drug to try out, lets google it first
>mfw im on it for 2 years
yes it works by the way
You could have just worked out to stop being disappointed in the fact that you're a fat sad faggot. Exercise is the best cure to depression.
Now you're just a fat sad faggot on pills.