2015 swedish male to female ratio age 16-20

>2015 swedish male to female ratio age 16-20
>123 males per 100 females

WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>implying the ratio, and not your autism, is the reason you're alone

Source please. Trying to prove this to my dad


Most of those niggers are pushing 30 and you know it.

I think it´s because Sweden has been majority female since 1700, ence the meme that the good swedes died with Carolous Rex

Funny that at least 40 of the 123 are some very tanned ethnic swedish that look like 30 something...

women NEVER give me the time of they day, i don't even get a chance

1.05 males are born for every female but it usually evens out because male infants die more often

How and why they die user?
In wich age does it even out? Or are you talking of infant deaths?

male infants are more likely to die in infancy because they are less resistible to diseases. male adults die more often because they are more prone to lethal diseases and accidents.

i dont know when it evens out

find an asian, china has the exact opposite problem

I miss that Sweden

no, china has one of the most skewed male to female ratios because of the 1 child rule. parents want a male child and since they used to have only one chance they often aborted female children

yes but that also means there’s a lot of unreported/hidden females that poor families that can’t afford abortions would love to get rid of.

>1.05 ratio of birth
>1.23 ratio 16-20

I wish to have sex with a cute, young Swedish girl.

I´ve been looking at the pyramid, and it seems there are only more males than females at the eldery age, however while the genders are balanced from the age 65 to 40, but there are more males than females from 39 downwards

>women NEVER give me the time of they day, i don't even get a chance

But do you actively approach women to flirt with them? If not, you have no right to complain. It's men who initiate the flirting.


Enjoy your diversity!

they laugh at me, i am a joke.

Of course! You don't have superior sandnigger cock!

Are you a clown?

I feel bad for you Sweedanon in the US it's the same way in the big cities. Luckily in the US though us men can move to the midwest where there's far more women then men. I went to college in the midwest and there was so much pussy available. Pretty easy to get a wife.

Dude, try UTAH.

There's a serious gender imbalance between white men and white women with more men than women.

No wonder there are permavirgin white men, like me. Fucking bitter, I say. I'm oldfag at 38, about to achieve wizard status at 40.

>implying 1.23 females for every male is a natural occurrence

Swedish women are the most overrated untitled feminist cunts in the Western hemisphere.

When are you going to put them back in place, Sven?

or boi

I heard germany's ratio is even more fucked

Why isn't that male ratio higher? The west needs to further inflate the value of leftover roastie pussy by letting in a tsunami of male refugees that will fuck any bitch. That's the only way we will ever solve the "wage gap."

If Trump ever allows whites to immigrate to the US I'd highly recommend moving here. If you are above a 6 you can easily get laid by some nice white girl. Below that and you still have a chance with spics and nigs.

You did not listen. You thought is just a bad dream. You the grat dindu.

You're being genocided Sven, it's better for the niggers that way.

That is what you get when you import millions of men.


Not even once.

That's because they count the intruding orcs "humans" and orcs with big grey beards as "teenagers". But also in a normal human population, about 5% more boys are born than girls.

Start killing. You know it makes sense.

try Faroe Islands, if we want a glimmer of a chance to meet our own woman folk, we have to go where they go. And we pretty much have to drag them back kicking and screaming (yeah-yeah, not really happening)

This. But you are importing a shit load of males because the higher ups think it will grow the economy and honestly give zero fucks about anything else.

>70-75% of "tan Swedes" are male
>"Guys, why is the male to female ratio so off?"

idk Sven, why do you think that is?

I know why fucface kekposter

So does india. Mothers literally drown female babies because theyre worthless to society and cant support their parents.

Well I feel your pain brother the women in America can't cook and pretty soon they will take a cue from the niggers and not know how to read either, at that point, I expect them to blame the rich, evil, lone wolf white males or they will blame the patriarch (or is it the illloooomin-nagthy? I still get those 2 mixed up) or probably both knowing how blameless they are here.

german girls > sw*dish "girls"

50% of them are faggots so it doesn't matter mate.