India-China general - demographics edition

>Real war is finally about to happen. Both countries have nukes and situation is scalating pretty fast. Shit's about to go down.

>Multiple military units are on the move today in #Doklam as tensions continue to escalate between #India and #China.

>#China mobilizes military units to #Tibet as tensions continue with #India.

>PLA moved huge military hardware into Tibet after Sikkim standoff: report

>Indian media is claiming China is using psychological warfare against India's people to provoke fear

>Why is it happening?

Other urls found in this thread:

>US Expresses Concern Over Sikkim Stand-Off; Says India, China Should Come Up With ‘Better Arrangement’

>China holds live fire drills as tensions escalate

This is what theyre arguing over

It will happen
praise kek


India will nuke the chinks

Any kind of livemaps for this conflict or is it too early?

Can somebody give me the rundown gestalt on why they're pissed at each other?

actually god cuts america in half see the great american eclipse coming

we dont need to be concerned with this shit

Spookily retarded....

That sikkhim the current scene is over Bhutan
Cause the chinks are land grabbing cucks


Chinks are soulless robots. At least Poo's can seem human, and smell bad but not strange like chinks.

2 early

That's it? The Chinks are trying to steal your land, Pajeet?

Nothing will happen don't be too optimistic
if you want to read up on the last one
>the Chinese extended their influence by building a road in 1956–67 and placing border posts in Aksai Chin.
Thats what India is pissed about at the moment too.

Chinese media are apparently bringing it up again, reminding everyone how they won in 1962.

look at the map. The area around Bhutan/Nepal/India/Bangladesh is pretty tight, neither country wants to lose important territory. China could cut off the Indian territory past Bangladesh, or India could have more of an opening towards Bhutan, Tibet etc.

India needs to go.

Yup as always if they had their way all of Asia would belong to them

Poos are just good at pretending to like you user. They're two faced like the Jews. They kiss everyone's ass, but in the end they just want to fuck you over. Look to South Africa to see how they operate, they use their poo skin the trick niggers into turning against white people and then they take white people's place. They're just as shitty as chinks, chinks just happen to be more autistic.

I may not like india, but i hate china, so regretfully i side with india in this war

Wew good thing you are not in control

I'll take the chinks. At least they know how to treat muslims.

Chinese are souless robots.
Indians are souless animals.

And what do you mean Indians aren't strange?

because India in control is so much better...

Skyrim is for the nords.

>who should i support
ok India
good relationship with them
genuinely nice people
my sides when i see an Indian trying to pick western girls in the Sup Forums humor threads
pooing in tolets
dog eating
they bought tnuva
yeah ill pick India

>this level of ass hurt over operation Vijay
Death to the thalmor

>Indians allow you to trade
>Act like niggers on their coasts

The Portuguese everyone.

Read inscription #1...

How did the north develop

>pooing in toilets

You sure about that?

This autistic pasta again lul

paki IT cell spotted

>this much pride over operation vijay

>when told the above will he attempt to state ancient successes?

Facts hurt like a motherfucker to Indians.

Indians are fellow, if poo-ridden, aryans

That's almost admirable with that velocity and trajectory

what's the difference between the two other than the animal they choose to starve over?
>does he gleefully scorn people of different races, but gets bewildered when it's done to him?


lul that autistic scripture again. Fuck off infowars

That must be a really satisfying poo you can just feel it

poos are all right, the ant people have got to be culled. china = volcanic anthill, soon they'll flood the whole world

>implying america will have any say in hypothetical china balkanization scenario

>"developing the area" is acting like niggers
>hides his butthole flag because he's ashamed of his country


Greater historical foreigner influx. (Aryans, Central Asians)

Hoping for a peaceful resolution, or at worst a limited, conventional skirmish.

>influx happened before the iron age

I don't like either, but I thin China would be the lesser of two evils. If they win they might cull the unwashed hordes of shitskins and make the subcontinent ripe for colonization again


Nothing will happen.
India always gets bullied by everyone.
Doesn't even matter that the former British empire would probably save them if they started losing, they'll still chicken out.
China will get away with this.

Under the British they introduced permanent settlement in the afghan kingdoms that fought against them in the north, southern kingdoms on the other hand did not fight for Independence but instead sought British suzerainty. Not to mention upon Independence the commies in India(Gandhi and co.) thought it would be a good idea to develop the coast at the expense of inland provinces, this was furthered by their plan to urbanize the south (coastal provinces)while keeping the north as a breadbasket(inland provinces). Now, that shits hit the fan in terms of inequality by province they're trying to fix it but it's an uphill game now.

>my sides when i see an Indian trying to pick western girls in the Sup Forums humor threads
That is pretty hilarious also for all the poo we fling at india im pretty sure china has an public defecation problem as well its not as widely discussed cause there arnt a whole lot of chinese who can post here

India is pretty based and are our greatest ally

>Developing the area
>Only developed shitty little trading posts

Fucking lel. Iranians developed India m8, not the Poortuguese.

>Hides his flag

My country is literally shit and somehow even people on welfare are still wealthier than the average Poortuguese. Now that's something.

why does Modi like to hug other leaders ?]


it's because of gems like this

Pretty much this

nothings gona happnen

>implying there's no difference between India and Pakistan
>implying "poos" and mudslimes are all the same

You sold yourself out on this one achmed.


you're right about one thing
Iranians are also responsbile for developing India.

and fuck off with your shit country comparison when you don't even have the face to show it.

ironic little pussy fag boys like you need to go. if you're too embarassed to wave your flag, then accept it and don't get offended when someone agress with you that you have a reason to be. you're behaving like a nigger

>even though he has a toilet
>30 Year toilet building program

Haha its pretty adorable honestly

what's the difference, then?
other than the animal you won't eat and would rather starve, what's the difference?
you indians are so deluded you chimp out like little turks who call anyone kurd as your only line of defence, as if being a poo is any better than being a paki.

>does he gleefully scorn people of different races, but gets bewildered when it's done to him?

you're in for some treats

youtube comments are gold in those ones.

Portugal should recolonize India desu

Here we go! This war should be fun!

>belly of the dragon will drip water
Three Gorges Dam flood confirmed
>bear will leave it's cave forever
Russian superpower confirmed

>lesser of two evils

It holds insane military advantages you fucking idiot

>Three Gorges Dam flood confirmed
A large amount of China's water supply is from Tibet...

To foster homo acceptance

He is a leader of a country that has made homosexuals illegal

ALL the water in china AND india comes from these mountains you idiot. cheers.

t. Commie scum

Portugal is too cucked for that
Check this thread, especially its final parts
Portugal is barely even european

>105 IQ Asians vs 85 IQ pooniggers

Peru, why ;_;


Frush the poos.


I didn't say also, learn to read Pablo.

>Wave your flag

Nigga, this is an online forum for shitposters nobody's waving shit and half of these are proxies.

could be closeted

This isn't a joke, either.

Both China and India have been trying to open up trade in the Himalayas for decades now. They know there are a lot of resources locked away in the mountains, but until recently they haven't had the capacity to extract it.

This shit won't go nuclear, but expect some Indian paramilitaries to start dropping ATGMs on Chinese trucks and outposts soon, just like they have going with Pakistan.

>a country that kills it's own people by the millions
>a country that literally ate 30 million of their own people during a war
>a country where they believe torturing animals before eating them helps with the taste
>a country that gave $50 billion to the biggest terrorist sympathizer in the world
>lesser of two evils ever

Their IQ disparity is linked to their level of infrastructure, give india time and they'll be on par but clearly just from this thread you should see how that IQ has been the chinks more humane and loving to one another Kek


Good I was hoping we could count on India in ww3. We need there numbers to balance against china

>proving that Pakistan is somehow, by some standard better than India

kek I'd like to see you try that, but then again the outcome is predetermined.
You have dug yourself a hole on this one which is seemingly impossible to get out of.

>does he gleefully scorn people of different races, but gets bewildered when its done to him?

What are you even on about?
This statement could be applied to almost all races in the world, who wouldn't want to claim the superiority of their race over others? Maybe not me but that's besides the point.
God, its like you copy paste some random quote just to back your point just goes to show how retarded your argument is, stick to the copy-paste of factual stuff its much better which does not require much of your thinking results in better shitposting.
off to sleep now reminder that this thread is pointless anyways

Wars have been started for much less

Except this particular incident that threatens war isn't over Sikkim.

oh, so we agree on one thing only then:
your country is an embarassment

don't be angry at me for it. don't be angry when peope agree with you, it makes no sense.

I agree it is an embarrassment, and yet it's still better than Poortugal. I'd rather live in a nice Aryan country like India.

>paki inbred trying so hard with his proxy
Get a life loser, or even better just wear a vest and blow yourself in a school like your fellow countrymen.


>Kek. That was indeed funny Pooptugal.

>proving that Pakistan is somehow, by some standard better than India
I'm asking differences other than religion, you dense mother fucker.
My text is pretty clear. I didn't mention better or worse.
Arguing with Indians is a fucking waste of time. Before we actually have them deal with the questions they keep dancing around the subject because god knows if they get to the facts they'd have to admit some very bad shit.

He's probably a Portuguese - but a loser one for making 13 posts.
Btw he doesn't use - for poo shitposting.
És muito burro, crl. Na próxima vez, muda a bandeira com proxy ou com memeflag. eu não tenho tempo para ser PIDF especialmente para gajos burros que não sabem a nossa história e o tipo de imperialismo que nós fizemos.

>everyone who doesn't like India is a Paki proxy
pathetic. what's up with Indians and their obession with pakis?

maybe you can take it up from your friend and actually explain to me the difference between an Indian and a Paki, besides the animal you choose to starve over.

Or are you going to dance around the subject too?

>e o tipo de imperialismo que nós fizemos.
oh, não! não me digas que nós éramos os maus! :(

vai levar um pau no cú.


And India and pakistan are as different as Portugal and Morocco, i.e. not much

Fuck off Pooptugal.
You're not even relevant on this board let alone geopolitics.
You had good run but your time has ended.
Nobody would care or think of you if you were to be wiped out of the planet, cuz you value nuffin.

Now begone. Shooo