How fast would the world lie in ruins Sup Forums?
If wymen ruled the world
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Cat fights would be rampant. One might get a hold of a nuke and launch it at Becky's house because she was a bitch and slept with Tyrone.
>The UK had four terror attacks in four months
Yeah, whilst a woman was prime minister.
Can't find the image that sums this up. But, essentially, communism.
Wymin rule sweden and well you know what has sweden become
They literally did for most of a century and nothing changed. Do these daft cunts not know Queen Victoria?
I give it about 10 minutes before a group of men take back power
Do they not understand biology? They are the weakest link
>bitches about sheepskin
>eats meat
I hate feminiggers so goddamn much
The Greeks already had it figured out
Look no further than Germany (Merkel), South Korea, Brazil (Impeached), DNC in 2016 (HRC, DWS, Donna Brazile). Don't forget Marissa Mayar and Elizabeth Holmes too.
>laws against mansplanning
So they want to censor facts because they don't support their beliefs and men talk use evidence to support their ideas.
>the guardian
If women ruled the world nothing would ever get done. Civilization would end in two generations at best.
Someone post that screencap of that article about a company run entirely by women.
Just observe groups of males and females, and that will tell you what a world ran by females would be like. Cliques of men are nation states. Men establish a pecking order and it's observed. Any attempt at changing the pecking order is done in the open for all to see, because if you're a gossip you're a bitch. If a brawl happens you're in it to win it with everyone else. Your clique, and the nation state, fight until the enemy is deader than you.
Groups of women put spy movement shame. The only reason they aren't as entertaining is because they're not nearly smart enough to pull off much more than petty passive aggressive shit that lets them maintain plausible deniability. Now observe war with African tribes. They mostly posture and the fighting is for show. It's a giant game of chicken. But, whereas in the West a captured enemy is at least in theory treated humanely, if a tribe in Papa New Guinea catches an enemy, he's being eaten for dinner after they boil him alive.
This bullshit about a world with women in charge having no war is just that, bullshit. Witness the flower campaigns in WW1. A woman will not only send men to die but they'll shame the ones who came back only missing legs. We'd have a ton of wars, and we'd definitely already have nuked each other to death because women don't understand conflict resolution. That's why men can fight and be friends five mins later but a woman will hold a grudge or lose lifelong friendships over a small slight.
Men talk shit to each other's faces and compliment each other when they're not around. Women fill the air with useless compliments when in someone's presence and then just talk shit when they're gone.
This kind of feel good bullshit flying through the fan of reality is why women need to be back in the home.
Yes I am aware of the few mistakes there, I've had 8 cups of coffee in the past 40 hours and I am pissing out pure hatred
Overnight. If they actually pushed feminist laws through, men would riot and obviously win.
Might makes right.
>Apologizing for typing errors.
Reddit plz.
fuck off reddit
about a month, when the first periods set in
More about my geography skills but now I sleep slumber of a thousand niggers
all counties would be at war with each other, but none of them would say why because not knowing what they did to hurt your feelings is just as bad as what they did!
In about a year various Chads would become Monarchs because the female leader ship is just soooo in love with them.
>reparations for women
What the fuck, how did they come up with this shit.
Literally all three of those things listed are the fault of women though.
Right wing women never count as real women apparently.