This is an evergreen college professor
This is an evergreen college professor
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affirmative action for ya
>this is what happens when they think they're people
And 64 other pieces of shit reacted positively to this dumb cunts post
Looks like it is time to get someone fired again guys
Wake up the gimp
>fixing this mess
They make the mess.They can also fuck off back to africa if they don't like it here.
My gun has been in the closet too long.
Odds her IQ is greater than 80?
Someone should tire necklace this ape..see how she likes African culture when it really comes down to it
>ooga booga pay me cash money
Why is this manatee upset with the system that brought it out of the ghetto and propped her SJW PoC lard ass as a respectable human? This piece of shit is steering your young peoples minds America! Wake up.
This is what happens when you let nigs run a community college that's already staffed by Marxist cucks.
This is a microcosm for the global failure of communism - leftist kikes telling niggers they don't need to be self-reliant, just steal shit from whites, and everything will work out.
Do you think colleges will be fixed in about 18 years?
Can you imagine if it was a white UCLA teacher saying the same exact thing?
In case anyone hasn't seen it
God, I hate niggers.
>burning a cop shop to the ground
What the fuck is a cop shop?
Do they sell cops?
Log chain and a big truck. Problem solved.
>disabled, trans, aetherkin, black woman stands strong
Hold me back, I'm going to kill myself
It's where her daddy went for a pack of sigs and never came back.
What the fuck is going here?
How will we know when it's time to start plugging the Marxist in the head?
She's right on one point. We did make this mess and we need to clean it up. She just doesn't understand she is the mess
Thanks white people for bringing these parasitic niggers here.
Everyday I hope thier cities burn with them in it.
>Fix your mess
No worries, that's why Americans have guns. To fix messes like this fat negro hog.
You mean (((them)))
If I'm going to have to take the bad then I'm also going to take credit for all the inventions and greatness too. All the money sent to Africa. Now you owe me nig
Grab some popcorn boys
She graduated from Brown University with a degree in Africana Studies. She's Ivy League. She's smarter than y'all.
Not our fault that niggers are culturally appropriating southern culture.
Ok pal...
It was just Jews that brought blacks here.
You know damn well it was not just Jews.
They helped it along, that's for sure.
She wants a lot of things.
I only want one thing:
I want her out of my country.
Brown University.
She looks like a Dr. Seusse character hahaha.
And it always strikes me that these post modernists lack the simplest bit of self awareness that would enable them to see that they are more racist than any klansman ever was.
But most importantly with that creature is that she's (it's?) not just a professor. She has the president of the college completely cowed. Because the president is a tiny little white woman who also subscribes to that batshit insane ideology, so when an uppity negress comes in and demands all her whims are catered to and whites role is to shut up and and step back, the president shuts up and lets the negress walk all over her. Evergreen is like the culmination of their ideology, where the black has complete control of everything and still calls it racist.
Slang for police station, here in Washington even white people call it that.
>Naima Lowe (or Naima Niambi)
>B.A. in Africana Studies, Brown University 2002
>M.F.A. in Film and Media, Temple University 2008
>Current and Upcoming Offerings
>Movements: Advanced Studies Fall, Winter
>Movements: African-American Culture in the (Long) 20th Century Fall, Winter
>Race, Gender, and Representation in Documentary Film Spring
>Undergraduate Projects in Critical and Creative Practices Fall, Winter, Spring
>Undergraduate Projects in Critical and Creative Practices with N. Lowe Fall, Winter, Spring
>Mediaworks: Signifying Power and Difference on Screen(s) Fall, Winter, Spring
>Undergraduate Research and Projects in Critical and Creative Practices Fall, Winter, Spring
>Undergraduate Research Projects in Critical and Creative Practices with N. Lowe Fall, Winter, Spring
Literally reads like a stereotypical diversity hire. What the fuck is she actually doing there other than telling people how bad whitey is? And this isn't even touching her social media which is even worse; she openly displays her outright disgust for white people. How does a college that so claims itself to be inclusive and supportive of all continue to have this person on the payroll?
How anyone can see diversity and all this fucking 'black studies' or whatever shit as ANYTHING other than purely anti-white is beyond me.
This is all publicly available information, I'm not doxxing if any mods are looking, I'm just posting information from her college page.
whats the enrollment impact on that college after all this? MIzzou (or whatever gay spelling it is) had there shitstorm during the main semesters, so they didn't feel it till the next fall when no one wanted to go there. But this place picked the worst time of year to lose their fucking minds, it's gonna hurt enrollment.
How many of those did they make with that finishing? Would want, but somewhere Indiana Jew is screaming "it belongs in my holocaust museum you filthy goy!"
You're never getting her fired. The whole school backs her. At best you can get the school defunded, which is what republicrats in their state legislature are trying to do.
>Africana Studies
Voodoo and cannibalism?
Oh what great times we had under Obama. It's too bad Hilldawg didn't win and drag us even further into social justice madness.
Wow sick spacing kiddo
>She looks like a Dr. Seusse character hahaha.
>And it always strikes me that these post modernists lack the simplest bit of self awareness that would enable them to see that they are more racist than any klansman ever was.
>But most importantly with that creature is that she's (it's?) not just a professor. She has the president of the college completely cowed. Because the president is a tiny little white woman who also subscribes to that batshit insane ideology, so when an uppity negress comes in and demands all her whims are catered to and whites role is to shut up and and step back, the president shuts up and lets the negress walk all over her. Evergreen is like the culmination of their ideology, where the black has complete control of everything and still calls it racist.
hey hey hey, just because the president of our college, george bridges, is a giant cuck he is not a woman! he has explicitly stated that he uses he/him pronouns. U BIGOT
She should take care of that mess that is her weight and health. Meh she prolly blames that on whites as well though too.
The cripple and its tranny friends were writing to fire some professor they thought was a white supremacist with chalk so the guy got his own chalk and was writing about limp bizkit to mock them, this is how they reacted.
>A university where nearly every degree is 160 completely elective credits and a capstone
>their Stem is 80 credits of your degree and 80 completely elective credits.
>Produces dumbasses like OP image
Is that an R2DinDu?
These are the mothers that raise niglets.
even a downie can be muh ivy league with affirmative action.
Thinking of it, Downie uprising when? Janoy leads the way
>it is time to fix your mess
No more blacks it is!
The three fifths of a person thing is beginning to sound more and more fact based than racist.
Have you considered how she may be genderfluid? Like, OMG I can't even. You're such a bigot for thinking that gender binaries are fixed and don't change from moment to moment depending on her mood. I'm literally shaking right now.
Let's do it
>This bitch teaches (read: indoctrinates) your white kids into self hating shells of human beings
Report her to everyone
No reddit. Not an argument,
>burning a cop shop to the ground
isn't that inciting violence and property destruction? why does she still have a job? fuck this fat nigger
She's so beautiful
Too bad africans think afro-americans are cancer too
This shit's the reason we don't have colonies on mars by now.
That piece of fat tattood nigger trash went to Brown and Temple...
Wouldn't the average person look at someone like this who is telling people to pay her for literally nothing,raise alarms? I sometimes feel the cliche "am I taking crazy pills?" is the only way to describe the WTF of this type of person.
She graduated from the school of gibs me dat
They should be careful. We got very close last time.
is that Boardwalk Empire?
aw, she jus' mad cuz she look like a big soft man-boi, an I ain' shore she not one.
dang i must of missed that episode
Chalky White was a good lil boy he dindu nuffins
The triangle slave trade was a mostly Jewish operation. Most of the ships had Jewish captains and crews. The oldest synagogue in North America is in Newport, RI, just down the street from where the slaves were unloaded. The oldest synagogue in South America is in Brazil, a short distance from where the salves were unloaded. The only synagogue in Jamaica is a short distance from where the slaves were unloaded.
At what point will it be okay to start gassing these people?
It's the BLM overmind.
>fucking Green Day fans
My fucking sides
Well, maybe a lurker.
THAT is an american college professor?
And you go into debt for thousands and thousands of dollars to be lectured by the likes of that barely sentient overwheight orang-utang?
Does it make sense to you?
Murifats its time to take your guns and kill every single nigger you see.
You can keep some slaves if you like
>To my white friends. You're on notice.
And this is why people like her end up friendless and alone.
You can only back-stab and attack for so long.
Sooner or later people recognize the cunt in the room.
She is preaching violence and hate to vulnerable kids. She needs to be held accountable as a racist and shit disturbing fugly pos. Fire her ass!
Source in her being a proff
>You can keep some slaves if you like
Won't make that mistake again
There isnt a rope strong enough to hang that nigger
The first time I heard this it hit way close to home.
I grew up in an area with a lot of blacks bused in from other neighborhoods.
99% of them were assholes.
I spent decades trying to figure it out.
In the end it was I.Q. - it was always a deficient I.Q.
>You can keep some slaves if you like
That's a trap I won't be stepping into.
wonder why people advocate going into a trade so much on here? Still I think these are just colleges in really liberal areas, I live in Texas and have never had a professor espousing marxism or white privilege or some shit.
>Fix our mess.
Ok first thing is get rid of wellfare
>keep some slaves
Oh no, not again.
Cut all public welfare tomorrow and our western society will right itself back to normalcy
Oh lawd... those guys took pretty well "Green Day fans" got a kek or two out of me. And fuck that tranny who threw the guys glasses on the ground. That's fucking disgusting
>Autobahn shows up at 2:05
I can relate...