Why do Americans consume so much soda?
Why do Americans consume so much soda?
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Wtf the mcdonalds large cup size isnt that big
looks like cups from the 80s
Freedom that's why
Is that an EU vs. US comparison?
How can someone drink 1.3 liters of soda? FUCK ME!
Sugar and caffiene are addicting.
>How can someone drink 1.3 liters of soda?
Well, you're gonna get a lot of diabetes from it...
It's so good
This, maybe it was during the supersize days but I think they only do that in Texas now...
Cus it's yummy.
aren't these usually unlimited refills too?
Europeans confirmed for drinklets
why do yuro newfags shit up this board so much
thats because everything is bigger in Texas
Because freedom was a mistake.
Drink iced tea.
Get caffeine no drinking calories and bitters make the food taste better.
>I don't understand what sugar is
>ywn drink soda like an American
americans are addicted to sugar.
Soda is requirement with them nuggies and fries bruh
>bring water with you everywhere
>suddenly every offer of soda is pointless
Wow fellow Americans, that sure was hard
Some of you should really be taking better care of yourselves, it's not a joke or some user being a wise ass. Soda is awful for you
Poor white people, and blacks consume soda.
That crap is poison.
Mcdonalds water tastes like ass
it's like 1.1 liters at best after they put ice in it
btw nice flag you POO
they realized people complained over the super large sizes of soda so they just decided to save money and charge you the same for less
Poorly filtered tap water at best
Long tall in cool be muh favorite because its watered down and full of ice anyway
It's the business model. Fast food restaurants have razor thin margins on the actual food (a few pennies the last I recall) but huge mark-ups on fountain drinks.
Is true in restaurants as well. They really dislike when you ask for tea/coffee/water instead of soda or alcohol because of the high profit the latter brings.
>still consuming soda
stop with the consumptionjew, you know its not good for you
I never thought about that but it makes sense. Coffee has a huge mark-up when you price it out per cup, but that (and water I guess) are the only beverages where free refills are expected and usually taken.
Because we can. You would do the same and love it if you were offered bigger sizes and free refills. Remember the decades of euroshits smugly mocking Americans for Black Friday? Remember what happened as soon as sales started appearing in the UK? Unruly mobs and fistfights over plasma TVs, just like here.
Like usual, you're assmad that the concept of customer satisfaction doesnt exist over there and we always get more for our money. Nothing but jealousy.
>Because we can. You would do the same and love it if you were offered bigger sizes and free refills
>because we can
aaaaand thats why you're an obese nation
Small = 16 oz
Medium = 21 oz
Large = 32 oz
tastes good
All of America's obesity numbers, literally all of them, are skewed high because of blacks and Latinos. I feel bad for the Europeans here who will have to deal with the fall out from increased immigration in their countries, but I am looking forward to you coming down off of your fucking high horses when it comes to national IQs, obesity, and the like when biological determinism finally dick slaps your countrymen in the face.
And they made us all fat by proxy.
LOVE soda
>customer satisfaction
Id feel incredibly unsatisfied after a bucket of sugar to "aid" the digestion of 20 pieces of fried matter
What's your excuse for being an obese nation?
Not anymore actually, pretty sure I just read that water is now the most popular drink in the USA. Can't source cuz I'm at work phone postin quik
This. I switched to pic related a long time ago. Soda is jewish poison to shorten the lifespan of goyim.
Because we're free, Ahmed. Don't like it? Stay out.
>Drinking leaf juice
It's called pop, you twit
Soda is more addictive then cigarettes. When you drink soda the endepherine rush is on par with a gambling high because of the sudden sugar processing. Because humans only started consuming refined sugar / corn syrup in the past 200 years it is biologically impossible to manage the diffusion into the blood, unlike THC or other "natural" opiates. Because human psychology does not have a coping mechanism for sugar highs, unlike other narcotics like alochol or THC where sleep / urine is the natural solution there is no way for the body to naturally treat "sugar addiction". Which is a clinical way for explaining obesity. Your body has never had to deal with maximum calories / maximum sugar before in all of history.
We make room for lots of ice in our cups.
Unlike you eurosavages drinking room temp coke...
It's where we get our genetics from, that and cheese balls.
Restaurants sell it in bulk because it costs literally like $.50 per gallon, the markup for soda is so absurd it's almost printing money
makes sense, i can chug 1.5 liters of jarritos in about 2 minutes and not be phased at all
And somehow your nation managed to become obese without drink refills.
Well you can drink tap water if you want. I just want something carbonated that isn't pure sugar. It's bottled in the US if it makes you feel any better.
People are lazy
The ones on the right are not mc donalds cups you retard
cause our government hasn't banned it
anymore question about what freedom is like eu cuck?
>go to Europe
>pay more for half as much soda and fries
200% cucked
Yeah but cut each of those ML values in half because they fill it up with so much fucking ice.
>be american
>have diabetes type 2 because of shit diet and bad nutrition
>brag about it online
>be swedish
Freedom of being a fat piece of shit ?
>has no other comeback, insults persons nationality
Does the S stand for Sonic?
You know what goes in all fields
in the Netherlands large is only 500ml
which is still plenty
Almost all of our numbers are skewed that way. The difference is, in the US, minorities are a regional phenomenon. In Europe, they don't have anywhere to put them that's out of sight and out of mind.
No you fag it stands for sonichu it's completely different
texan here. they dont do supersize anywhere anymore
if you need to drink something carbonated, drink this... with a lime wedge and ice.
uh, user.. that "natural" flavoring.
>drinking less than a liter of soda
Nice suggestion, there exists 2 flaws in it.
That's a plastic bottle, number 1, and it isn't Perrier.
Pelligrino comes in glass as well, and fuck your disgusting perrier..
To hasten our deaths
New to Sup Forums?
I haven't seen a small that large in years
diabetes medication pays big $$$
any other questions?
>1 post by this id
This guy gets it.
Unhealthy Americans means big bucks for pharmaceutical industry.
Except that after that everyone realised black Friday was as much of an empty scam as the rest of American 'culture' and it hasn't been repeated since whereas you niggers get even more out if control every year
>bring water everywhere
Pretty much every fast food place will give you a free water cup if you ask.
This is a large soda from Whataburger
44 oz.
Isn't that why we fought the revolutionary war? The king tried to tell us how much soda we were allowed to drink.
>It's just pop stop thinking so deeply about it.
>euro large is smaller than burger small
What the fuck I feel like shit after drinking a large already how the fuck would you even digest 1.3 litrers?
No cup of water costs .35 cents to keep nigs and bums out now
>no pickle
whoever took that photo is a pussy
If you drink too much soda it washes away the testosterone in your body.
That's why Americucks are such manlet fags.
Soda gives us energy to keep eating. It's nutritionally dense unlike water which is essentially liquid nothing
It taste good.
Bc we got Obamacare now
>my prefered mineral water brand is different from your preferred brand, ergo fuck you
and you people wonder why Sup Forums is full of brain-dead faggots
he confirmed it means Straight (women)
I don't drink soda. It's diabeeetus in a can. Nor I drink sugar free soda.
I drink and swear by La Croix
I don't drink that. I drink like two energy drinks per week tho if I play some vidya. Or just coffee
I don't drink soda or eat fast food actually, but I have family who do, and the cups are not that big. I don't know what the ones on the right are supposed to be from, but that's not what they give you.