Can we please stop watching this guy? I'm sick of having everyone's IQ decrease by using this man's provably false talking points. Watch The Young Turks or something equivalent and stop going against your own interests. Thanks
Can we please stop watching this guy...
i dont watch nothing, i just take a ride in my space ship of the imagination
This is my favorite thing in the world:
>provably false talking points
like what?
>Can we please stop watching this guy?
What else I would do with my time if not whatching and rewatching his 4 hour long videos on youtube?
They're putting chemicals in the water that turn the frogs gay.. really? How easy do you want to make this for me
>infowars has interview with that lawyer who was probably about to get suicided
>almost gets kicked off youtube
>major uptick in stupid Alex Jones shilling
If the thread doesn't die now it surely will when I post the video
As an Armenian, I can safely say I look forward to watching every Turkish man, woman, and child, die in the most excruciating, gruesome fashion.
>watch the young turks
>watch the young turds
no thanks
I'm angry.
I've had enough of these people.
They're a bunch of Christian murdering scum that run giant
death factories, keeping babies alive and selling their body parts.
What more do you need to know about these people?
I go out and face these scum.
They literally crawl from under rocks.
They have green-looking skin, and the run around screaming;
"we love Satan, we want to eat babies." I have them on video.
Hillary's into creepy, weird, sick stuff, man.
She sleeps in the same room with that creepy weirdo woman
whose mother wears a hood over her head, what the hell.
That woman, number one is ugly. Imagine how bad she smells, man.
I'm told her an Obama just stink.
Obama and Hillary both smell like Sulfur.
Literal vampire potbelly goblins are hobbling around, coming after us.
My spirit gets close to that evil and I feel it go....
Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhh!
We're such self-centered crap, we don't even notice hell itself rising up against us.
Millions are pouring in people, of the very worst type and I'm so pissed.
We're gonna stab your daughter at the mall.
Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhh!
We're gonna stab your wife your son.
We're gonna stab you with a butcher knife and then the Police Chief is gonna say,
We love our Somalis, we love our Muslims, oh, they're so good, oh, they're so sweet.
So newsweek is like Alex Jones too? What are you trying to say?
yeah fuck you traitor scum
>Watch The Young Turks
You're gonna have to try harder then that shill.
Gas yourself.
>people who earn more, save more, through simple mathematics
oh no
goodbye thread
Well, at least you're admitting that TYT is an equivalent to Alex Jones.
Now if that's the case, why would it matter which bullshit factory is watched?
>He doesnt know whats in his water.
You know you can google whats in your water, r- right? We can, anyway. They give us every bit of information, they even admit fluoride is in the water..
People just don't care. Like you, I guess.
google..... it you fucking mong.
Almost like trickle down is a scam...
>Go watch tyt or something
Jew detected