Why does god allow terrible things to happen?
Why does god allow terrible things to happen?
because he's a nigger
I'm agnostic but, "that's the price of free will" seems to be a fair explanation.
God loves us despite our many flaws.
He loves us even though we abandon him time and time again. Even though we mock him, and desecrate his name and his image.
Why are we so quick to rebuke God and turn our backs on him when he tests our love and conviction for him through allowing trial and tribulations to take place?
Because life is a complete foreign concept to that psycho
Denver Airport mural bump
he watches over the orb and gets lots of money for studying misery so his lot can learn how to avoid it, they don't think our suffering is real because we're at a slightly lower resolution than their sim
The better question is why do you?
Man does, not God.
Why do you?
Good read. Saved.
if you cant handle something in life you die.
nothing happens. or you enter "god"
because he was lazy for a while. now he brought us trump to fix all this shit
Eve laid Satan
Because fuck people that's why.
What's so special about people that bad things shouldn't happen to them?
God and Jesus are your salvation, and your tormentors.
But we know that the world is supposedly a dystopia we live in of their creation and we know it is supposed to be intentional.
But no one can agree on the why and God isn't going to tell you while you are here.
No, it isn't. It's whole case is built on special pleading. As it doesn't address any other systems of philosophy or religious systems.
It only addresses what the bible tells you. Which is some extremely basic shit
if god=our creators and we were created by aliens, then you have to question why aliens allow bad things to happen
There is no god,thats why terrible things happen
Im sure cancer patients want to be cancer patients.
God was invented to control the weak mind.Remember,do what god tells you or else you burn in hell.So much,for free will.
Bible , book of Job covers this , FYI.
There can be a God that allows evil.
God salted a city because they were homosexual. At this point it seems that he has just given up and decided to look at one of the other myriad worlds in our universe.
He doesn't always protect the body, but he always protects the spirit.
Are you stupid,please?God,allowing evil?Really?
Tell me please,how the fuck do you make something good,when there is no evil to contrast it?
This type of question is so retarded.
>Do terrible things
>Other terrible things happen as consequences
>A chain reaction of terrible things occur
Every single terrible thing that has happened to man has happened because of our own actions. God and satan both try to steer you in different paths, it's up to you to choose which path you proceed towards.
FFS, even before God sent His verses to Abraham, Abraham simply found God by rational thinking and personal reasoning.
I know Sup Forums is mostly atheist with a small part of christians and I know no one cares, but I'll just leave this here :
"And when everything will have been decided, Satan will say: ‘God has made you a true promise. I, too, made promises to you, but I did not keep them. Yet I had no power at all over you, except that I called you and you responded to me. Hence, do not now blame me, but blame yourselves. It is not for me to respond to your cries, nor for you to respond to mine. I have already disclaimed your associating me with God.’ Indeed, for all wrongdoers there is grievous suffering in store."
Why should God stop all this suffering? This earth is supposed to be filled with suffering and tests. Anyone that starts tipping his fedora cause his parents didn't buy him that one xbox all those years ago or because he got stuffed into a locker, is a fucking idiot.
>God exists
Fucking Christcuck
That is exactly my point you basic fucking pseudo intellectual.
God is not pure good. Nor would you know good with out evil. No up with out down.
think about that. he tests us. because he made us to be tested. For his tests. Fuck that. He made us shitty and we resent him for it. He gave us the knowledge that he COULD have done better. Could have made us better, but chose not to.
We aren't his children, we are a petri dish. fuck him.
Considering I have a certified IQ of 142. I don't think I'm stupid.
>tells god allows evil
>proceeds to repeat me
>im the pseudo intellectual
Go on little imbecile,entertain me with more of your wisdom.
Not my fault you're such a blinded by your brilliance fool that when some one says "God" you think theist.
Dumb fuck.
Yes,yes,my 142 IQ imbecile,keep spewing your wisdom for me,its a lonely night on the job and i need the entertainment.
So,how exactly is god allmighty,if he cant be good without evil being present?
It's only terrible from a limited human perspective. On bigger perspective it is good and makes spiritual growth.
You need to stop wasting time and energy on meaningless questions like this and focus on actually realising your full potential
pic related
Because Satan claimed that Mankind would be better without God. So God let them prove their claim.
You actually are the pseudo intellectual though. You think you know about every aspect of this debate before I even opened my mouth.
You only have an ideal of a Theist God.
You seem to have no concept of Pantheism or Pandeism.
You seem to believe that if God exists. That it is evil to allow suffering. When you just stated your mother fucking ignorant self. Good cannot be defined with out evil.
Anyways, that is all you deserve. You're too prideful and ignorant to deserve some one trying to reason with you.
By the by, really introspect. You're not as smart as you think you are.
>tfw too intelligent to eat solid food
have much of a show, and when the show sucks and gets boring nobody watches, and when nobody watches your show you get canceled...
...you don't want to get canceled just yet do you?
No thanks, demiurge
Oh I made such a mistake in looking back. You're projecting your own definitions of God.
Seriously, you really need to go back and re-look at what you think you know.
Fuck the Abrahamic God. Demonstrably false.
Isaiah 45:7
God creates good and evil
Because they're good, obviously.
I'm not reading all that (((shit)))
No,my little entertainer, i didnt told you that it is evil allowing suffering.I told you there can be no good without evil because you wouldnt know whats good if there is no evil to contrast it.
All your ideas revolving around imaginary friends,be they that everything is god,or something else fail at the fact that all of them try to control you.Tell you what to do.Terrify you with what they will do to you if you dont obey.
Picking and twisting words wont work,but its entertaining.
Proceed please.
firstly, i am not christian nor am i any religion i simply believe in our souls the actions and horrific events created by people are not at the fault of any "god" simply those people making bad choices; our body and by extension the human life and the world we live is simply a vessel for the communication of our souls, everything living has a soul and those of us human where given these bodies because our souls where deemed those most fitting to have control over a human body, we would be the ones who will have the ability to appreciate the reality that exists if we wish to pursue that, these people who cause harm and the terrible actions that occur on a daily basis are orchestrated by people unable to comprehend life as it is and then lose meaning of life and being in general and lead on to have a skewed perspective of reality as a whole simply put these people where wrong choices for a human body, by further extension "horrific" acts and events are only deemed so by humans as we can view what happened as negative however when we live and when we die is besides the point life is not about beginning and end life is a process before we move on to the next process so try not to think about the horrors in the world, focus on you, focus on good experiences and people but if these thoughts still cloud your mind you're likely an intelligent person and view these things differently to others, so in the same way i came to conclusions about life and reality when i felt there was no meaning you can do the same, the answers are within you not a religion look for meaning inside your soul and inside the deepest reaches of your brain, hope this helps.
God gave you hope so that he could crush em. He's a fucker that way.
You mean like what happens underneath the Denver Airport?
Laws of the Universe don't allow for "time travel" intervention.
God is the endpoint of sentient evolution.
"Creationism" is a fallacy,
He's not real son.
If God is all powerful, he cannot be all good. If he is all good, he cannot be all powerful.
>I told you there can be no good without evil because you wouldnt know whats good if there is no evil to contrast it.
Which is my whole point. On allowing an evil God.
>All your ideas revolving around imaginary friends,be they that everything is god,or something else fail at the fact that all of them try to control you.Tell you what to do.Terrify you with what they will do to you if you dont obey.
And proof you have no clue as to what the fuck you're talking about. Pantheism.. Not that I'm a pantheist, is viewing the universe as God.
It doesn't tell anyone what to do.
You are an insufferable prick and deserve to be dumped in a hole for being so stupid.
You're just smart enough to be an atheist, yet stupid enough to think that is a philosophical end game.
If you think this is a smart argument/assesment you yourself are as dumb a fuck as the one who made the original post
>I can think of a paradox
Well yeah but your thoughts aren't always true user.
because god doesn't care about your feelings bitch
WE allow terrible things to happen through our collective inaction. It is not God to blame for human ignorance and cruelty, it is us who let it reign free without fighting it.
So if I raise a pack of dogs, and don't feed them, and they start fighting over scraps they find, it is their fault?
No wonder you people shill for the kikes.. You are retarded.
In their eyes they don't do anything wrong. They don't go to 4chin and complain about kikes later.
We don't allow people to die to cancer due to inaction. They just keep getting cancer and dying.
If an omnipotent god exists, he could cure all cancer, he just doesn't, because he doesn't exist.
God, why did that feel so inconsistent and hard to read?
Because what you experience as bad or evil does not necessarily mean that it's bad in God eyes. You don't know what he sees as evil or good. So you basically trying to force your own ideas of good and evil on God.
read hiob
If I had the powers of a God, I'd go out of my way to make them happen tbqhwyfam.
god is not a puppet master
Terrible things happen because of people. Why would god interviene and fuck with free will.
Because God is The All and as a sentient being you are a part of The All.
This is our responsibility to recover old knowledge and build the future.
>Acts 2:38 "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
>Acts 16:30-33 "And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
>And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
>And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house.
>And he took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes; and was baptized, he and all his, straightway.
>killing shitskins
>terrible things
Explain how cancer happens because of people.
Because he doesn't exist.
Cancer is caused by consuming shit we never used to. The cure is simply not consume shit that causes it
You have a kid? Or a cousin or know someone who has a kid? Think of it like this. Lets say you are some little kids guardian and he is out playing in the front yard and you are watching from the window. He is about to do something dumb, no life threatening but enough he might get hurt or it's something difficult to get out of. A bad parent who was to over protected would run out and and stop them, and coddle them. A good parent would go out and help the alive the problem, a better parent would watch from the kitchen window, grab their spouse and say, "watch this, we are about to find out if he is gonna be a keeper" and see how he reacts to said difficult situation. God is basically doing option 3.
Because he gave us free will and doesn't intervene
>Cancer is caused by consuming shit we never used to.
Yeah? What about the sun / skin cancer?
God is either all loving or all knowing/powerful. Can't be both. If so, God's a prick.
"Terrible" is relative, O.P. If those things which you call terrible didn't happen, you probably would call the next worse things that still did happen "terrible," never satisfied until there was nothing happening good or bad at all.
Why does god make me shit if he's all powerful and all knowing? Why can't he just magic it out of my ass so I don't have to wipe?
You should write fortune-cookies or something.
I care user thanks for mentioning Abraham, always warms my heart. Lets give a small tought to judas also tonight?
>God doesn't intervene
And now I'm more stupid for having read your comment, user. Thank you so much. :3
Here's an old article about the airport: anomalies-unlimited.com
Don't worry user you have further to fall without my help lol.
Hell is for ever!
Mudt give credit to comic Jim Norton for the general idea to my post...fawk yeah, sock cucka!
Buy sunscreen, goy! It's good for you!
Bad things happening is the greatest proof of God existence: Our notion of "bad" suggests a kind of order.
Come and look what atheism does to a person, lads.
God is more like an absentee dad that leaves you to rot raised by a psychobitch single mom (nature), never visits, pays child support or even lets you know what he's doing or if he's even still alive.
Thank you for posting this.
bc satan blackmailed him
Gods child support works in mysterious ways my friend.
Enjoy your lifetime of mediocrity and procrastination followed by the moment of clarity which will come when it will be too late to manifest any meanigful changes. Pic related.
Why you you allow terrible things to happen?