Are terrorists starting all the forest fires lately?

Are terrorists starting all the forest fires lately?

I know it sounds stupid, but how does the statistics of the forest fires these past days/weeks compare to 2016, and prior?

Does it sounds stupid?

Terrorists are dumb as bricks, I don't think they have the creativity to do such a thing.

They had to get coaxed/trained into the World Trade Center attacks after all and only recently have they starting the shooting/hit and run spree thing (something Im sure was also planted into them by the CIA/Mossad/etc)

forest fires happen all the time and are beneficial for the flora

I remember a few forest fires in MT in 2011 where stated be the cause of "terrorist activity" That mostly meant gang punks playing with fire

Seems easy. But there isn't ever much of a body count, muzzies like to kill.

>I don't think they have the creativity
You'd be surprised. Do you live in a can?

God user shut the fuck up if there's one thing that would kill the country's morale it would be the inability to surround yourself with nature

just like the fucking desert

Are you shilling again, leaf? Forest fires tend to cripple a whole town's, city's or country's resources.

Maybe that is why they now live in sand?

They did this in israel for a while.

Have a look in local newspapers for arson attacks across the UK. I've started to notice a trend since Grenfell.

uhh you know right wing kkk fascist nazis burned fires here in BASED PROGRESSIVE California

>if there's one thing that would kill the country's morale it would be the inability to surround yourself with nature

Well, that is the point of terrorism, isn't it?

If a terrorist explode himself in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

uhh you know I won't consider your statement anything but bullshit unless you provide a real source for that claim

Someone might have been playing with a lighter there, usually its small kids who start thoses fires.

I think this is just caused by the draught in south Europe, in some places it hasn't rained in 2 months

Yes, sound is a physical wave, it is molecules that bump into each other due to changes in pressure

I was reading the piece in their magazine daqab or whatever it's called. They were emphasizing that fire attacks on residential buildings where the attacker blocks the stairs was the best fire attack.
They did have an honorable mention of forest fires as a way to drain our coffers though.

That's why I want someone to compare the statistics of the current year versus previous years and see if there is a drastic change of occourences

I am too high to do that myself

Al Qaeda has encouraged terrorists to start forest fires so it's not impossible.

>Terrorists are dumb as bricks, I don't think they have the creativity to do such a thing.
they've done this in israel actually.

I feel like there's a hidden story here. We need to start compiling evidence that governments are covering up arson attacks.

Is it time to mobilise?

Forest fires are started by business man to get land.

If they were acts from terrorists they would leave a message or something like that.

Terrorism doesnt work like that.
No point in destroying or killing someone without people knowing who and why he did that.

Maybe since it's "new", they want to use the opportunity while they still can. Like, before governments are aware of that terrorism is behind what is currently draining the country's resources. I mean, it would be a good tactic, wouldn't it?