Protesters oppose reforms passed by the ruling party which politicise the judiciary and subordinate it to the executive.
Massive anti-government demonstration in Warsaw and other Polish cities
I bet it was that pesky Soros
Bused in from Germany?
Minions on a foreign leash. People like this would have also supported the targowica confederation. They have a long history in this country.
What does this all mean? Are they going to become just like Germany, Sweden, France or remain less like them? Is this new government for or against immigrants?
Probably fueled, but our ruling party is going full NSDAP
Ruling party won in 2015 with 37,6%
That through our law, that only allow political parties with support above some threshold (5% for party, 8% for coalition) gave them 51% seats, because a lot of parties was just barely below that threshold. That includes based Korwin, Leftists coalition and new communist party that stole votes from leftists
With 51% seats they want to change our political system to dictatorship, because they want to kick out judges they don't like and them make the courts dependent on them
They could have do it with changing constitution, but they don't have 66% of votes required, so they only do that with regular bills
Now, they doing changes in right direction, but they are doing them without any consultations and without enough support.
They are failing, because they want do too much and that will leave us in the shitter
>politicise the judiciary and subordinate it to the executive
Regardless of your current politics, this is rather worrying. I don't know a single example where the politicians didn't abuse of such system.
>Roll them over with tanks
>Problem solved
get fucked
First, nothing bad about a dictatorship, democracy is a failed system, and second, none of the things you said sound "bad"....
I don't get it.
it doesn't mean anything, it's like your anti-trump protests
>They are failing, because they want do too much and that will leave us in the shitter
Funny how that always seem to happen with far right movements. Like some mysterious force was pulling the puppet strings on both sides.
>Soros-funded protest 20k, ton of media coverage
>nationalist march, 500k, media silent
hohol. dont u have toilet to scrub in Poland ?
that's 50k+ also nationalist marches are covered by nationalists media
The newest meme
going full blown NSDAP you say?
No, just sane people getting tired of PiSs "reforms"
First a week ago they seized council that chooses new judges. That bill was only vetoed by our President, because he chickened out and wanted that 2/5 of Parliament would elect new judges instead only 1/2. This bill almost passed with that change and change what president made calmed down protesters a little
Now they want to abolish our Supreme Court, because fuck it, why not? It could fight with our minister of law, so they don't want it to exists. That bill passed through Sejm, but there are Senat and president to sign it or veto it and make some changes
Someone break this down for me? I don't know what this means.
>Someone break this down for me?
WW3 will start in 4 years
>because he chickened out and wanted that 2/5 of Parliament
The ruling far right party is basically following in Hungary's footsteps. They're dismantling liberal democracy, removing the seperation of power, politicising the judiciary, removing checks and balances(like The Constitutional Court), all that triggers mass protests of the liberal opposition.
paranoid sheeps are protesting cuz media told them it's a bad thing when you can get rid of post-communism judges.
Only good liberal is a dead one
dont u have toilet to scrub west of Poland?
Y-you do see the patter, r-right?
I just love this bs argument. Especially since it was the former communist prosecutor who is one of the authors of this bill. PiS voters are seriously brain damaged.
Why is kicking out commies a bad thing, user?
>judiciary under control of the executive branch of government
Good, they should be protesting
llike 4000 people ?
like last time?
The ruling party is the only one that has a former communist prosecutor in its ranks, who has been proven that he used to sentence innocent people during the communist dictatorship. It's not even the first time. Last time they had power they had people like that as well. And they dare call others "communists".
>yfw Germany was planning to seize Danzig all this time
>yfw everything was set up to justify an invasion of Poland
>a few hundred people
Try harder faggot
I don't quite follow. Are you implying communists are in stealth trying to gain footing? Seems like either way, removing the checks-and-balance system within your government is a bad idea.
Just look at their actions, not words. Theay are all like "if you are against us you are a communist". And yet since dictatorship we didn't have a governmant so similar to it. It's not just this curret law (although it's the worst so far), Kaczyński supports nationalization of enterprises, higher taxation, supporting unprofitable businesses with taxpayers money.. How would you call an American president who would do things like that?
It means nothing. Just like your anti-Trump protests.
It's 20k people marching and screaming the same slogans since PiS came to power. This group is not growing nor really shrinking.
They will march for a couple of days, "in defence of d*mocracy and slow courts", then they will return home, then they will march again, when TVN (our version of CNN) tells them so.
>they're dismantling liberal democracy
implying it's a bad thing.
>politicising the judiciary
judges elected during communist dictatorship or judges elected by those judges are apparently not politicised.
>removing Constitutional Court
the PO was first to shorten terms of judges, so that they may elect more than they were supposed to.
>mass protest
20k or even 50k in the scale of 38M country is not massive.
Outside the nationalizing, we do that all the time. And with respect to nationalizing, rather than do that they just have the USA gov be the main, almost exclusive, customer of a private company and give them ridiculous payments compared to normal private industry pricing, where you'd see the private contractor requesting something like 10x normal pricing and the USA paying out without a murmur. In fairness, this is usually due lobbying and kickbacks within congress, so that not exactly what com... wait a second, that's exactly what happened in communist countries...
They aren't removing any checks and balances,
because our constitution doesn't have any. Consider this, you would think that how Constitutional Court operates would be specified in the constitution, right? Wrong. Our beloved constitution leaves that to parliament. Same with electing KRS members (KRS-National Council of Judiciary, it elects judges basically).
PiS is just the first party to gain parliament majority without a coalition and to take advantage of this.
>and subordinate it to the executive
Can you elaborate?
>They're dismantling liberal democracy
Oh, the horror!
I guess US isn't that perfect. Still, you guys have way more freedom then we do in here. I used to think it's just a meme but not anymore. And the idea that we have chosen a party that brings us back to an old, pre-democratic system is just extremly depressing. I am most envious of America's belief that even the greatest irednecks believe in the value of democracy.
Brajanku, dwunasta godzina juz wiec wypierdalaj spac. To ze masz wakacje to nie znaczy ze mozesz siedziec do tak poznej godziny. W koncu szosta klasa to juz nie przelewki...
Ah, I see, now. Is there a political push anywhere to make the judiciary beholden to themselves? Similar to how we have our checks and balances set up.
Yeah, I mean, execution is always the key issue with governing, but theoretically / philosophically I think we are set up pretty well. Our peoples' head is usually in the right place, we're just idiots about it, just like everyone else, sadly.
You are an idiot if you believe americans have freedom. The american state went to sabsolute shit under obama, to the point where little girls can be fined for opening lemonade stands and progressives could force you to do almost anything under the law, from ruining your life to forcing christian bakeries to make gay cakes or go to jail. There was also a giant push to ban gun possesion in the USA in the last years, thank god Trump is now in power and reversing some of the changes obongo did.
Well, they shrinked. Now they growing again, because Duda, for some reason, give them hope that their protests matter. I support idea behind prestidential proposals, but it was political mistake.