Anybody read on Sup Forums?
Brave New World
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Stupid book for pretentious fedora tippers. Just read Orwell.
Making my way through Rules For Radicals.
Next month I'll read Dostoevsky's "The Possessed."
they're both good.
It's made by (((them)))
kill yourself you fucking shit
Orwells idea of totalitarian governments is the one that a fifth graders could've articulated
Huxley's vision is actually coming true, only a moron could be blind to that
Harrison Burgeron. That's where feminism will take us
It's like they tell us what they're doing through all the forms of media.
Yeah just made me feel like Bernard and that I will always be the outsider.
On chapter 4
There's a Sup Forums literature thread at least once a day.
To be fair, they both are.
We are heading toward that global republic, as we see many people are brainless and only believe, it is always easier to control degenerates, and don't froget motto of this "utopia" ,: COMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY.
its good for getting your foot in the door of truth. read it and read atlas shrugged. then go for Orwell's books. all speak truth. ready your mind and body for the time will come when we must stop what is described by these books.
*believe in hedonism
It was required for my English class in high school, although the teacher skewed it in favor of liberalism and blamed tons of crap on Republicans.
Alphas rule
Read notes from underground first if you haven't already.
I've read it. It's an excellent book. I'm fairly convinced that Huxley took things he saw or heard about in the big cities like Berlin in the 20s and used that to make an educated guess of what the future could be like. It's even more frightening now because many aspects of the story are reflected in real life right now. We do live in a dystopian future, whether we'd like to admit it or not.
Except Orwell was wrong. War is becoming a thing of the past and people are dividing themselves into groups based on whatever now. Huxley was right. We've entered an age of sexual perversion, moral relativism, and self centeredness like never seen before. As bad as it was in 1920s Berlin, there weren't people who sexually identified as inanimate objects and there wasn't mass immigration that millions cheered on, congratulating their self-destruction. The only way that things could possibly get worse is if currencies like the dollar or euro collapsed causing starvation. We're at a point where it would actually be a good thing if the whole planet was cleansed with nuclear hellfire.
One is a SJW dystopia; other a totalitarian dystopia. Fahrenheit 451 is a STEM dystopia.
>(((ayn rand)))
Orwell may be correct in identifying the insidious power of faceless institutions, but his understanding of them is stuck in a very specific frame of reference.
Huxleys interpretation is almost "truer" in that it shows a finer understanding of the psychological of tyrannys
the simplest example I can use is to say that huxleys writes his bad guys with good intentions, orwells "villains" are consciously evil and just don't care
Stupid book for the most part. Has a few interesting points in that degenerate overindulgence can be a tool of (((them))) as well.
very accurate and frighteningly true
There are many real life dictatorships simply seek power and don't value life though.
I bought that book back in my 20's.
Funny that I bought a crap load of "important books" back when I didn't know why they were important.
Now I know full well how important they are.
I accidentally gave myself a semi-decent library.
I'll dig out my copy and give it a read.
So Huxley was right and Orwell was wrong?
War is perpetual in this day and age, just like 1984. We are always at war, we've always been at war.
yes, and generally those either succeed or fail depending on how (((globalist governments))) feel about them
take gaddafi:
was he a tyrant? sure. but when the time came he was "removed" by greater powers, and it will be remembered as a good thing, because the people who write our history books and write our news work with/for the same people who took gadaffi out
I'm not saying Orwell was insane, I'm saying Huxley was talking about something completely different and, in my opinion, ten times worse
Yes. Also pretty good movie on YouTube. The early 80s one not the 90s one.
Good for you for reading Rules for Radicals. I think everybody who comes here should.
Who gives a fuck if she was jewish? Bitch spoke truth, exposed how the establishment owns the media and academia and how they all work together to force communism around the world. Not every jew runs the world.
I say it's a very carefully crafted version of both. The mass distraction and medication of BNW, with the totalitarian oppression of 84. The former making the latter possible.
Rules really helped me understand the election, read it early summer last year. Trump's tactics were very Alinksyesque and on point while Hillary, who was a personal disciple of his, seemed to have lost touch with what got her to that point and went away from the same tactics. I think a lot of it had to do with Trump being the underdog and outsider, and the book is written to be a way for the (((oppressed))) class to rise up.
Huxley foresaw huge cities for the technocrats and wild lands for the plebs.
Look into the plans for Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030.
Huxley foresaw the mixing of genes into a single European pot.
Look into U.N.'s replacement Migration program.
You're a fucking idiot.
Huxley got his shit from his uncle - a globalist - Huxley was right.
I can't read
what the fuck I hate literature now
That book is a fucking waste of time. You have only to know it's the commie left's Bible and the 'commandments' themselves to understand all of what that drivel is about.
Is it really that hard to see we've just done both? The developing world is trapped in a 84esqe endless strife and conflict in different directions cycle. While rich developed cultures are subverted with vice and moral relativism.
I mean it's really course of empires. Both Orwell and Huxley just took a look at the extremes that can be reached once we industrialized truly horrible ideals.
Brave New World and 1984 used to be required reading at school. Not sure if they still are. Read them both.
I agree.
I also read "48 Laws of Power" a while back and it really opened my eyes to power plays.
I think you're correct that Trump read the situation correctly and played the necessary moves.
As where Hillary was complacent and relied on the propaganda machine to get her into office.
One thing that caught my attention was Alinsky's thoughts about reading a situation as it happens and pivoting in situ to create a desired outcome.
>"Because you'd be in jail."
Even though indicting Hillary is near impossible, it doesn't matter.
The sound-bite is perfect.
This is the kind of thing Alinsky was talking about.
Trump was simply quick on his toes and able to play out events to his benefit AS THEY WERE HAPPENING.
Yeah, everyone should read "Rules For Radicals."
Even if you loath Commies, you'll learn how they think.
Know your enemy.
The book is liked by and used by globalists posing themselves as left wingers (like Obama) but the methods in it arent ideological..
Orwell was specifically anti-communist after living through the shitshow in Spain and seeing what was happening in Russia. It shows in his work. That was the fight of his time. Huxley just looked down the road and made an educated guess at how we might embrace self destruction rather than be subdued into it.
and the enemy shifts regularly. "We're at war with Russia, we've always been at war with Russia."
in a few months, someone else.
Currently reading "The 48 Laws of Power" since I didn't have anything lined up to read.
I agree :^)
If you know how they think you can refute them before they speak.
If you want to play a move behind that's fine.
This will just make you like the other retards on this planet.
>like Berlin in the 20s
as far as i know, he got inspired in murrica not germany
>Stupid book for pretentious fedora tippers
>kill yourself you fucking shit
>[generic spergy retardation] only a moron could be blind to that
way to prove your 'opponent' right you fucking bellend
You`re not lost...
I think the best way to describe is Orwell is more the mechanics, Huxley (I agree) is more psychological.
But as for the villains being consciously evil, I would say consciously bureaucratic.
Which may or may not be the same thing.
But Brazil (Terry Gilliam) shows this mentality really well, I can't say its not evil. But I can't say its necessary purposely evil. But shows the evils of being 'just' another cog in the machine.
Point is it not so easy to say one is 'more' true than the other, because as with most truths it depends how and where you look.
Orwell shows the twisting of news so that up becomes down, good becomes bad.
Huxley shows the twisting of news in favor of entertainment.
And both are complete truths today.
One day ..Saddam is the good guy, the next he is the bad guy.
One day education channels are showing you how to fix a car, the next its watching hillbillies make moonshine.
>sums up the point being made as "[generic spergy retardation]"
I'm sure most things people do make them seem pretentious in your eyes
"truer" may have been the wrong term, "prescient" would have been better
Orwell was in no way wrong, but he said himself that thevision of the future would be a boot crushing a face (paraphrased I know)
time has shown that that prediction may be true in some cases, but behind all of it is the reality that Huxley presented
neither of these interpretations are mutually exclusive,. but, again, huxley is talking about something different, something bigger, and something harder to indentify and it still blows my mind how freaking well he nailed it