Sup Forums BTFO. How will you retards ever recover

Sup Forums BTFO. How will you retards ever recover

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I like being those things.

What the fuck is wrong with cargo shorts?

Controversy is funny

>Still using (((Google)))


hahahahahahaha how far behind are you?

Somebody on Sup Forums probably made that meme for shits n giggles.

I searched that and google says it wants my location.

Search instead for inexpensive cargo shorts if you're so tough.

>overly lengthy, obviously edited in retort as the joke
Nice try user, but it wasn't that funny.

Good jokes are those which are at the expense of other people. Leftists care too much about feelings which is why they can only make jokes about "seizing the means of production" or whatever

The left is really really butthurt that they're "uncool" and they're terrified that they're going to lose their stranglehold on the youth

Yeah im racist, so waht?


Your google results are tailored by their algorithm and are based on your search habits. I'm assuming it's shooped, but if it's real, that's why.

>Search instead for Inexpensive cargo shorts
what the fuck kek

> trying to be edgy without breaking the rules
It's like trying to be so uncool that you become cool. It just doesn't happen.

Ok you get a (you) for making me laugh with that pic

They are fucking trash

cargo shorts are the best thing i have ever seen

Because comedy is meant to be at the expensive of others, you can not make a good joke with out making fun of someone or something. And guess what making fun of gays, minorities, or religions is funny. Which is why our memes are good, and your, memes, suck.

Fake and gay

>without being raycist

>hahahahahahaha how far ahead are you?
Racism is literally a tribal mindset. I guess it makes sense though, seeing how right-wing rural and suburban retards have an average IQ of 77.

all these communistic buzzword in 1 sentence

Kek its so weeb

Funny enough, all that stuff comes from reality. All the left can do is repeat common ideological phrases.

t. pussy 'men' who don't carry guns + mags + what everyone else carries like cells/wallets/keys etc

Fucking this. I came to post this shit.

>Oy vey goyim! You should buy these tight little school boy pants! Probably should shave your legs while you're at it.

Fuck those Angus Young shorts wearing faggots."Oh I don't have reasonably sized pockets,I guess I'll go full metrosexual and buy a goddamn man purse!" I"m kinda surprised about how angry I got about that shit