Ball meme thread?

Ball meme thread?

have a (you)


another for you

The sun never set

another for London mayor


Aww~ love you suomi~

Another one for your economic.

Last one for suomi alcohol


This is OC. Use it wisely.

Show your flag! Let me see IF I have your flag's collection.

Healthcare in ancap

It was actually more of a military confrontation and peace was reached in Iceland's favour due to their NATO membership

does this count?

But you guys still have the best SF in the world!

lurk moar



Hello there, Hans.

just had dolan in the captcha...


my favourite one desu

Muh favourite germany meme ball


not bad, saved






add " that your leaders let in to pay for your retirement" and you got it

Where's my aussie ball at?

Shittiest one so far

Anytime for you




Too far m8

and anotha one

And one for you and leaf


It should be,
"When you manage to jumpstart the destruction of Germany 3 times."

"... of Germany for the third time."

The latter is probably more correct.

Good luck learning English Malaysia bro.



Okay burgar bro~
Will learn hard and immigrant to US for guns and freedom desu!
I never create memeball, just saved and repost.


I love avocados too :3

A favorite of mine



When you access to unlimited meme



Sup Forumsand stronk, Sup Forumsand can into space project!


Don't we all?

the fornage of the globe is a real trip


raised in the sand

Checked and saved



What did it say achmed ?


hue good times



Rampant individualism leads to materialism


What irks me about these is that they feature TM/Copyright icons when Trademarks and Copyrights are monopoly grants bestowed upon entities by Government. In a AnCap society there would be no equivalent to the Commerce Clause.



Dumbest shit I've ever read.

The reason the EU is importing migrants is to support their own aging populations.



Sup Forums is responsible for bringing about the coming of Muad'Dib

presumably, the NHS and equivalent agencies should have that money SAVED UP for the beneficiaries, yes ... ? That's how socialism works, right?


Nobody has money "saved up". Every western nation enjoys a high standard of living due to the fact that we BORROW money.

When pensioners start to outnumber young workers then you have a problem.


In the US the concept of Social Services was predicated that we would pay into SS our entire lives and then take from it when we retire, and the youth would not be required to burden that responsibility. That's how it got started. Then they started taking that money and spending it.


Do you people even know what liberalism and neo-liberalism are?

Sorry, smart people save up for retirement and unpredicted disasters. People who borrow with no fallback always fail when the economy takes a dip.

Borrowing is why the interest rate is artificially low and the interest rate allows the West to go into trillions of dollars in debt

Not only that, but also its been greatly expanded so that a large portion of people do not pay a dime into it and still can cash in a check as elderly. The biggest slap in the face is that we aren't just supporting the poor who can't afford SS in our countries but also immigrants who haven't payed shit and have been here less than 5 years.


No, "rampant individualism" leads to the defense of self-interest, ie; your household, community, country, race. You defend what is yours rather than sacrificing it for some abstract concept of altruistic cuckoldry.

Old but gold

Not what I saw there.

Even Rovaniemi was filled with them

>Sorry, smart people save up for retirement and unpredicted disasters

that's right. and shitty economies, theft, lawsuits, divorces, and shit skin immigrants leaching off their shit will never effect them and everything will be terrific because other reasons and stuff

So stupid it hurts.
Serves them right to starve for all I care.


IT gets better.
If you complain later on they suggest you seek psychiatric help.

Until doctors start suffering because of that that nothing will change.

Can an ancap explain to me how civil court would work in that society? You can't "enslave" someone without the government enforcing it, unless it is literally just people holding each other at gunpoint all the time and mob rule comes out on top, which would just make the most well armed, the most well financed, and the most charismatic people the de facto rules of an otherwise stateless society.

Nah they still leach cuz of property tax , cuz property is one of the dankest assets. Also income tax even after retirement.

You're getting screwed by immashits no matter what unless you launder all your cash in bitcoin or something.

do any one have anything funny about Denmark?

about what?

